Homeopathy Remedy Zincum

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in region of larynx; from mucus; on it, with sticking in it. Voice weak when talking loud. Hoarseness, with burning in trachea; H. as if chest were filled with mucus.

Cough; with oppression; with stitches in head; preventing sleep all night, with sticking in chest and thirst; violent; tickling, fatiguing, (<) night; suffocative, a tickling irritation takes away the breath; short, from tickling beneath sternum. Dry cough; morning and evening, before and during menses, with bloody expectoration and with burning and sore pain in chest; in evening, (>) lying down, with heaviness on chest; from tickling in larynx; waking her at night during menses; with stitches in chest, feeling as if it would burst, difficulty in breathing and talking; and spasmodic; and hacking. Cough and expectoration; incessant tendency to; day and night, E. thick, purulent; E. of tenacious mucus like old catarrh, then sensation as if chest were hollow and cold; bloody E. Expectoration of much mucous of milky color; constant, of metallic-tasting mucus.

Asthma and other chest troubles. Croupy condition, with symptoms of paralysis of cervical muscles. Respiration oppressed; (<) l. lung; heavy and deep. R. and chest unusually free and easy.

Clinical Spasmodic cough, sometimes whooping cough, particularly in children; said to be characteristic when during the spasms of cough the child grasps the genitals. Bronchitis, with easy, profuse, frothy expectoration, (<) night, lying down must, sit up. Asthmatic bronchitis, with constriction of the chest. Asthma.


      Mucus loosened by hawking. Angina. Stitches in r.; in l.; deep in r.; in sternum; in upper part of l.; in l. clavicle; beneath r. nipple; beneath l. mamma; on r. short ribs; in l. mamma in morning; above heart in evening; in l. in evening when standing, with bruised pain; in region of l. ribs opposite pit of stomach in evening, with ulcerative pain; in side at night; beneath sternum when eating; when walking in open air, extending to l. side of neck, with difficult breathing; in l. side on moving arm; in a spot on deep breathing; in middle during and after inspiration, with tightness; in r. side, at times on turning body to r., or after dinner, followed by pressure, or alternating with stitches in r. flank and side of abdomen; in middle of sternum at times on stooping, at times followed by pressure deep internally extending into throat; in r. side, (<) violent expiration; in l., (<) breathing, (>) stretching; in a spot in l., with feeling as if corroded and bruised; beneath r. axilla, with tension; in r. side, with tension and bruised pain; in l., with pain; in l., with pain in l. nipple; in side, then cough, with expectoration of bloody mucus; in upper part of sternum extending into l. loin in morning, with fear of stooping; pleuritic, beneath heart in evening; tearing, beneath axilla, then sore feeling.

Tearing above pit of stomach; beneath l. axilla; in r.; in lower part of l.; in r. upper ribs, almost in the back; sticking, in l. Cramp extending to stomach and abdomen from 7 till 8 P.M. Pinching in forepart of r., then stitches in r. hypochondrium, extending to praecordial region, with long-remaining bruised pain in the part; intermittent, in morning, with nausea; intermittent, with twinging. Sharp pain near r. axilla.

Pain; in l., then in r.; in r. mamma; beneath l. nipple; here and there, or in l. side; in l. nipple, with sensitiveness; in l. ribs, with sensitiveness to touch; as if blood forced its way into the finest vessels in lungs, (<) r. Sore pain in l. pectoral muscles; about r. nipple. Bruised pain when riding in a carriage; internally in a spot in upper part. Roughness at night, with rawness, heat and sweat. Rheumatic drawing beneath clavicle near shoulder-joint; sharp D. about l. nipple, with sore pain on touch, which soon became a pulsation. Painful throbbing by l. axilla at noon. Anxiety; (>) evening, with headache.

Oppression; in morning. Tightness beneath sternum in evening; T. in evening, with sticking and pressure in middle of sternum, with small, rapid pulse. Constriction; with pain as if cut to pieces; as by a band, on walking in open air. Pressure; on l. clavicle; here and there upon C. and back; upon r. end of l. clavicle in morning; upon upper part of sternum or upon lower part of chest after eating; outward, intermittent, here and there in l., with drawing tension; as if a foreign substance were rising into throat; as from rheumatism and incarcerated flatus. Tensive pain; in l. clavicle, with drawing. Distended feeling in l. mamma. Burning in side; in l. side and l. scapula; in a spot in r. side, near pit of stomach, and above l. nipple; in sternum, with weakness; on r., as if in skin, extending to back. Affection of l. lung. Symptoms (<) motion, when she lifts or takes hold of anything.

