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Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Chronic malaria in cachectic persons with dead, dirty withered skin; palpitation and fluttering of heart; dyspnoea; splenitic stitches; suppressed menses, leucorrhoea; diminished sexual desire; sadness; gets easily tired, (>) towards evening; sand and tearful disposition.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Irritable and angry; anxious about little things, headache; with bilious or sour vomiting, (<) morning; pale, earthy face; feeling badly after bread or sour things; craving for chalk; nausea and vomiting mornings and after eating; cardialgia, with wind in stomach, (>) from drinking something hot; obstinate constipation; dreads motion and fresh air.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Deep-seated chronic cases, with tubercular diathesis, brought on by depressing mental influences, such as grief, worriment, by exhausting bodily causes. Puffiness around the eyes; dry, hacking cough; great weakness in the sexual organs; total loss of energy in all the organic functions of the body.

Plumbum [Plb]

Severe old chronic cases, after abuse of iron; want of breath and great oppression of chest during motion; palpitation; vomiting of food mornings, with great weakness; pronounced sound in right carotid about neck; gastralgia; menses regular, but pale; face pale, waxy, yellowish, like a corpse; every exertion is too much; constipation, with stool like sheep’s dung.

Platina [Plat]

Irritable women, inclined to sadness, easily frightened, great anxiety and fear of death; shivering all over the body; pale and worn face; mucous, clammy taste; inappetency or bulimy; burning; contracting, throbbing pain in stomach and abdomen; constipation or painful and profuse menstruation.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

After abuse of iron or quinine; face pale and puffed, with sensation of confusion in head and dizziness; slimy, insipid, putrid taste and foul breath; dislike to all food; no thirst, but desire for beer, liquors, lemonade; frequent acid or bitter eructations; nausea; greenish, slimy of bilious vomiting; shooting, pulsating pains in pit of stomach and abdomen (<) by touch or motion; suppression of menses with colic, nausea and general coldness of the body; thick, acrid leucorrhoea, oedema of the feet; constant chilliness; great tremulousness, weariness and nocturnal sleeplessness; tendency to diarrhoea.

Sabina [Sabin]

Amenorrhoea; frontal headache, pressing down upon eyes; (<) in morning on rising, (>) in fresh air; blue rings around eyes; nausea and qualmishness when in a crowd; burning in pit of stomach, with twisting and gurgling in bowels; bearing down; pain in extremities, (<) at night; lassitude and sleeplessness.

Senecio [Senec]

Chlorosis in scrofulous girls, with dropsy, anaemia; dysmenorrhoea, especially where the strumous habit is present; leucorrhoea instead of menses, or with urinary troubles, retarded and scanty menses.

Sepia [Sep]

Chloasma of face and bridge of nose; uneasiness in presence of strangers; sudden flushes; staring at trifles; dreams with good sleep; bearing down as if everything would come out of the genitals; leucorrhoea yellowish and passing away in starts; swelling of external genital organs, with itching, burning and soreness; intermittent pulsations of heart; palpitation; nausea brought on even by the smell of cooking; tongue coated, mostly at root, clearing off in patches, leaving red surface; irritable and averse to her usual household duties.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Heat of head with cold feet; inclination to religious reveries; inflammation of eyelids; frequent, unsuccessful desire for stool; oppression of chest with palpitation of heart; exhaustion even from talking, (<) while standing; sleepy in daytime, restless at night: perspires easily; faint before dinner; leucorrhoea; menses too late, of short duration, or suppressed; blood thick, dark, acrid, makes things sore.

Thuja [Thuj]

Chlorosis with oedematous swelling, first of face, about abdomen in both lower extremities; menses at right time, but profuse and watery; aphthae; longs for cold food and drink.

Ustilago [Ust]

Chlorosis with amenorrhoea and tendency to phthisis pulmonum; dry fatiguing cough, with stitching pains in chest, especially left side; night sweats; no appetite; great debility; pain in ovaries, especially left side; menses scanty, with ovarian irritation, or profuse, frequent, containing coagula.

Veratrum-alb [Verat]

Girls inclined to melancholy and sadness; excessive chronic weakness; emaciation; cold, wan and pale face, thirst with desire for acids, or very cold drinks, but vomits immediately afterwards; menses suppressed, with delirium; pains in loins and back, rapid swelling and icy coldness of feet.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.