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CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM…


This is a cerebro-spinal irritant; through it, the female sexual organs, and gastro-intestinal canal are especially affected.

On the Head, it produces sudden stupefaction; vertigo, and dull pressing headache; obscuration of sight; dilatation of the pupils; sleep disturbed by bad dreams; excessive sadness and melancholy.

On the Gastro-intestinal Canal, it causes violent vomiting and purging; sometimes vomiting of blood with cold sweats; singing in the ears, and swimming of the head.

On the Generative Organs of Women, it causes profuse menstruation; blood, black and lumpy, and attended with hard labor pains.


Menorrhagia, with stupefaction of the whole head, and obscuration of sight, as if a fog were before the eyes.

Scanty, painful or suppressed menstruation, with headache, vertigo, swollen eyelids, pale face, lips and gums, loss of appetite, no thirst, and palpitation of the heart.’.

Menses every two to four months, with excessive labor-like pains; vertigo; pressive pains in the forehead; anaemia; fits of fainting, and constant chilliness of the whole body.

Suppression of the menses, with melancholy dizziness and headache; wants to be alone; weeping does her good; swelling of the eyelids; pale lips and gums; heart’s action violent; always tired; loss of appetite and constipation.

Dr. Eidherr says, he found it very efficacious, with blonde, leucophlegmatic subjects, in whom, besides retarded, suppressed, or scanty menstruation, or complete chlorosis, there was disinclination for any kind of labor, fatigue from slight causes, continual sleepiness and chilliness all over the body, which no amount of covering would relieve.

This shows that Cyclamen has a special and specific action upon the posterior portion of the spinal cord, very similar to Pulsatilla.

Constant chilliness, with great desire for fresh air.

Vertigo, diplopia and strabismus.

Periodical, semilateral headache, with dizziness; diplopia; skin, eyelids, lips and gums very pale; much chilliness.

After eating the least quantity, disgust and nausea in the palate and throat, with much dimness of vision; fiery sparks before the eyes, and intermittent thirst.

The symptoms are aggravated in the evening, during rest, sitting, standing and lying.

The 3rd, 6th and 30th are the potencies generally used.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881