Homeopathy Remedy Zincum

Thirst; from morning till evening; in afternoon; in afternoon during menses; in afternoon, with heat in palm; in evening till lying down, with heat; during dinner or afterwards; with hasty drinking, which was very refreshing; for beer in evening; burning.

Eructations; after beef-tea; during breakfast, tasting of it; tasting of milk in afternoon; tasting of the meat eaten; at night of the food eaten at noon; loud, with at times rapid, with at times weak, slow pulse; sweetish; acrid, after sweets, causing scraping in larynx like heartburn; qualmish, an hour and half after a moderate dinner, with burning in stomach. Pyrosis. Sour E.; after food; after breakfast of bread and milk. Empty E.; in evening or forenoon; with pressure upon chest; then tasting of the fat eaten; bitter; sour after drinking or after dinner; the gas of which burned in the daylight with a pale flame, indicating the presence of hydrogen. Bitter E.; after supper; of yellow water and bile after eating, then vomiting. Ineffectual efforts to eructate, with pressure in middle of spine; I., then empty eructations with relief.

Hiccough; in evening or after breakfast; (>) eructations of bile.

Nausea; through the day; in morning; in morning, (>) rising; during breakfast; after breakfast and dinner; after midday nap, obliged to spit much; after supper; after dinner and supper, (>) emission of flatus, with distention of stomach and inclination to eructate; after stooping, with shuddering on washing and while sitting down; (<) a sip of wine, with headache; with chilliness; with shivering; with sweat; with trembling and weariness; with general sick feeling; with sick feeling in head and chest; with stomachache as from emptiness; with colic; with eructations and salivation; with risings as in vomiting on attempting to hawk; in stomach-pit, with tense sensation above navel; so that he must sit down, but inability to vomit, with eructations and desire for stool.

Retching; with sour taste and sour water in mouth; of bloody mucus.

Vomiting; of thin liquid; of food immediately after swallowing it; of mucus; of water and mucus; of mucus, then bile; acrid, of contents of stomach, causing burning where it touched the face, while drinking, without nausea, afterwards rawness of throat; regularly three or four times a day, with acid reaction, smelling of rancid oil, besides the remains of food butyric acid and lactic acid and a large number of sarcinae and cryptogams; bilious; easy, of watery bile, then relief; of bitter, yellow, bilious water; of bitter, slimy liquid and at last food, with shocks of coughing, warmth (<) abdomen, sweat, chilliness over arms, shuddering, empty eructations, hiccough, rumbling and griping in abdomen, the nausea (>) sitting bent over, the nausea and vomiting returned on sitting erect, on moving and on pressure upon abdomen.

Gurgling at noon and in evening when yawning, with rumbling. Movements at noon, with coldness. Dilated as far as navel, its peristaltic movements at times appreciable through abdominal wall, pylorus hypertrophied, sunken and movable, forming a tumor sensible to touch, sometimes to r., sometimes to l. of umbilicus, at last under r. false ribs another hard, slightly indented tumor, painful when pressed, the size was variable, it disappeared under prolonged pressure of fingers, it was most evident during the violent gastric crisis, it was caused by contractions of the hypertrophied muscle resting upon a solid surface formed by the increased mass of the liver. Fulness, with heaving.

Sticking in diaphragm; in diaphragm and between shoulders; in and beneath pit, with tearing; from both sides towards each other, with S. in middle of sternum. Pinching in pit. Griping deep in region of pit, (<) deep breathing. Cramplike pain; in pit; in pit and chest; pit and epigastric region. Sharp pain, and in


Pain; in pit; in epigastrium; epigastrium and r. side of umbilicus; in region and in abdomen in morning; in morning after rising, then sticking in praecordial region; at noon, with coldness in it; in evening after eating; in pit in evening, with burning soreness on pressure; on pressure; in pit during inspiration, the breath was held back, after dinner; in epigastric region, with fulness; in pit extending to chest, (>) eructations; in diaphragm and between shoulders, extending to sacrum; in epigastric region, causing excitement and spasmodic pressure; heavy.

