Fever Intermittent

Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]

Time 10 A.M., 3 and 10 P.M., tertian, anteponing. CHILL WITH THIRST, pale face, lips and nails blue; dorsal vertebrae painful on pressure, trembling in limbs. HEAT WITH EXCESSIVE THIRST, hot dry skin, dry mouth and fauces; flushed face, delirium; distension of veins of arms and legs; pain in spine on pressure. SWEAT WITH GREAT THIRST, which gradually breaks out while perfectly quiet and becomes profuse; morning sweat; pain in lumbar vertebrae and sacrum on pressure. APYREXIA with great thirst, in short when chill begins again; spleen swollen and


Cicuta-vir [Cic]

Periodicity not marked. Quotidian afternoon. CHILL begins in chest and extends to arms and legs, with disposition to stare at one point; icy coldness of body, especially abdomen, with desire for warmth and to be near the hot stove. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, sensation of hot water in chest, arms, legs and ears, burning and redness of face, constant desire for fresh air. SWEAT on abdomen, towards morning hours and feels better after it.

Cimex-lect [Cimx]

Tertian and quartan at any time of day or night. Before attack: thirst with pain in bones of limbs several hours before chill begins. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, commencing in parts which first become cold; cold shuddering as if cold water were poured over her; great drowsiness; hands and feet feel dead; pain in joints, as if tendons were too short, contracted, especially knees; oppression of chest, takes often a long breath. After chill thirst, but drinking causes headache and inability to think. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, but desire to drink on account of dryness of throat with feeling of pressure and gagging in oesophagus, followed by ravenous hunger. Musty- smelling SOUR SWEAT, WITHOUT THIRST, which relieves. APYREXIA: much thirst, and drinks easily.

Cina [Cina]

PERIODICITY WELL MARKED, AT SAME HOUR EVERY DAY, evening; tertian, quartan. Ravenous hunger before and during paroxysm. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, with hot cheeks; shivering creeping over trunk, not relieved by external warmth; cold, pale face, cold sweat on forehead, nose and hands; vomiting during chill. HEAT WITH THIRST; face puffed, pale around mouth and nose, with redness of cheeks and thirst for cold drinks, and very short breath. SWEAT WITHOUT THIRST, light, followed by vomiting of food and canine hunger, tongue always clean. APYREXIA: warm symptoms; irritable, peevish and obstinate; breath foul; may be the epidemic remedy for children, when adults need other drugs.

Cocculus [Cocc]

CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, with severe colic, not relieved by warmth, more in back and legs, towards evening; cold stage predominant. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, intolerance of cold and warm air; head heavy and aching, on rising vertigo; glowing hot with coldness of body. SWEAT from evening to morning, during slightest motion. APYREXIA not clear, paralytic weakness in back; nervous sensation of seasickness.

Coffea [Coff]

Oversensitiveness. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST ascends from periphery to head and runs down the back. HEAT WITH THIRST and shivering down the back when lying down at night; dry warmth of face and body, yet dreads uncovering. MORNING SWEAT WITH THIRST. Quartan fevers.

Colchicum [Colch]

EPIDEMIC OR AUTUMNAL INTERMITTENTS on a rheumatic or gouty basis. CHILLS running down back, even in a warm room, extremities cold, (<) on motion. HEAT WITH GREAT THIRST the whole night, especially on face and extremities. SWEAT-sour- smelling or absent. APYREXIA; gastric symptoms, cannot bear the smell of cooking food, nausea.

Cornus-circ [Corn]

Intermittents with chill and sweat predominating; diarrhoea with profuse sweats and general physical and mental prostration; great disposition to sleep, countenance to sleep, countenance sunken, yellow, indicative of suffering and debility.

Cornus-flor [Corn-f]

Miasmatic fevers; paroxysms preceded by SLEEPINESS, headache and dulness; CHILL severe, with clammy skin, or feels warm to the touch, nausea, vomiting and violent pains in abdomen. HEAT WITH THIRST and drowsiness; burning throbbing headache, stupor followed by PROFUSE SWEAT or absent. APYREXIA: gastric irritation, jaundice and painful diarrhoea; debility.

Curare [Cur]

PERNICIOUS FEVERS WITH CONTINUOUS CHILLINESS; quotidian, 2 to 3 P.M. and continuing well into the night. HEAT BURNING, accompanied by partial or transient chills; incoherent speech; great prostration; paralysis of extremities. SWEAT cold and bloody, especially at night; (>) by dampness, cold weather and motion; (>) after first mouthful of food.

