Homeopathy Remedy Zincum

Ringing; in r. at night. Crash as of the breaking of a pane of glass on falling asleep. Cracking after breakfast, with beating. Whizzing, and in evening pulsation; W. in front of r. Noises. Roaring. Hearing lost.


      Swelling on r. side; of l. wing, with pain. Sticking in septum on touch. Tearing externally on r. side; jerking, in r. side. Cutting on inner margin of l. wing. Cutting crawling in evening, then sneezing. Pinching in root, extending into eye; in root, with stitches in jaws. Throbbing pain in root, with full sensation. Sore feeling high up, and in r. nostril tearing. Pressure upon root as if it would be pressed into head, (<) noon. Drawing in r. nostril after dinner, with tearing. Tickling in mucous membrane, with irritation as if it would provoke sneezing. Itching in r. nostril; in l., then sneezing, then bleeding, (>) cold water. Stuffed feeling. Stoppage; with apprehension and oppression; with mucus in larynx and posterior nares and nasal speech.

Sneezing; in morning and afternoon; after a meal. Increased discharge of mucus, without coryza. Feeling of coryza, with sore sensitiveness of nostrils. Coryza, with irritation of nasal mucous membrane, impeding respiration; C., with stoppage of nose, but running from nose; sudden, in evening after lying down; dry all day, with pain in back, (<) sitting. Fluent coryza, afterwards dry; F. towards evening, with pressure in r. tonsil on swallowing and yawning; with raw throat; with crawling in nose and frequent sneezing; alternating with dry, (<) evening. Blowing out of blood. Bleeding after dinner on blowing, then stupefaction in forehead as from apoplexy, with swimming of objects before eyes.


      Pale. Earthy. Cachectic look, bluish-white. Swelling of l. cheek, with itching. Expression vacant and apathetic or irritable; morose and gloomy, even in morning. Flushed. Cadaverous, pinched. Twitching, with nausea and vomiting; T. of musculi risores, with constant inclination to laugh. Jerklike stitches; sudden S. from r. zygoma to upper margin of orbit, deep in bone, in evening, then sensitiveness of the spot; tearing, in chin and on throat, passing into one another. Tearing in l. cheek; in malar-bone extending into upper jaw; in r. malar-bone, with bruised pain on pressure. Stitching in joint of jaw, beneath and in front of l. ear, on moving jaw backward and biting strongly and on pressing finger on joint. Cramplike tearing here and there in lower jaw, (<) chin. Pain in jaw, near l. wing of nose.

Lips.- Swelling; of upper. Thick glutinous moisture. Pimples on upper; yellowish-white itching, on lower; flat red, painful to touch in middle of upper. Water-blisters or suppurating pimples in upper. Ulcers in corners; yellow, inside lower. Upper sore, ulcerating in middle. Twitching in l. side of upper. Dry; and cracked. Sticking in upper. Pain a jerking tearing in r. side of upper. Tensive smarting on lower; burning S. on inner surface of lower. Burning in r. corner.


      Teeth. Bleeding, and of gums. Water seemed to come from last r. lower molar, and on touch of tongue sticking in it. Sticking in roots of l. upper canine and in adjacent incisors; in l. lower molars in evening; in l. T. and jaw, extending into neck; jerking, in l. lower molars, also in evening, waking him suddenly. Picking, with prickling and with drawing pains in jaws. Tearing in l. upper molars; in roots of r. upper; in last l. lower molars in evening; in hollow molar, (<) pressure, on sucking it blood comes; l. lower, (<) incisors, with drawing; last l. molars, then in cheek extending to temple and forehead; extending from root of a r. upper towards temple in evening after lying down; jerking, in last r. lower molar. Pain in hollow before menses. Jerking; in r. lower molars in evening after lying down till sleep; intermittent, in l. Drawing in roots of incisors; in r. lower molars; l. upper incisors; upper incisors towards noon, with sore feeling on gums; in roots of upper incisors and at the same time in pharynx, extending into cervical muscles; now in r., now in l. last lower molars; sharp jerking, in two last molars; sharp jerklike, suddenly in all incisors; throbbing, in last molars, alternately r. and l. Throbbing pain in hollow after eating or after becoming heated or getting cold. Sensitiveness of upper molars, with drawing sore pain in a l. lower molar, which protrudes from its socket and is loose, with swelling on l. submaxillary gland. Painful burning in incisors, with biting on lower surface of tongue. Feeling as if on edge. Seemed blunted, but on separating molars sensation of softness and agglutination.

