A lady was helped by China O when her womb was almost protruding; she was waiting for a bed in hospital when I saw her. Her symptoms indicated China, and she got it; the result was, no operation, no more pain, no more feeling as if the body contents were feeling out since five years ago.

Another lady came fearful of the advice of her family medical man–an operation. Natrum mur. 6 was indicated, result, no operation, no sensation of bearing down, no dreadful backache, no despondence for six years; there was more births, and good times with each –quite happy now.

This brings us to the next difficult period–the climacteric– with difficulties indeed for many; quite unnecessary though from the homoeopathic point of view. This is a time of ptosis, eye- lids, stomach, kidneys, intestines, womb, ovaries and pelvic floor– all and everything sagging and everything internal coming down; then those flushes, pulsating headaches, palpitations, tumours of breasts, womb, etc.– “atics”, “itis”, and “algias”, mind all wrong, asthenias and all manner of symptoms prevail. Do not know what to do, where to go, or to whom to turn for help.

Homoeopathy again is your friend in need. If you want peace of mind, if you want comfort from pain, if you want toning and bracing up, if you want cooling and your system regulated, Homoeopathy can do all these in the most speedy, gentle, and permanent way.

Then we come to the mature time of life; the time when everything of a responsible character is finished, but what a life from beginning to end is a womans –a life of discomfort, pain and danger– and now to face more until death.

In the waning of lifes forces, nature can still be assisted to adapt herself to her environments, whatever they may be. Homoeopathy assists this effort of the body, and will bring in natural compensation to help the declining organs and forces. Its infinitesimal dosage is directed to penetrate every deep recess of the organism and tissue, even to every cell, in order to stimulate the life inherent therein.

The stiffening joints, the weakening sight and other senses; the muscular atonicity; the decaying skin; the failing circulation; in fact all can be wonderfully and blessedly helped by the infinitesimal dose of the right homoeopathic remedy.

The following cases may be of interest and illustrate what Homoeopathy can do in the beginning and ending of life.

An infant, eight months old, was brought to me by its grandmother. The child had been in hospital for four months with catarrh of the skin– a horrible sight to behold one so young in that condition. It appears that the eruption began before it left the nursing home at one month old; every local treatment had of course been tried, even fasting failed; and fearing lest the little one should die of starvation the mother removed it from the hospital.

It could only sleep in the open air, was only free from irritation just before feeding, always worse after food, and indoors, and from warmth. Dulcamara was here indicated, and Dulcamara 6 night, morning and noon for seven days was prescribed– result was — the eruption which wholly covered the face and ears, was fissured, through which a creamy pus oozed, drying into cake upon cake until the little face was one brown scab.

The child was now better under all conditions, could sleep indoors and take its food without any discomfort. Re Dulc. 6 night and morning for fourteen days; eruption when next seen was breaking and drying up; six weeks later, no sign of eruption, face quite normal. This infant had been chilled while it was wet; that is why Dulcamara acted speedily, gently, and perfectly.

CASE 2.–

A lady in the late sixties made enquiries as to her hope of recovery from a complaint diagnosed as “Osteomalacia,” which had been pronounced incurable by many special medical men, and none could give her more than temporary relief from pain. The history of the individual and of the complaint disclosed functional thyroid-pituitary dyscretinism which interfered with the appearance of menstruation until after her marriage, also at the end of her productive period she had been operated upon for tumours, cysts, and polypi.

This led to a further enquiry, which brought to light the fact that she had been bitten by a bull-dog early in life, so Thuja 30 was prescribed, a dose every morning for a week, then a dose every other morning for another week. Result– aches and pains all gone, only feeling of instability remained. Re Thuja 200 once a week for a month, then retook the case and found Ac. fluor. 6 indicated, better cold, especially cold bathing. This with Calc. phos. 3x is giving great satisfaction, so after three months of comparatively no aches or pains, except a touch of lumbago, she is becoming gradually more firm in walking, and better in health in every way.

Is not this a triumph for Homoeopathy? Age is no obstacle, that is evident. Compare giving remedies on advertised claims with the work of selecting potentized remedies from a repertory built up from exhaustive provings, and you will have a glimpse of the difference between everyday medicine and Homoeopathy.

G. D. Pettitt