Hpathy Needs Your Help!


I have also proved the beneficial effects of Hypericum. At the end of October I managed to fracture my ankle and dislocate it. When the plaster was removed after seven weeks I began electrical treatment and massages. The foot had became numbed owing to the pressure of the plaster so at first only electrical treatment was advisable. After feeling had been restored massages was begun.

DEAR MR. BARKER,-You will perhaps remember that I visited you last July to get some advice and help for stiffness and congestion which had trouble me ever since an attack of flu more than a year before. After a months treatment I felt some relief, and continued with the remedies art intervals until the beginning of October when I had another attack of flu.

On recovery I was very gratified to find that all the congestion and stiffness had entirely disappeared. They have never returned. I delayed writing until now, as I thought it likely the symptoms would have re- appeared during the severe weather of the part winter but I am still quite free from any discomfort.

I have also proved the beneficial effects of Hypericum. At the end of October I managed to fracture my ankle and dislocate it. When the plaster was removed after seven weeks I began electrical treatment and massages. The foot had became numbed owing to the pressure of the plaster so at first only electrical treatment was advisable. After feeling had been restored massages was begun.

I was treated by a man of much experience who obtains excellent results. After about six weeks, progress seemed slow as the debris was braking down very reluctantly. It was then I read the article on Hypericum by Dr. Dorothy Shepherd in the “HEAL THYSELF” for January, 1940. I decided to try it. On the Tuesday I began doing so I went for treatment. On the Friday following, after taking Hypericum 30 for three days, I went again. This times the masseur looked at my ankle and with a look of pleasure and satisfaction said “Ah, now this is better, a lot has happened since you came last time”, and he began explaining how the debris had at last begun to make a decided movement.

I look the Hypericum 30 for three weeks, and still continued he electrical treatment and massage. There was a steady improvement, and when I at last finished with electricity and massage about a month ago there was only a slight swelling left. This will I hope disappear in the near future. Head I had more experience I feel I might have made better use of the Hypericum but I am very satisfied that it helped very appreciably in “setting me on my feet” again.

J E Adams