The result of this treatment was most gratifying and in three months she was able to leave off her Curtis support and could travel without bodily discomfort, but she got giddiness, nausea and headache from travelling in any vehicle. So Conium 6 was prescribed which made travelling a pleasure and she could go to meetings and into company, also receive visitors without having a sleepless night. Later on her heart got stronger and she was able to depend upon herself without any misgivings as to whether she could do this or that.

Now we come to menopause. The breast troubles, the flushes, the faintness, and other peculiar tricks of nature in a woman. There are too many operations for the removing of the female breasts. In fact it is quite fashionable, like “jazz.” Homoeopathy can help you in such conditions. This is how.

Mrs. D. was gravely concerned because she noticed lumps in both breasts, and at times she felt a stab or two of pain, and an aching down her left arm and under her armpits. A friend of hers had had a successful (?) operation for the removal of her left breast, but she was still always very poorly and so was it necessary to have the operation. Could it be done without ? Well, I gave her Conium 6, night, morning and noon.

The lumps which were two inches across and half an inch thick, two in each breast. She said that her breasts were always painful to touch before the period, which was scanty. So Conium 6 dispersed the lumps in a month.

As regards the change of life, all the discomforts of that difficult period of a womans life can be minimized pleasantly. The nervousness, the sinking sensations, numbness, restlessness, flushes, perspirations, ball in the throat sensation, depression and mania. So what a boon homoeopathy is to the woman.

I think I have now covered the field of service of homoeopathy for the woman in the ailments incidental to her sex, in her transitions of maturity, during which her safety is always assured.

Not only in that which is peculiarly woman is homoeopathy a friend, but also in all the suffering common to both sexes. Homoeopathy reigns supreme in cure and giving mental and physical tranquillity.

G. D. Pettitt