I sent her Kali phos. 6x and Hydras. 6x alternating weekly, enough for a month, and in three months the discharge ceased. Backache and other pains disappeared. No more hysteria or morbid thoughts; quite well now, thanks to Homoeopathy.

Regarding the all too often end-products of the neglect and bad treatment of the two conditions mentioned, such as ulcerations, cysts, tumours, cancer and polypi. These are preventable by timely homoeopathy. In fact they could not possibly occur, and even when they do exist, homoeopathy is still the best curative service. It not only cures the thing itself but restores the whole constitution as well.

Then there is the different types of menstruation, the scanty, the painful, the profuse, the long and short lasting, and all the varied states of the discharge, in all these homoeopathy can help you. The non-appearance at the proper time in girls, which is usually difficult to promote because of the danger of the maximum dose.

Miss B. N., age 18, was the great concern of her mother, because of the non-appearance of her daughters period at the proper time. She had been taken to two doctors, but without result. Miss N. was an undersized little woman, had been late in walking, was pale and thin, until she got Natrum mur. 6 for a month, then the discharge began, and Miss N. began to grow. Under the influence of Natrum mur. 6 Calc. phos. 3, and Ferrum phos, 3x in twelve months she was a different young woman.

Now we come to the greatest function of the female organism, that of pregnancy and child-birth. First I will make a general observation, that is ” There should be no such thing as long labour or difficult delivery, excepting from deformity, which is the exception rather than the rule amongst women !” Beginning at the beginning of pregnancy, the discomforts experienced by many women, making them miserable, melancholy, anxious and full of fears and dread, undermining their constitution at the time when she most needs to be well and happy.

The morning sickness, the loathings of various items of food, the cravings for unusual foods and things, can be met by homoeopathic treatment at the beginning, and the mother to-be can be sustained in that happiness and bodily comfort. Constipation and piles, so prevalent at that time, can be dealt with. Indigestion and the sinking sensation which is so distressing. Hysteria, and all morbid mental and temperamental states, which sap the vitality and depress the function of the organic system, so hindering the progress of maturation of the child-in-utero.

A very important thing can be accomplished during pregnancy which will mean a new lease of life for the mother after the child is born. Most of us have an hereditary legacy of a taint of some kind or other. Well, by attending to the individual morbid states of all kinds during pregnancy, the inherited taint will disappear, the new life will be form the bondage of it also. It is obvious that women do differ one from the other in their symptoms even during pregnancy, so therefore if these differences are dealt with, how can there exist those irritating big or little “thorns in the flesh” if the cause of them is removed.

The whole future of the child can be influenced for good by Homoeopathy, even before birth. The administration of Calc. phos. 6x, once or twice a day to the mother-to-be, and then the nutrition of the bony structures can be assured. Also the teeth, nails and hair will be strong. Natrum mur. 6 and Kali phos. 6, given periodically will also have an influence upon the child-in- utero and assure good nutrition, besides helping the mother-to-be towards an easy delivery, removing morbid fears which cause “rigidity” which is the chief reason for long labour and difficult births.

Now at the end of the time of waiting, a definite preparation can be made. That is for the last month. Assuming that the mother-to-be has been under homoeopathic care and observation, there can be no such a thing as a state of unreadiness or weakness, or wrong position of the child-in-utero, because for the one Carbo veg. 6 will restore vitality of a flagging patient and Pulsatilla 6 will bring about a movement into order of the second state. Actea r. 3, three times a day, say night, morning and noon, is certainly a boon to prepare for delivery if given during the last month.

It acts well on the mental side, and on the muscular tissues, and many other beneficial actions required at that time. During the last week Cauloph. 3, night and morning in addition to Actea r. 3, and when labour begins a dose of Cauloph. 3 every 15 minutes for three times will assure a quick, easy delivery with a minimum of pain and after effects. Arnica 3x given a dose every two hours for the first day will obviate quite a lot of discomfort and sequelae.

