Fever Intermittent

Magnesia-sulph [Mag-s]

Gastric irritation; vomiting by drinking much of any fluid, especially cold water; great prostration in nerves and muscles; morning headache, (>) after breakfast. CHILL at 9 to 10 A.M., preceded by spasmodic yawning, beginning at tips of fingers and toes and going up spine. HEAT in one part of body and chill in another. During heat palms or soles feel as if burning up.

Menyanthes [Meny]

Quartan, irregular. CHILL of peripheral parts of body WITHOUT THIRST, especially of tips of fingers and toes, of tip of nose or ear-lobes LEGS ICY-COLD UP TO KNEES; chilly sensation in abdomen; cold stage, though incompletely developed in some part of body and rest of it warm, predominates. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, followed by chilly feeling; flushes of heat on trunk and back, with redness of face mingled with sensation of coldness; SWEAT from evening till morning; slow pulse.

Mercurialis-peren [Merl]

Quotidian CHILL, commencing in right arm and right side of chest, spreading over whole body, cold and chilly with dark- red cheeks and dyspnoea, can only get warm by lying down and covering up, after becoming warm perspires and sleeps. HEAT without preceding chill and rarely followed by sweat.

Mercurius [Merc]

WARM AUTUMN DAYS AND COLD DAMP NIGHTS; periodicity not marked. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, (<) in open air than in house, in the evening after lying down and in bed; chilliness in abdomen with hot of face; hands and feet constantly cold. HEAT WITH THIRST. Alternate feelings of heat and chilliness; aversion to uncover. SWEAT profuse on every motion, not relieving. APYREXIA: weakness and trembling from least exertion, gums inflamed and painful, salivation.

Mezereum [Mez]

CHILL WITH THIRST, dry mouth posteriorly, much saliva anteriorly, from upper arms extending to back and legs, even in warm room; asthmatic constriction and oppression of chest; great chilliness over whole body, without desire for warmth, or dread of open air, and without subsequent heat. HEAT: burning of internal parts with external chilliness; left side of body hot; intense heat with sleep and sweating. APYREXIA: hard swollen spleen, headache, loss of appetite, hypochondriasis and irritability.

Morphinum [Morph]

Tertian or quotidian, anticipating or postponing; feels uncomfortable and exhausted at the appearance of the fever; neuralgic pains (supraorbital, intercostal and cardiac pains); spleen enlarged; neuralgic pains (supraorbital, intercostal and cardiac pains); spleen enlarged; delirium during height of fever with raving, wants to leave the bed; great exhaustion and prostration after fever and during apyrexia; sediment in urine after fever. At indefinite times attacks of chills, heat and sweat.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

MALARIAL CACHEXIA, EXPOSURE TO EMANATIONS FROM SALT OR FRESH WATER. Patient dreads the chill, complains of languor, headache, thirst. CHILL at 8 or 9 A.M. (Apis, 3 P.M.), severe with great thirst which continues through all stages, beginning in knees, elbows and small of back; violent headache with sensation as if head would fly to pieces; great dyspnoea, ICY COLDNESS ABOUT HEART, followed by dry heat and thirst and ending in profuse sweat with relief of all symptoms; BLINDNESS AND UNCONSCIOUSNESS DURING CHILL, WITH GREAT PROSTRATION AFTER IT; internal chilliness from want of natural heat, with icy coldness of hands and feet. HEAT WITH THIRST, drinks large quantities and often, which refresh him; vomiting of bile between chill and fever or during heat; intolerable hammering headache with stupefaction, unconsciousness, blindness and fainting forcing him to lie down; fever-blisters around lips. SWEAT WITH THIRST, profuse, gradually relieving all pains, except headache (Eup. perf.); pulse intermittent, (<) when lying on left side. APYREXIA never clear; emaciation, languor, debility, livid, sallow complexion; stitches in liver and spleen; disgust for bread and craving for salt; sensation of fulness in stomach after eating ever to little.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

