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Corneal diseases

Homeopathy treatment for Corneal diseases from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Corneal diseases…

Aconite [Acon]

First stage of ulceration. Superficial ulceration of the cornea of TRAUMATIC ORIGIN, or from exposure to the open air; conjunctiva very red, even to chemosis, photophobia and lachrymation; or the eye is dry, hot, burning and sensitive to air. Patient restless, feverish and thirsty.

Alumen [Alumn]

Purulent ophthalmia of children; spots on cornea; staphyloma corneae.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Scrofulous, parenchymatous keratitis, with dim, vascular cornea, hot lachrymation, contracted pupils, photophobia; pustular keratitis, with dark-red, chemosed conjunctiva and swollen lids; pupil cannot be seen through the smoky, discolored cornea; severe stinging and shooting pains through the eyes, with swollen, oedematous condition of the lids and conjunctiva; patient drowsy and thirstless.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

ULCERATION OF THE CORNEA IN NEWBORN INFANTS OR FROM ANY FORM OF PURULENT OPHTHALMIA, WITH PROFUSE DISCHARGE FROM THE EYES. Ulceration, with halo around the light by day, and darting pains through the eye, morning and evening; ameliorated in the cool open air, and worse in a warm room. Lids red, thick, swollen; conjunctiva oedematous, and the discharge of whitish-yellow pus profuse.

Arnica [Arn]

Traumatic ulceration, with much haemorrhage into the anterior chamber. (Superficial traumatic ulcerations yield more readily to Aconite).

Arsenicum [Ars]

Especially for scrofulous, anaemic, restless children. Ulceration superficial, with a tendency to recur first in one eye and then in the other. EXCESSIVE PHOTOPHOBIA; Lachrymation hot, burning, acrid and profuse; pains BURNING, sticking, throbbing, pulsating; WORSE AT NIGHT, especially after midnight; bathing with warm water relieves; eyeballs sore to touch; conjunctiva red; marked soreness on the internal surface of the lids, which are oedematous, spasmodically closed, and often excoriated by the acrid discharge.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Ulceration, accompanied by iritic pains, extending from within outward, and relieved by rest and pressure.

Aurum [Aur]

Ulceration of the cornea, especially when occurring during course of pannus and scrofulous ophthalmia. CORNEA QUITE VASCULAR; patient irritable and sensitive to noise; cervical glands enlarged and inflamed; marked photophobia; lachrymation profuse and scalding; eyes very sensitive to touch. The pains extend from without inward, and are worse on touch (reverse of Asafoetida).

Belladonna [Bell]

Superficial ulceration of cornea, with intense photophobia and some throbbing pain, (<) afternoon and evening.

Cadmium [Cadm-s]

Opacity of cornea connected with slow inflammation and blennorrhoea from injuries; macula corneae covering pupil, bluish, much impeding sight.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Particularly valuable for corneal ulceration in fat, unhealthy children with a large abdomen who sweat much, especially about the head, and are very susceptible to cold air, also in deep, sloughing ulcers, found in weak, cachectic persons. Pains, redness, photophobia, lachrymation are variable with no characteristic eye symptoms; pus is mostly bland and the opacity of cornea milky white or bluish. Calcarea, ars, ought to be remembered.

Calcarea-hypophos [Calc-hp]

DEEP SLOUGHING ULCERS or abscesses found in weak, debilitated individuals, especially indicated in crescentic ulcers following purulent conjunctivitis, excessive photophobia.

Calcarea-iodata [Calc-i]

Ulcerations in strumous subjects, with enlargement of tonsils and cervical glands.

Cannabis [Cann-i]

Active inflammation and cornea very vascular; maculae and ulcers on cornea, which becomes opaque and a pellicle appears on it.

Cantharis [Canth]

Superficial ulcerations caused by burns, with burning pains and lachrymation.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Ulceration in cross, peevish children during dentition.

China [Chin]

(China mur.).–Ulceration of malarial origin or dependent upon

anaemia, especially when the iris became affected with severe pain in or above the eye, periodic in character, especially when accompanied by chills. Ulcers found in course of pannus, with much pain in the morning.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Ulcers, with sharp neuralgic pains through the eye into the head.

Cinnabaris [Cinnb]

Pain above the eye, extending from the internal to the external canthus, or running around the eye; photophobia, lachrymation.