For a first child the labour should not exceed three hours, and for every successive child labour should not exceed two hours. Now let us see how this works out in practice.

Mrs. A. had a most terrible time on her first child, in labour three days, pains violent, child born 8 lbs. 11 ozs. She dreaded another time, but three months before her second child was born, she came under homoeopathic preparation as described above, with the result: labour only two hours, birth easy, child 10 lbs. 10 ozs., and an much better condition than the first child was. Mrs. A. has been much better in health ever since.

Mrs. D., age 24, first child, carried very forward. Clinic doctor said it would be a multiple birth and fear for the patient who was very small in stature and body. But thanks to homoeopathic preparation, she had a very good time, only three hours labour, easy uncomplicated delivery; boy, 7 lbs. 8 ozs.

Mrs. A.D., age 22, had also been prepared for her first child by homoeopathy. Labour three hours, easy delivery, child 8 lbs. 4 ozs. Second child, labour two hours, easy delivery, child 9 lbs. 8 ozs. Many others could be quoted.

The sufferings after a long labour and painful delivery, mostly attended with haemorrhage, are many and often become deep-seated habitual conditions. Arnica 3x every eight hours for a week after will comfort the strained nerves and structures, and China 3x will compensate the body for loss of vital fluids.

Many neuralgic conditions are traceable to child-birth. Varicoses also, and Prolapsus of the abdominal viscera, womb and rectum in particular. Prolapse or falling of the womb is rarely remedies by the usual procedure. The ring pessary, or the stitching up the womb to the adjacent abdominal structures,the latter is a dangerous operation at all times, and the results are weak in effect, because the primary trouble is not accounted for. Prolapse of one organ rarely exists alone, so it obvious that the only sane and reasonable treatment is to tone and strengthen the entire musculature of the abdomen.

This can be accomplished by homoeopathy and abdominal message and manipulation. In fact, a general message once or twice a week will do wonders in assisting the complete cure in all prolapse cases, because it disperses poisons and congestions, creates nutrition and tones the tissues so that they will have life and support in themselves. There is no life and physiological support in a pessary or operative measures. No, nature must do its own work and this it will do, as the following cases will illustrate.

Mrs. W., 67, has the operative measures performed for prolapse uterus, and nearly lost her life. After which she was no better in health and her chronic acidity remained. For this she came to me. The saying “everything coming down” applied to her, of a truth, after having the operation as well as before. Stomach, colon, womb and rectum, all sagging and dragging her life out of her. Standing was purgatory to her. Walking about was a misery after the mornings work. She was only fit to lie in bed all the time.

In addition to all this she had rheumatism and bladder trouble, until she got Lillium tig. 30 once a day, and Calc. carb. 6x every six hours for a week. Then the report was: “Stomach is a bit better, not so much acid, and feeling stronger mentally. Thats good.” So repeated the prescription for another week. Then report was : “Stomach much better, not so heavy and acidity less, feeling better, can work about better and longer without fatigue, heaviness in abdomen not so bad, and am sleeping better”.

Repeated prescription for next week, with the result of general improvement and after a few more weeks Mrs. W. could go on an extended treatment. Only Lil. tig. 30, Calc. carb. 6x and Natrum Phos. 6x were used.

Miss. C., had an awful medical history. Asthma, weak heart, spinal irritation for all of which she had received various treatments. After years of suffering and anxiety she felt everything coming down and could not sit up straight on a chair, her back was so weak. There was an history of an accident when she was eight years old, when she had been crushed to the ground by an heavy object falling from a loft.

So I gave her Arnica 30 and Hypericum 6 for a month. There was not much change except in the mental sphere. She felt better in herself, and could stand a bus journey of about ten miles better, which she said nearly killed her every time she went by bus. So that was the beginning of the improvement. The next month, Lillium tig, 30, once a day, and Natrum carb. 6 every six hours, and a dose of T.B. 200 once a week.

G. D. Pettitt