Fever Intermittent

Helleborus [Hell]

Quartan type. CHILL spreads from arms with pains in joints, especially knees; horrible convulsions with extreme coldness; BURNING HEAT of body with internal chilliness; SWEAT cold, clammy, sticky; arms continually in motion except when asleep; rheumatic pains in knees.

Hepar [Hep]

Quotidian at different hours, but regular as to time. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, (<) in open air, (>) by heat, which does not relieve; nettlerash with violent itching and stinging, disappearing as heat begins, wants to be well covered. HEAT WITH THIRST, headache and slight delirium, flushing heat in face and head; fever-blisters around mouth. SWEAT, with flushes of heat, profuse day and night without relief, (<) from any motion; constant offensive exhalations from body; cold, clammy, profuse, sour-smelling sweat at night, (<) on perineum, groins and inside of thighs. APYREXIA never clear, constitutional symptoms always present.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Quotidians with considerable hepatic or gastric disturbance in cachectic persons. CHILL, morning or evening, especially in back or thighs, with aching. HEAT in flushes over face, neck and hands or great heat of body followed by faintness, sinking, goneness of stomach and general debility. SWEAT profuse, offensive, of the genital organs.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Congestive chills, from feet up to back, tertian, or quartan at 11 A.M. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, (<) at night, with short, dry, hacking cough, with burning redness of face, chill alternating with heat; all senses too sensitive. HEAT WITH THIRST, skin hot and dry to touch, with distended veins, heat along the whole spine, running up back; hallucinations; fibrillar twitchings; insomnia; epileptiform convulsions. SWEAT profuse, mostly on legs. APYREXIA: debility, illusions of vision, difficult to swallow liquids; vertigo, dryness of mouth and frequent cough; pulse small.

Ignatia [Ign]

Paroxysms irregular, more postponing than anticipating; violent gaping and stretching before. CHILL WITH GREAT THIRST for large quantities of water, commencing in upper arms and spreading to back and chest, (>) AT ONCE IN A WARM ROOM OR BY A HOT STOVE; shaking chill with redness of face, ill humor, nausea, vomiting of food and mucus. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, with sensation of dryness of skin; external heat and redness without internal heat, wants to be uncovered as soon as heat and begins; heat and coldness of single parts; deep snoring sleep during heat, frequent sighing; nettlerash over body, with violent itching, (>) by scratching, disappearing with sweat. SWEAT WITHOUT THIRST, fainting during year. APYREXIA COMPLETE, eruption on lips and corners of mouth; face very pale.

Iodum [Iod]

Quartan and tertian fevers at any time, but more at night. Quartan fevers with a constant diarrhoea on days free from fever; left hypochondriacal region hard and acutely painful to touch; ravenous hunger and emaciation. SHAKING CHILL, even in warm room, cold feet the whole night; chill often alternating with heat. Hot flushes of HEAT over body, internal heat with coldness of the body. SWEAT WITH THIRST, profuse, cold, viscid sweat at night. APYREXIA: sallow distressed look; gets anxious and worried if he does not eat, yet loses flesh all the time while eating freely.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Gastrosis during apyrexia and during paroxysm. Postponing of irregular. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, short, (<) in a warm place and from external heat, (>) by drinking and in open air, hands and feet icy cold and wet with cold sweat, redness of one cheek and paleness of other. HEAT WITH THIRST, long-lasting, nausea and vomiting, anxious oppressed breathing and dry hacking cough; unequal distribution of heat, head and face hot, one hand hot the other cold. SWEAT on upper parts of body, (<) by motion and in open air, sour sweat with turbid urine; light sweat in uncomplicated cases; profuse after abuse of quinine. APYREXIA: constant persistent nausea, relapses from errors in diet, bad taste in mouth, languor and debility.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Complaints appear periodically, as dysentery every year in the beginning of summer, headache every morning at same hour. CHILL, 4 P.M., WITHOUT THIRST, commencing in feet and legs and going upward, with sensation as if vertex were constricted; chilliness and giddiness and nausea, followed by heat, with sensation of cold and trembling. HEAT WITH THIRST, face and hands glowing hot, while arms are cold and deep internal chilliness continued. SWEAT profuse while sitting quietly.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Acts better in children than in adults. CHILL AND HOT STAGE moderate, but the SWEATING STAGE unusually long, protracted, exhausting; viscid and profuse.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Intermittents with whooping-cough (Drosera). Quotidian. CHILL WITH THIRST, (<) after eating, on every motion, toward evening, in bed. Chilliness, then heat, then chilliness again. Evening chill (>) near warm stove and when lying down; vomiting and spasmodic pain in chest at night, with short breath, internal anxiety and much perspiration. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, stitching pains in chest and head, pulsations in abdomen; internal heat, external chilliness, with dyspnoea. SWEAT all night without relief, (<) on least mental or physical exertion. APYREXIA: chest constricted, right hypochondrium painful and sore to touch; aversion to food, especially bread; intense thirst at all times.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