Elaps-coral [Elaps]

CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, (<) by drinking cold water; chill and heat alternating, icy coldness in chest and abdomen after drinking; arms cold by putting them in water. HEAT WITH THIRST, alternating with chilliness, vertigo with tendency to fall forward; heat at night, he must uncover; dyspnoea and flushes of heat at night. SWEAT COLD and profuse. Quotidian.

Elaterium [Elat]

INTERMITTENTS WITH CHOLERA-LIKE ATTACKS; when chills are suppressed urticaria appears; frequent change of type. CHILLINESS WITH THIRST, GAPING AND STRETCHING, all through the chill; backache and cramps in legs and soles of feet. HEAT

WITH INTENSE THIRST; cutting pains in bowels, nausea, vomiting and copious frothy stools. COPIOUS SWEAT which relieves.

APYREXIA: urticaria, relieved by rubbing; intermittents suppressed by quinine.

Eucalyptus [Eucal]

Constant tendency to chills and fever; patient being comparatively well for a week or two and then relapsing; relapsing fevers of a malarious origin, in which spleen becomes affected early in the disease, being first swollen and sensitive, becomes hard and resistant; VERTIGO IN ALL STAGES; dull, congestive headache; malaise; jerking, tearing, or stitching pains, (<) at night; SWEAT OFFENSIVE. Quotidian, tertian or double tertian. APYREXIA: extreme muscular weakness and blunted sensations, mind clear.

Eupatorium-perf [Eup-per]

All types, anteponing at 9 A.M. mostly. Before attack; insatiable thirst, drinking hastens chill and causes vomiting; gaping, STRETCHING AND BONE-PAINS IN EXTREMITIES. CHILL WITH GREAT THIRST. begins in back, between shoulders or lower down, not (>) by heat, comes and goes; bitter vomiting at close. HEAT WITH HARDLY ANY THIRST; great weakness, cannot raise head while heat lasts; cheeks deep red; intense throbbing headache; body sore from head to foot; a swallow of water causes shuddering. SWEAT SCANTY AND ABSENT, sometimes profuse cold sweat at night, which relieves all pain except headache; sweat absent or light when chill is hard. APYREXIA imperfect; jaundice, bone-pains, loose cough. Autumnal fevers of miasmatic marshy regions; DOUBLE PERIODICITY: CHILL ONE DAY IN THE MORNING, NEXT DAY IN THE EVENING.

Eupatorium-purp [Eup-pur]

Double tertian or quartan at any time of day. CHILL WITH THIRST begins in lumbar region, passing up and down and then extends over body; violent bone-pains; blue lips and nails; desire for hot drinks or for cold acid drinks; violent shaking with little coldness. LONG LASTING HEAT with thirst, bone-pains and hunger as heat passes off. SWEAT WITHOUT THIRST, mostly on upper part of body; chilly down the back, when changing position. APYREXIA: frequent desire to urinate; weak, tired and faint urinary symptoms; dizziness with persistent sensation of falling to the left.

Ferrum [Ferr]

PROTRACTED, IRREGULAR CASES WITH FEVER-CAKES IN LIVER AND SPLEEN, particularly after abuse of quinine; general haemorrhagic diathesis; extreme paleness of face which becomes red and flushed on the least pain, emotion or exertion. Vomiting of food as chill comes on. CHILL WITH THIRST, in frequent short attacks, hands and feet cold and numb, face glowing hot. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST; sensation of heat all over body which is cold to touch; great heat of palms of hands and soles of feet; heat of stomach with vomiting; dry heat, (<) towards evening, with desire to uncover, (>) by moving about; face fiery red. SWEAT profuse, long-lasting, exhausting, (>) while sweating. APYREXIA : prostration, debility and great loss of muscular power; oedema of face and feet; vomiting of undigested food; weak and tired, but (>) when walking slowly about; moderate headache; chronic diarrhoea or lienteria; constipation; anaemic murmurs.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Simple, uncomplicated cases, especially in sensitive, nervous patients; marked PERIODICITY, same hour of day, quotidian or tertian. CHILL WITHOUT THIRST, running up and down the back from loins to head and face; NERVOUS CHILL SEVERE THOUGH SKIN IS WARM, WANTS TO BE HELD IN ORDER NOT TO SHAKE SO MUCH (Lachesis). BURNING HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, with desire to lie still and to sleep, feeling so tired that the least exertion is objected to; semi-stupor during the long-lasting heat. SWEAT moderate or profuse, but relieving pains, most profuse on genitals; thirst during sweat. APYREXIA short, great prostration of muscular system.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.