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Catarrh Chronic

Homeopathy treatment for Catarrh Chronic from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Catarrh Chronic…

Chronic Catarrh of the Head

Aesculus-hip [Aesc]

Colds extending from posterior nares down the pharynx, with dryness, scraping and burning; secreted mucus drops low down and causes choking; formication in the nose; patient weak, with soft pulse, backache, constipation and piles.

Agaricus [Agar]

(Amanita).- Smell of vinegar unbearable; running coryza, with bad odor from nose and running of water from eyes, occasionally the discharge is dark and bloody; BAD ODOR FROM NOSE AND MOUTH, NO ONE CAN INHALE THE BREATH WITHOUT DISGUST; pressure in fauces as if a foreign body lodged there, which cannot be removed by swallowing; dull drawing headache in the morning, extending into root of nose, with nosebleed or thick, mucous discharge; incipient tuberculosis.

Alumina [Alum]

(Argilla).- Chronic nasal catarrh, with scurfy sore nostrils and discharge of thick yellow pus; catarrh of long standing with old people; uterine derangement and LEUCORRHOEA ALTERNATING WITH CATARRH OF NOSE AND THROAT; nose swollen, red and sore to the touch; scanty secretion with smarting sensation; redness of nose, tip cracked; after blowing nose glittering before eyes; glazed or varnished appearance of the posterior wall of the pharynx (Natr. ars., Natr. m.,); great of throat, especially on waking, voice husky, constant hawking and sensation of lump in throat; thick mucus dropping from posterior nares; swallowing painful, (>) after warm drinks and in open air; disposition to take cold from slightest exposure; obstinate constipation.

Ambra-gris [Ambr]

Gray nasal secretion with foetid breath; choking and vomiting when hawking up phlegm from fauces, accompanied by rawness; papular-like eruption in pharynx.

Antimonium-sulph-aurat [Ant-s]

Offensive and obstinate nasal catarrh; increased mucus from nose and throat; bleeding from nose on washing; constant nausea; mucus from throat becomes offensive to smell; pressure in throat as a plug stuck in it.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Chronic nasal catarrh with increased and crusty nostrils; polypus nasi; tenacious mucus discharged from throat morning and evening.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Pain and swelling of right ala; left nasal bones painful, bleeding pimples on septum; violent itching in nose, compelling rubbing till it looked raw; ulcers in nose, with yellow scabs; scurfs in nose exceedingly painful, bleeding if detached; bloody and purulent discharge in open air, stopped in-doors, and at night smell of pus; catarrh with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing, violent stupefying headache; aching pain in forehead, going into eyes.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Slimy discharge that seem to burn its way over the skin to upper lip; discharge biting and burning; distressing stoppage at bridge of nose, with excessive burning; which continues after the discharge appears; malaria; (>) in warm room, (<) at night and in open air.

Arsenicum-iodat [Ars-i]

Malaria; persons with pale, delicate skin, enlarged tonsils, defective nutrition, with tendency to passive oedema, shown by puffiness of the eyelids; tuberculous diathesis; the discharge of the nasal or laryngeal catarrh is generally copious and thin, but sometimes scanty and thick, yellow like yellow honey, or tenacious and frothy. Discharge of very irritating and corrosive

watery mucus, burning the nostrils and lip, attended with alternate chills and heat; foetid and corrosive otorrhoea; enlargement of tonsils with tendency to induration.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Intermitting tearing pains from within outward in bones of the nose, with a greenish offensive discharge, (<) at night; sensation of dryness in mouth and throat; caries; after mercury or in scrofula.

Aurum-met [Aur]

Caries of nasal bones, foetid discharge of greenish-yellow pus; salty-tasting watery discharge through posterior nares; ulcerated, agglutinated painful nostrils, cannot breathe through nose; loss of smell and discharge of blood through nose; HABITUAL NASAL TONE OF VOICE; melancholy, with horrible gloom and depression, or even suicidal mood; red, swollen and ulcerated tonsils, with difficult deglutition; caries of palate.

