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As this is a constitutional disease, it can only be successfully cured by internal treatment in conjunction with soothing external application. The internal administration of the two remedies, Arsenicum 3x and Sulphur iod. 3x have proved curative, given on alternates days.

THIS disease is caused by confinement in a close place, want of exercise or improper food. It is not contagious this being the difference between this complaint and mange. When fully developed, disease patches are observed on different parts of the body, particularly along the back just in front of the tail and on the head and face. From the surface of these patches a serous fluid exudes, which generally hardens into scabs and mats are hair together.

In a few days the scabs and their fall off, leaving the skin bare, inflamed and moistened with exudation. Thin scabs form form this discharge. There is usually considerable and violent irritation and the dog endeavours to relieve himself by scratching.


As this is a constitutional disease, it can only be successfully cured by internal treatment in conjunction with soothing external application. The internal administration of the two remedies, Arsenicum 3x and Sulphur iod. 3x have proved curative, given on alternates days. Two or three tablets there times a day. Externally the parts should be dusted night and morning with Borocal ; this is a soothing, healing and antiseptic powder prepared by Epps, Thatcher & Co.

The diet must not consist of meat, except in the case of weak puppies. In all cases vegetables and farinaceous food is the most suitable.

F.J. Bennett
Frederick J. Bennett. Author of Speedy Dog Cures with the addition of Homeopathic Treatment of Cat Diseases.