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Therapeutic symptoms of homeopathic remedy Hypericum, described by E.B. Nash in his book, Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics, published in 1898….

Hypericum the remedy “PAR EXCELLENCE” for wounded or injured nerves; from simple punctures from nails, splinters, pins, rat bites, etc., to severe concussions of the spine and brain, and especially to parts rich in sentient nerves. It is to this kind of injuries what ARN., HAM., RUTA., etc., are to bruises, and CALEN., to lacerated muscular tissue, and STAPH., to cuts with sharp instruments.

Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.