Conium [Con]

Superficial ulceration in which the surface of the cornea is only abraded; thus owing to the exposure of the terminal filaments of the nerves or to hyperaesthesia, there are INTENSE PHOTOPHOBIA and much lachrymation, lids are spasmodically closed, and when opened a profuse gush of tears occurs (Rhus). Discharge usually slight, pains variable, (<) by any light. Very little or no redness of the conjunctiva. Strumous condition, enlarged glands, etc.

Croton-tigl [Croto-t]

Ulceration with marked pain in the supraciliary region at night; especially if accompanied by vesicular eruption on face and lids.

Condurango [Cund]

Superficial ulceration, with sores and cracks at the corners of the mouth.

Duboisin [Dubin]

Lower form of ulceration, more or less deep, WITHOUT photophobia or lachrymation.

Eserine [Esin]

Sloughing ulceration of cornea, with tendency to increased intraocular tension.

Euphrasia [Euphr]

Superficial ulceration (sometimes with pannus); photophobia, profuse, acrid, burning lachrymation with profuse, acrid, yellowish-white, muco-purulent discharge from the eyes, which makes the lids red and excoriated, giving them and the cheek an appearance as if varnished. Conjunctiva quite red, eyes smart and burn; blurring of eyes; relieved by winking.

Graphites [Graph]

Ulceration of cornea, especially in scrofulous children, covered with eczematous eruptions, especially on head and behind ears, eruptions are moist, fissured and glutinous. Superficial ulcerations, resulting from pustules as well as deep ulcers, even with hypopion. Cornea mostly vascular, conjunctiva much injected; PHOTOPHOBIA INTENSE and lachrymation profuse; in some cases all those symptoms are very moderate, pains variable; discharge generally thin and excoriating. Lids sometimes covered with dry scabs, edges commonly red and sore, with cracking and bleeding of external canthi upon any attempt to open eyes. Acrid discharge from nose, which makes nostrils sore and covered with scabs.

Hamamelis [Ham]

Keratitis dependent upon a blow or burn, especially when complicated with haemorrhage into anterior chamber (hyperaemia).

Hepar [Hep]

Ulcers and abscesses of the cornea; especially for the deep

sloughing form and when hypopion is present; acute aggravations of pannus, tending towards ulceration. Intense photophobia, profuse lachrymation, great redness of cornea and conjunctiva, even chemosis; pains severe, throbbing, aching, stinging, (>) by warmth and (<) by cold or uncovering the eyes and in the evening; marked sensitiveness of the eye to touch. Lids red, swollen, spasmodically closed and bleed easily upon opening them. General chilliness Strumous, very cross children.

Ignatia [Ign]

Ulcers in nervous, hysterical persons, with peri-orbital pains, especially at one point.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

INDOLENT ULCERS; marked by neither photophobia nor redness; discharge, if any, of a stringy character, pains slight and variable; ulcers have the tendency to bore in without extending laterally.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

Asthenic ulcers of cornea, tedious, low inflammation, moderate redness of conjunctiva; photophobia, lachrymation and pain moderate or entirely absent, beginning commonly at the periphery and gradually extending towards the centre; moderate discharge of muco-pus.

Mercurius-sol [Merc]

Superficial and deep ulceration of cornea, especially in syphilitic or strumous subjects. Cornea vascular or surrounded by a grayish opacity due to infiltration between its layers;

conjunctival redness; photophobia, especially of artificial light; lachrymation profuse, burning, excoriating, the discharge thin and acrid; pains severe and varying in character, (<) at night, by damp weather or extreme cold, (>) temporarily by cold water. Lids thick, red, swollen, excoriated by the acrid discharges, sensitive to heat and cold, to contact and forcibly closed. Nostrils excoriated, tongue flabby, night- sweats.

Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]

Iris involved; all symptoms more excessive in strumous patients, excessive photophobia, profuse, excoriating lachrymation; ulcer tends to perforation.

Mercurius-dulc [Merc-d]

Deep or superficial ulcers or abscesses in pale, flabby, strumous children, with enlarged glands and general scrofulous cachexia.

Mercurius-iod [Merc-i-r]

Serpiginous ulceration of cornea, commenting at the margin and extending over whole cornea, or a portion of it, especially the upper part, involving only the superficial layers; cornea and conjunctiva very vascular and photophobia excessive; thick, yellow coating at base of tongue, anterior portion being clean and red.

Mercurius-nit [Merc-n]

Nearly specific in INDOLENT NON-VASCULAR ULCER, especially when there is a tendency to the formation of pustules.

Mercurius-praec-rubr [Merc-pr-r]

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.