Homeopathy Remedy Zincum

Region of Spleen.- Sticking; in evening when walking and standing; with pain; deep, (<) pressure. Intermittent pinching. Slow pulsating sore feeling. Pressure.

Sides.- Tumbling in l. in evening; in r., then croaking. Stitches in r.; in l. flank in morning after waking; sudden, in l. at night, (<) breathing and pressure. Tension. Tensive colic in l., (>) eructations.

Umbilical Region.- Stitches as from an internal ulcer in a spot in r. side above navel, (<) touch and motion; cutting S. transversely across; tearing. Tearing from one side to the other below navel till evening. Cutting transversely below navel. Sticking griping; griping as from flatus, when walking. Pain; and below navel; in middle of abdomen after a moderate supper; in middle of abdomen, with cramplike drawing; as from an internal induration in a spot beneath navel, (<) pressure and retracting abdomen.

Hypogastrium.- Protrusion of inguinal hernia. Jerking from groin towards penis. Stitches; in l.; above groin; near genitals, then tearing drawing in root of penis; cutting in l. after emission of flatus; downward through r. ilium on bending over, with a hard abdomen. Tearing low down in r. side, extending into groin; deep in l. side, beginning in region of hip. Pinching in r. groin and flank as in retention of urine, renewed by rising from a seat. Pain in pubic region; P. close to r. hip; after a dry stool; (>) normal stool; in groin and pubic region, with drawing, intermittent, on rising; jerking, in r. groin. Prickling in l. groin at night, alternating with drawing, disturbing sleep. Bruised sensation in r. side. Drawing pain in l. groin when sitting. Drawing in l. groin. Screwing-together sensation in l. groin, extending into chest. Constriction in l. side on walking and on pressure. (>) sitting after dinner. Pressing feeling low down, extending to beginning of urethra, with crawling. A hernia presses down forcibly. Painful retching in l. groin as if a hernia would occur. Feeling as if an inguinal gland were swollen.

Clinical It has been used for flatulent colic, for lead colic, neuralgia of the bowels, with retraction of the abdomen (Plumb.), etc. Enlargement of the liver, with flatulent dyspepsia etc. Enlarged, indurated liver, which is sore. Reflex symptoms from floating kidney.


      Jerking stitches extending into root of penis. Cutting and smarting. Boring extending into abdomen, with pressing, so that she could not sit down. Drawing pain extending into abdomen. Soreness. Itching. Heaviness when standing, (>) emission of flatus. Feeling as if pressed by flatus, though none passes; feeling as if flatus pressed against coccyx, by which it was retained, in evening. Tenesmus. Desire for stool in morning and after eating; D for stool, with movement in abdomen; long, then difficult, soft stool; ineffectual.


      Discharge of blood. Protrusion of haemorrhoids, with smarting pain. Stitches; crawling, in morning; burning, in evening when walking; twinging, like lightning into rectum. Tearing. Jerklike cutting. Burning soreness in evening. Crawling pressure. Crawling; sore. Itching; in evening; after soft stool; with oozing of corrosive moisture; ending in pain. Burning; during stool; after stool.


      Diarrhoea; at night, with griping and tenesmus; with emission of flatus; then no stool for three days; frequent, then leucorrhoea; involuntary, in morning on waking; brown; brown, gushing, flatulent, preceded and followed by griping; yellowish, gushing; pasty, with straining after stool; offensive, alternating with constipation; bilious, then no stool for twenty-four hours; bilious, then great relief. Soft, twice at night; S. after dinner, with cessation of pain in abdomen; S. several times a day, enveloped in bright red frothy blood, preceded by colic; and difficult, with emission of prostatic fluid.

Constipation; but some desire for stool. Hard, small (Plumb.), with pressure and rumbling in abdomen; H. often crumbling, with pressure and clawing in anus; and unsatisfactory, only every two or three days; in morning another after dinner soft, accompanied and followed by vertigo and roaring in head; and scanty in evening, then several small soft ones; and difficult; with blood; then renewed urging; at first, then liquid; first part, last part easy, soft. Large in size, with great effort of abdominal muscles. Tenacious, light yellow, with sticking in anus. Scanty, tenacious, then straining and heat in anus. Light-colored, the first part large and hard, the last soft. Profuse. Normal, four times a day, with griping in abdomen. Intermittent.