CHILL WITH THIRST from afternoon till next morning, with sleepiness, creeping up back and extending over whole body, (>) by warmth of bed, but not by heat of stove; cannot get warm with any amount of covering, feels like freezing; HEAT WITH THIRST followed by excessive coldness with trembling; flushes of heat with dry skin; SWEAT scanty or occurs during hot stage. APYREXIA: nocturnal bone-pains, glands swollen.

Lachesis [Lach]

PERIODICITY STRONGLY MARKED, quotidian, tertian, quartan every two weeks. Paroxysms return annually every spring, after suppression by quinine the previous autumn; relapses from taking acids. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, commencing in small of back and running up to head, with chattering of teeth and soreness of chest, (>) by heat of stove, but none from lying in bed. Patient, especially a child, must be held firmly to relieve the pain in head and chest and prevent shaking. HEAT WITH THIRST, violent headache, livid complexion; oppression of chest; deep breathing and sleep or great loquacity; internal sensation of heat with cold feet; burning in palms and soles, must be uncovered; flushes of heat with great sensitiveness of throat at night. SWEAT PROFUSE, giving relief, warm. APYREXIA clear, great weakness of the whole body in the morning on rising; FEVER RETURNS EVERY SPRING.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

CHILL with glistening eyes and icy coldness of body, (>) by warmth; HEAT with delirium, brilliant eyes, circumscribed red cheeks.

Ledum [Led]

Double quotidian. CHILL WITH THIRST. Shaking chill over whole back, as if cold water were poured over it, with hot cheeks and hot forehead, without redness of face; violent chills and horripilations with cold limbs; chill with colic every evening. HEAT all over without thirst; warmth of bed intolerable on account of heat and burning in limbs. SWEAT without itching, sour-smelling sweat, cannot bear covering. APYREXIA: rheumatic or gouty complications.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

CHILL WITH THIRST, coldness (<) after drinking; general shivering alternating with flushes of heat. HEAT AND SWEAT mixed up or alternating; asthma and laborious breathing, with weakness and sensation in stomach as if too full. SWEAT accompanied by sleep.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Any type and at any time, (<) 4 to 8 or at 7 P.M. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, over whole body, cannot get warm near stove, with yawning, nausea, inclination to vomit, chilliness starting from back and extending over whole body, warm numbness and icy coldness of hands and feet, or ONE FOOT WARM, THE OTHER COLD. HEAT WITH THIRST for small quantities at a time; heat and redness of face with irresistible tendency to sleep; nausea after cold drinks, warm drinks are grateful; sour vomiting during hot stage. Sour eructations, taste, vomiting, sweat are all sour. SWEAT profuse, immediately after chill, without intervening heat, thirst after sweat. Canine hunger, but a few mouthfuls satisfy. APYREXIA; mixed, gastric and abdominal symptoms red sand in urine, constipation, great bodily prostration.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

Not much periodicity, quotidians in late afternoon and evening. CHILL in bed, as if dashed with cold water; chill running up the back, lessened by outdoor exercise; coldness in feet as if wading in cold water. HEAT at night all over with great aversion to uncover. SWEAT profuse, sour, oily with thirst. Desire for meat and acid drinks.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Chill even near stove, (>) in open air and in bed, followed before midnight by heat and after midnight by sweat, with thirst lasting till morning; quotidian, starting at 4 P.M.; desire for sweets.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.