Aurum-mur [Aur-m]

Scrofulous diathesis; ozaena of left nostril; shuns company on account of bad odor from his nose; sensitive, painful sores inside and discharge of blood; snuffles of a baby; mucus passes from posterior nares into throat, mornings; nasal cavity deeply ulcerated with dry, yellow scurf and sense of obstruction;

frequent desire to swallow from sensation of a plug in throat.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Nose dry at night, moist during day; discharge thick slimy, mixed with blood, sometimes offensive; edges of nostrils sore; swelling of nose, especially of root, frequently coming and going; discharge stops in morning and thus cases a dull, stupefying headache; smell before nose of manure or rotten eggs; peculiar raw feeling in vocal organs, often with chronic hoarseness; nosebleed in the morning; swelling of nose and upper lip in children.

Conium [Con]

Boring in nostrils; smell of animals in back part of nose; heat of face, congestion to head, with catarrhal sensation; purulent discharge from nose, hardened crusts.

Corallium [Cor-r]

Ulceration of nose; painful ulcer on inside of right wing, with sensation as if nasal bones were pressed asunder; profuse secretion of mucus through posterior nares, obliging one to hawk frequently; the inspired air feels cold; great dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat; longing for acids and salt food.

Elaps-coral [Elaps]

Bad smell from nose and mouth; coryza from least current of air; discharge of white, watery mucus from nose, often greenish or blood-streaked scabs; constriction with pressure in throat, so that the beverage is arrested; tongue swollen and whitish in morning; when swallowing the pain extends into ears; frequent headaches, especially in occiput; after eating obstruction in oesophagus as if a sponge had lodged there.

Fluoric-acid [Fl-ac]

Chronic nasitis, with pain; chronic obstruction on nose, with dull, heavy pain in forehead, followed by semifluent coryza; pimple with extensive inflamed base on the top of the nose.

Graphites [Graph]

Nose feels sore on blowing; blowing bloody mucus out of nose; catarrh with obstruction of nose; heat in forehead and face; oppression of chest, numbness of head, and heat in nose, with loss of smell; severe stuffed catarrh, with much nausea and headache, without vomiting; must lie down; fluent coryza, with frequent catarrh and frequent sneezing, with oppressive pains in submaxillary glands; stoppage of Eustachian tubes, with roaring in ears and crackling when swallowing; exposed parts sensitive to air, as if he would easily take cold; foetid discharge, (<) during menses; eruption around anus and genitals.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Sore pain in dorsum, bones are sore to the touch; heat and burning in nose; ulcerative pain in nostrils; drawing pain in nose passing into the eyes; becoming a smarting there; pain lasts far into the night; drawing and burning pains; annoying occlusion of nostrils; crusts and scabs; interior of nose painful and sensitive to air, bad smell; scrofula; hard, glandular swellings around neck.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Thick, tenacious, white or yellowish secretion, more from the posterior nares, dropping down into throat; soreness of cartilaginous septum, bleeding when touched; inner edge of right ala sore and thickened; sensation as of a hair in nostrils; ozaena, with blood purulent discharge;; dull, heavy frontal headache over the eyes, with dull pin in hypogastrium and scream; constipation; general atony; ulcers in throat; especially after mercury.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Aching pain at root of nose, with acrid discharge; pinching pain across bridge, with stuffed nostrils, especially at junction of cartilage and bone, relieved by hard pressing; ulceration of cartilage quite through, with great soreness; ulceration of frontal sinuses, with violent headache at root of nose, and in frontal prominences if discharge stops; on blowing nose, sensation a if two bones rubbed together; sensation as if nostrils were made of parchment; a spot in right lachrymal bone is swollen and inflamed, internal ulceration, with thin watery discharge or collection of elastic plugs, which cause great pain in removal and leave nose very sore; watery discharge with redness of nose and putrid smell; nose often painful and dry, or watery discharge, excoriating nose and upper lip, with sore and swollen alae; foetid smell; complete loss of smell; perforating ulcers on septum, (<) in warm weather, (>) by lying down.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Obstruction of nose; making breathing through nostrils impossible; goes off in open air when walking, but returns in the room; itching in nose; foetid yellow-greed discharge from one nostril; bloody red nostrils every morning; external nose red, swollen; stinging pains.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Ulceration of internal nose, involving the frontal sinuses and antrum Highmori; nose red and swollen, with constant discharge of acrid, watery, colorless liquid, with violent lachrymation; anxious expression and restlessness; discharge of burning, corroding matter from nose; inflammation extends to eyes; painful hammering in frontal region, with compressed feeling of both sides of brain.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.

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