Hpathy Needs Your Help!


I went into her history and found she had an operation for a sub- total hysterectomy, etc., about July 1st. The pelvis pains came on, as first noticed the third day after the operation, and had continued since with varying intensity. She had returned home six weeks after the operation, and in doing some light housework the pains would come on.

Mrs. B.M., aged thirty-nine. On August 2d, 1925, was called the night before I was to go out of town for a vacation. Found the woman with a temperature of 104, abdomen very tender, vagina hot and dry, with tenderness all over pelvis. Bell, 30 was given, with large (two-gallon) hot-water douches every three hours, warm sponge bath. She was much better the next morning, and I asked a confrere to attend her during my absence. PAtient was up and down and out of bed part of time. The doctor took to the woods the day before I returned, leaving the patient fairly comfortable. I found a call to visit her that evening; found her with a temperature of 102 and symptoms much as when I first saw her.

I went into her history and found she had an operation for a sub- total hysterectomy, etc., about July 1st. The pelvis pains came on, as first noticed the third day after the operation, and had continued since with varying intensity. She had returned home six weeks after the operation, and in doing some light housework the pains would come on. I made up my mind that the surgeon had probably included a nerve in tying some of the tissues, and these pains were the result. I gave her Hypericum 200 in water every two hours. Next remedy was continued with lengthening intervals. In four days she had no pain and has had none since.

B G Clarke