DAMP MOIST ATMOSPHERE OF THE SEASHORE. CHILL in the evening, going off in bed, with gaping and stretching, cannot get warm all night, without external coldness. HEAT in flushes with restlessness. SWEAT without thirst, at night, in face, on scrotum, not followed by weakness; yellow diarrhoea, mixed with green slime; restless sleep, (<) in damp wet weather, from living in damp houses or cellars; HYDROGENOID, SYCOTIC CONSTITUTION.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Quotidian tertian. CHILL in the evening, in bed, (<) from uncovering or moving; cold hands, constant coldness of feet, preventing sleep. INTERNAL DRY HEAT, with desire to uncover, dryness of throat; great heat in face and hands or hot face with cold hands. SWEAT sour, offensive, especially on parts on which he is lying; profuse sweat on soles. Aversion to meat and bread, longing for fat, APYREXIA: long-lasting cases with hepatic troubles and general cachectic condition.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Tertian or quartan, single or double. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST; skin cold and blue over whole body, (<) in open air, (>) in warm room coldness commences in left arm and lower limbs in paroxysms with sleepiness between attacks. HEAT WITH SLIGHT THIRST, drowsiness and deep sleep. DROWSINESS DURING SWEAT, cannot bear uncovering, though sweat is light. APYREXIA: nervous chills with diarrhoea, sticky dry lips and mouth, tongue adhering to roof of mouth.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

All types at all times. CHILL VIOLENT, external heat with internal chill or vice versa; thirst slight or great thirst at the period of greatest coldness, but drinking water fails to relieve thirst, (>) after nap or good sleep. Anticipating type. Congestive chill, without thirst, shaking, with blue face and hands, vertigo, anguish, delirium, vivid visions, distended abdomen and stitches in sides and abdomen. IRREGULAR PAROXYSM, sweat, then chill, then sweat, or heat first, then chill, or external heat and internal chill; constant desire to be covered, even during heat and sweat; during CHILL skin, hands, feet and face blue, during HEAT burning of hands, ears, head and face, the least uncovering chills him, buzzing in ears, vertigo; DURING SWEAT chilliness from motion or allowing the air to touch him; sweat without thirst on one side or upper part of body, but eases all the pains in limbs. APYREXIA. gastric and bilious symptoms.

Opium [Op]

CONGESTIVE CHILLS, ESPECIALLY IN CHILDREN AND ELDERLY PEOPLE. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, followed by heat with deep soporous sleep, open mouth, twitching of limbs; spasmodic contraction of facial muscles, ending in hot profuse sweat, with desire to uncover; HEAT AND SWEAT INTERMINGLE, sweat does not relieve. Aversion to food; longing for spirituous liquors. APYREXIA: cerebral congestion with profound stupor; complete indifference; suppression of secretions.

Petroleum [Petr]

Quotidians, cold stage predominates, evening fevers. CHILLINESS without thirst, face cold; cheeks, fingers and nails blue, followed by violent itching of skin. During HEAT at night covering unbearable. Sweat of single parts at different times; sweat immediately after a chill, hot stage absent. Aversion to fat, meat and all warm-cooked food; ravenous hunger or no appetite.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Periodicity not marked, cerebral symptoms predominant. CHILL without thirst, especially evening, with blue nails, tearing in wrists, cold finger tips and paretic feelings in arms; shaking chill followed by such great HEAT that he almost became unconscious, internal heat without being not to the touch. THIRST ONLY DURING SWEAT, profuse, clammy, exhausting morning sweat. APYREXIA: weakness and apathy.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Quotidian, same hour every day. CHILL without thirst, over whole trunk, not relieved by external covering, but aversion to covering, his limbs from knee down being icy-cold; HEAT AND SWEAT at night, with thirst, WITH RAVENOUS HUNGER WHICH COULD NOT BE APPEASED, AT NIGHT FEELS FAINT; thirst and wants something cold and refreshing which relieves till it gets warm in stomach, when it is ejected; hot flushes over whole body, beginning in hands. MORNING SWEAT, most profuse during sleep, exhausting, sometimes clammy; profuse sweat over body on slight exertion.

Plantago-maj [Plan]

INTERMITTENTS WHICH RUN THEIR COURSE FOR MANY WEEKS OR MONTHS, either daily or at intervals, repeated every, 2, 3, 4, 7, or 14 days during daytime, in spite of any so-called febrifuge. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, (<) when moving about, hands and feet cold even in warm room. HEAT WITH THIRST, room seems hot and close, oppression of chest, rapid respiration, head feels hot, painful, dull and stupid, hands hot and clammy. SWEAT cold over lumbar and sacral region. APYREXIA : great mental depression, relaxation of the sphincter vesicae.

Plumbum [Plb]

Marsh intermittents with quotidian or double tertian type; splenic region painful to touch; chill with thirst and red face, (<) evening; heat with thirst, anxiety, red face and sleepiness; sweat clammy, cold; (<) in open air and when exercising.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.