Clinical Cholera infantum with green mucous discharges, sometimes with tenesmus (Mercurius dulc.), with boring of the head into the pillow, restless extremities. Sudden cessation of diarrhoea followed by the cerebral symptoms above noted. Involuntary stools and urine. It has been used for chronic dysentery with the particularly marked symptoms of Zincum met.

Urinary Organs

      Pressure upon bladder, but not to urinate. Urging to urinate, urine copious; U. after micturition every evening on lying down, but only three or four drops pass; frequent at night, with scanty discharge. Micturition slow and in a thin stream; dribbling, every evening; involuntary, on blowing nose (after a difficult stool); frequent after midnight, urine light yellow, not very copious; frequent, urine rather increased, watery or lemon- colored.

Urethra. Emission of prostatic fluid. Flow of blood; after painful micturition. Stitches through U.; in orifice; twinging backward like lightning. Cutting in orifice in evening when sitting; tearing, in middle extending forward. Sore pain in forepart when out urinating. Drawing and tearing in forepart; acute D. in forepart and in penis. Biting in orifice after micturition; in forepart when not urinating, with tearing. Itching. Burning before and during micturition; after micturition; when urinating during menses; tearing B.

Urine. Increased in evening; at night. Scanty; in evening and morning, and pale; after dinner; and high-colored; and nearly blood-red; and becomes turbid like clay-water. Reddish. Very yellow, deposits white flakes. That passed at night is very turbid in morning. Dark and turbid; with copious sediment of urate of ammonia, with a few crystals of oxalate of lime and a few cells of renal epithelium, at times a pellicle after standing, urine clearer on boiling, odor after standing from previous evening (in a corked bottle) sickening, wheylike, reaction acid, sugar present; turbid when it left the urethra except towards the end of micturition. Sediment flocculent; mealy

in that passed at night.

Clinical Hysterical retention of urine. Paralysis of the bladder. Can urinate only when sitting. Occasionally useful for symptoms occurring during albuminuria, with oedema, irregular heart, spasmodic breathing and haemorrhages.

Sexual Organs

      Falling of hair. Tearing in tip of glans. Painful jerking in root of penis. Penis sensitive when walking, as if the shirt rubbed it. Itching of end of penis in morning on waking. Erections, with pain, strong E.; strong, with pain in abdomen. Scrotum shrivelled; and neighboring parts; with shivering in it; sore red pimple at the root of a hair; stitches extending into glans; pain in r. side, (<) touch; sore sensation, and in contiguous parts of thigh; itching every evening not (>) scratching.

Stitches in l. testicle during rest. Drawing pain in testicles; prickling, (<) sitting and stooping. Drawing up of r. or l. testicle, with pain and swelling; D. in testicles extending along spermatic cords; in l., then r. T.; in l., at times extending along spermatic cord, with prickling pressure. Testicles feel sore and bruised. Desire in the company of women and discharge of semen too soon; D., but difficult seminal discharge. Emissions at night without lascivious dreams.

Female. Pudenda, varices; pressure, and on rectum; pressure towards P., with cutting about navel; sticking biting during menses, with itching and swollen feeling. Discharge of bloody mucus causing itching on pudenda, after menses. Leucorrhoea; (<) every stool; thick, (<) morning and evening, also before and during menses; acrid, with burning in pudenda; slimy, with griping in upper abdomen. Lochia suppressed and milk diminished. Menses too early; and profuse, lasting three days; delayed; and profuse, (<) night and walking, with cutting and drawing in abdomen and small of back; discharged in large clots, (<) walking; only three days; termination prolonged; returned (after suppression of three months) with alternations of paleness and redness of face. Excitement at night without lascivious dreams.

Clinical Seminal emissions, with hypochondriasis, general irritability and depression. Neuralgia of the testicles, (<) walking. Irregular menstruation. Sometimes vicarious menstruation, haemorrhage from the urethra, or bowels, or lungs, with the general Zincum met. symptoms. Neuralgia of left ovary, preceding menses, (>) the flow. Pruritus of the vulva. Unnatural sexual excitement in women. All the symptoms of derangement of the female organs are associated with the general restlessness, depression, tendency to coldness, spinal tenderness and especially the restless feet of Zincum met.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.