Gum.- Bleeding; on slightest touch. Swelling; sore painful. White. White pellicles. The ulcer on the root of a bad tooth is sensitive to touch, with elongated feeling in tooth, when pressing upon it blood comes. Pain when chewing, and in palate; P. on inner side as if sore, as if separated from teeth. Biting on inner surface, with itching.

Tongue.- Blisters; painful on eating. Swelling of l. side preventing talking. Whitish; covered with white mucus; coated white as from cheese, in morning, with icy coldness; coated yellowish-white, (<) towards root. Dirty moist. Painful as if sore. Dry.

Inflammation of palate. Swelling of palate behind incisors, with pain. Yellow ulcer on inside of l. cheek, painful, (<) morning. Pain posteriorly on palate and on velum palati, (<) yawning. Sticking biting on palate close to and in root of incisors. Crawling as from large bubbles on inside of cheeks. Salivation; with crawling on inside of cheeks; with nausea; with metallic taste; with metallic taste and stitches in tip of tongue; sour- bitter. Fetid breath.

Taste.- Metallic. Coppery. Clammy. Salt, with dryness in throat. As after eating raw peas. Of bad cheese in forepart of mouth, (>) swallowing, to which he was impelled by mucus in throat. Bitter. Bitter slimy in morning on waking. Sweet beneath fore-part of tongue; as of a sweetish powder in throat; and flat. Of blood, and a disagreeable sweetness rising from stomach; of B., with dryness in throat and soreness rising from chest.

Clinical Difficult dentition; the child is weak, cold, pulse soft, bores the head into the pillow, tends to squint, cries out in sleep, and particularly has restless feet.


      Twitching of l. sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. Swelling of submaxillary glands; of tonsils, with ulceration; of tonsils, with pain, (<) swallowing. Inflammation, and on pharynx and tonsils round, sharply-defined ulcers, with red, everted edges, they gradually coalesced and were filled with yellowish-white matter. Lumps of white mucus pass through posterior nares into mouth without hawking. Greenish mucus seated low down is expectorated, with sore pain in upper part of chest. Rising of hot vapor. Something like blood with sweetish taste comes into it in evening after lying down.

Jerking tearing in pharynx extending into l. cervical muscles. Pain, and at angle of jaw and in laryngeal region; in tonsils on swallowing in evening and night; on swallowing, with swelling externally and in tonsils; as from internal swelling, also on empty swallowing. Tearing drawing posteriorly on sides of pharynx, more when not swallowing than on empty swallowing. Sore pain, with fulness in oesophagus; anxious sore feeling, (<) night; cramplike retching soreness, rather externally in muscles, on swallowing even drink. Soreness on swallowing. Biting scraping posteriorly in fauces. Rawness; in evening, with hacking cough; so that she could scarcely breathe, with hoarseness; scraping in pharynx towards evening.

Constriction on swallowing, with desire to swallow frequently; C. and spasm. Choking sensation in r. side when not swallowing. Pressure from pharynx down into abdomen, as if a hard body were opposing from below; spasmodic P. upward in pit or upper part of oesophagus. Sensation of mucus posteriorly in pharynx, with inclination to hawk. Food seems to stick in pharynx after dinner. Dryness; posteriorly in fauces in morning on waking and afterwards, with thirst; in morning when walking, with rawness, hawking of mucus and sore pain low down in throat, then raising of black clotted blood, then all day sweet taste, dryness in throat and bloody saliva; in evening; after dinner; (<) morning or after dinner, and in larynx, at times (>) food, with rawness, often forcing him to hawk or cough; with mucus in larynx and constant inclination to hawk up tenacious mucus, which soon collects again. Burning; like heartburn, even on swallowing. Dysphagia. Constriction in oesophagus during deglutition, with spasm.

Clinical Globus hystericus, rising from the pit of the stomach.


      Appetite. Ravenous; at noon and in evening, but after eating distended feeling; in evening. Insatiability, but no relish for food. Desire to eat in pharynx, even after a meal, after satisfying it overloaded feeling in stomach and pressure in head. Haste in eating. Dinner better relished than usual. Desire for salt and salty things. Diminished; at noon; at dinner; and capricious, at times lost. Dinner is not relished, with pain in stomach as from fasting. Lost; in morning and evening; and almost no taste; with disgust at the sight of food. Aversion to the sweetness of sugar; to food, with colic; to fish; to meat and warm cooked food; to veal in evening, the morsels swelled up in her mouth; to wine and brandy, which they took to excite their appetites.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.