Clinical The chest feels as if oppressed with quantities of mucus. Intercostal neuralgia.


      First sound hoarse and prolonged. Stitches at apex; in praecordial region, with tension; S., (<) violent expiration. Cramplike feeling, and in lungs. Pain at apex; in region, with external swelling and tenderness; sharp at apex. Pressure, heaviness and spasmodic tension. Praecordial anxiety towards evening. Palpitation; and a stitch with every beat of the heart.


      Rapid in evening, at times with heat; R., wiry and irregular; and full, and tense, irregular, hard. Slow and intermittent; S. and feeble; and compressible. Hard; and small. Irregular.


      Stitches in muscles. Tearing in r. side posteriorly; and below jaw and behind and beneath ear; T. in l. side in morning, (>) pressure; in l. side, extending behind ear; sticking, posteriorly and inferiorly in a spot in r. side. Pinching on sides near trunk. Pain in N. and small of back as if beaten and wearied; P. in muscles at night, even during sleep, as if head had been in an uncomfortable position; in nape as if it could not support the head when sitting and writing. Cramplike drawing in r. side on holding head erect; down cervical muscles when chewing. Pressure as with a finger on r. side when talking. Tension in l. side; T. in anterior muscles; in r. side, with drawing. Weariness in nape in evening when writing. Stiffness in cervical and upper dorsal muscles every morning, with pain; S. in side in morning in bed, with pain extending to shoulder; cramplike, in l. side.


      Sticking when sitting and walking. Pinching in spots, with burning pain. Bruised pain when walking in open air, with weakness. Pain (<) sitting. Burning drawing pain in morning during sleep with sensation of falling asleep in shoulder-joint, disturbing sleep, (>) waking. Tensive, rheumatic pain in spine. Drawing and burning. Sticking in middle when standing. Pain in r. side near middle of spine. Burning pressure upon spine above small of back.

Scapulae. Stitches beneath r.; close to upper part of r., (<) during eructations; on inner margin of r., with pressure; extending into l.; from r. to l.; beneath l.; extending into l. chest; in margin of l. extending towards axilla, with rising of heat to head; jerking, beneath and near l. Tearing between S.; in r.; burning, between r. and spine. Sharp pain close to r. Pain beneath l.; between S.; in upper dorsal muscles every night, (<) movement, with stiffness; between S., extending to sacrum. Throbbing under lower third of l. Tensive pain between S. Tension beneath r., extending down back and towards axilla; as from an adhesive plaster near inner margin of r. Tensive pressure upon a spot by border of r.

Lumbar Region. Cracking when walking. In kidney region, stitches; r.; l. when standing and walking, with bruised pain; after dinner or in evening, at times extending towards chest; intermittent, in l. Tearing in region of r. kidney, at times sticking; cutting, at times in r. kidney region, at times drawing pressure; intermittent, in region of l. kidney; sticking, in sacrum. Cutting extending into calves and feet on motion. Pinching in kidney region. Pain; in spine; above r. hip; kidney region; in region of l. kidney, at times pinching; at night on turning over in bed; on stooping; on walking and sitting down; when walking, often forcing him to stand still, (>) continuing to walk; in region of l. kidney on touch; (<) lying on back, (>) lying on side; with languor; sore, in region of l. kidney; tensive, rheumatic, and in shoulder; paralytic, when lying in an uncomfortable position, (<) rising from a seat and beginning to walk. Screwed-in sensation in evening on rising from a seat. Drawing just above r. nates; in spine and lumbar region like painful weakness, when sitting and stooping. Dragging in coccyx, at times pinching. Pressure upon lower part of spine. Weakness when walking; all day when walking, and in hollows of knees; on beginning to walk, and in lower limbs; when sitting, with tension in it and abdomen. Paralyzed feeling extending to hips and afterwards to l. side.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.