Cramplike dragging in pit and epigastric region. Drawing in and beneath pit. Constriction from both sides, with anxiety and heat over whole body. Compression in morning fasting. Oppression; in pit; sudden, in epigastric region during menses, with tightness so that everything must be loosened. Screwing-together sensation in pit. Discomfort after a meal; D. in cardiac orifice extending to oesophagus. Sinking for hours after eating acids. Emptiness in S. and abdomen, with hunger two hours after dinner; E., with nausea. Burning; in epigastric region; in upper part when fasting. Acidity. Digestion difficult.

Clinical Gastric derangement, (<) alcoholic stimulants especially flatulence, with much rumbling in abdomen (see Arg-nit.). Atonic dyspepsia, feeling as if the stomach were collapsed; (note a goneness in the stomach in the later part of the forenoon, similar to Sul.).


      Distention; in evening on going to bed without supper; towards evening, with pressure and odorless flatus; after eating; with stitches. Gurgling. Rumbling in morning; in morning, with rolling; in morning in bed, with grumbling and flatulent pain; after milk, with cutting and emissions of flatus; (<) evening, with movements and emissions of flatus, or with cutting in hypogastrium after dinner; with dragging pains; with gurgling, then painful retracting and urging to stool. Flatulence; which presses out the haemorrhoids, which are then painful, (<) lying. Emission of flatus; hot in evening; offensive; hot, offensive, passes often after dinner till midnight; offensive, noisy in evening, without flatulent troubles in abdomen, the first emissions were odorless.

Sticking after normal stool; after supper, (>) rest, and in middle of spine; intermittent; every seven lays or once in three weeks; into scrotum; burning. Cutting all night; C., then leucorrhoea and yawning. Griping; here and there; at various times (also in sides of A. and about navel), sometimes when yawning, or after breakfast, or with cutting after dinner; in evening, with diarrhoea; anteriorly in evening, with emission of flatus; after soup, (<) upper; with tendency to diarrhoea; or cutting, sometimes in morning, often followed by soft or diarrhoea-like stool; as far as stomach, where it is a constriction, obliging her to bend up in evening; tensive, on a jar or on retracting abdomen, then sticking towards pit of stomach. Twisting in morning in bed before emission of flatus. Rachialgia, with exhaustion caused by want of sleep and anorexia.

Pain; at night, and in lumbar region, with stitches in l. side and drawing pain in lower limbs; after a light meal with tympanitis; after dinner and supper, changing to sticking while walking, (>) emission of flatus; after copious stool; with every stool and emission of flatus; at times with nausea and running of water from mouth, often with offensive mucus, which took away her appetite; then cramplike feeling in bladder; waking her at night, then thick leucorrhoea; so that he rolled on the floor; as if diarrhoea would come on. Flatulent pain; in evening, (<) hypogastrium; after dinner, (<) movement. Flatulent, throbbing pain, extending towards chest. Acute drawing extending into urethra, with crawling. Constriction even when lying after midnight, (<) rising; C. taking away the breath. Uneasiness. heaviness. Internal coldness. Empty feeling, with discharge of flatus.

Upper.- Distention from pit of stomach to below navel, with pain in it and with sensitiveness of r. upper lid. Gurgling, and in lower; in upper after eating, with pain. Griping tearing in U. and in side of chest after dinner, (<) walking and standing, (>) rest of body and mind. Griping during dinner; in evening, with emission of flatus and itching over hips. Cutting; when eating. Sharp pain between pit of stomach and navel, (<) retracting abdomen, but (>) the eructations caused thereby. Biting. Throbbing in skin beneath pit of stomach.

Hypochondria.- Cramplike pain alternating with oppression of chest and difficult breathing. Pain as from flatulence, and in sides of abdomen and in back, even in morning in bed, (<) walking, somewhat (>) stool, renewed by walking. Heaviness; and in loins, with pain, then prostration.

Hepatic region.- Liver voluminous. Sticking in r. side and middle; in H. region and r. hip; during sour eructations and on inspiration; sometimes also in hip, or with burning or biting externally, at times also in evening or after dinner; jerking, after supper. Intermittent tearing. Pinching; as from incarcerated flatus, (<) motion, and in r. side of abdomen. Pinching griping in a spot. Pain in a spot; P., with jerklike tearing drawing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.