Homeopathy Remedy Opium

Respiration. Short; and rattling, at times stopping for half a minute. Rattling. Grunting. Sobbing, interrupted. Long and sighing; deep and frequent signing. Frequent, deep; with convulsive motions of jaws; D. and anxious; D. and sonorous; and heavy, with slow, large pulse; single D. at times, suspended at times. Loud. Weak. Shallow. Interrupted; inspiration. Irregular’; and not full; often only 5 per minute; occasionally full and deep, then ceasing for a time. Convulsive, 10 per minute, then did not breathe for a minute. Rapid; and anxious. Suspended; for a minute at a time, then begins with a sigh; then short, sudden gasps as if he would suffocate.

Slow respiration; and groaning; and signing; and now and then moaning; and stertorous; and stertorous, irregular; and stertorous, deep, puffing; and stertorous, jerking; and stertorous, interrupted, gasping; and sonorous; and loud; and rattling, irregular; and irregular in time; with at times deep inspiration; and deep; and heavy; and feeble; almost imperceptible, intermittent; obstructed by mucus; and stertorous, labored, irregular, sometimes more than a minute between the respirations, then sudden snoring inspiration; with rapid, thready pulse.

Stertorous respiration; and deep; and deep, moaning; and rapid; and rapid, with stridulous inspiration; with rattling in throat; and loud at one time, at another heavy and weak; and irregular, sometimes interrupted; with occasionally such an impediment that the face became livid and the child apparently dead; with hiccough; with large, slow pulse; at times S., at times stridulous. Apoplectic breathing.

Clinical Aphonia from fright. Cough at night, dry and spasmodic, from tickling in the larynx. Threatening paralysis of the lungs, with superficial respiration and occasional deep breaths. Bronchial catarrh, with dyspnoea, suffocative attacks during sleep, deep snoring respiration, great difficulty in lying down. Bronchial catarrh, wakes with suffocation, great dyspnoea and blueness of the face. Pneumonia, with complaints of the heat of the bed, profuse hot sweat and tendency to stupor.


      Stitches extending outward, (<) towards r. scapula. Drawing tearing in side. Pinching in sternum and back on motion. Pain; in r. side, even when not breathing, with stitches during inspiration; P., with cough; P. all the afternoon, making respiration difficult; frequent, causing hacking cough, which relieved it for a time; tensive, beneath short ribs, along attachment of diaphragm, when breathing. Contraction, tightness and anxiety. Constriction as if stiff, with difficult respiration. Oppression; of lungs; waking him about midnight. Heaviness, with frequent need to breathe deeply, with at times gasping, the clothes were too tight, beat of heart could not be felt. Heat.


      Sound weak. Stitches. Pain, with irregular and feeble pulse. Anxiety; with restlessness. Heaviness and oppression. Burning. Faintness as often as he dropped to sleep. Circulation rapid, with heat. Beats rapid; violent; imperfect and irregular, more when reclining than when sitting; feeble; suspended.


      Rapid; at night; and full; and full, strong; and full, soft; and full, sometimes slow afterwards; and hard; and hard, full; and hard, contracted; and hard, large; and hard, violent, with impeded respiration; and large, soft; and irregular in volume and rhythm; and irregular, full; and irregular, feeble; and irregular, small; and irregular, small, intermittent; and intermittent; and intermittent, feeble; and small; and small, weak; and small, soft; and weak; and weak, sometimes fluttering; afterwards slow; afterwards slow, full, without much tension.

Slow; with slow, stertorous respiration, red, distended face and sweat, with convulsions; with chilliness, shivering, diminished activity, weakness, but increased hunger; and strong; and laboring; and large; and full; and full, with deep stertorous respiration; and full, soft; and full, irregular; and irregular; and irregular, feeble; and soft; and undulating, soft; and small; and small, faltering; and small, weak; and weak; afterwards rapid; but rapid and weak during the spasm and suspension of breath, ceasing at wrist about six seconds before the breathing was resumed.

Strong in carotids. Sharp. Violent in carotids. Laboring. Hard; and contracted. Full; and hard; and strong; and soft. Intermittent; and irregular. Irregular in carotids, about 50. Small. Thready. Weak; and irregular; and irregular, small; and irregular, tremulous; in morning, and tremulous; and small; and threadlike; and fluttering. Imperceptible; at wrists and temples; at wrist, slight in carotids; and heart’s action feebly dicrotic, irregular, slow.


      Swelling of veins, with violent pulsation in them. Tonic spasm, so that head was bent backward. Weakness of muscles that support head.


      Arched, from trembling of limbs, that irritates all limbs. Bent, often in a circular form. Tonic spasms. Pressure inward in B. and chest up to nape, and muscles and vessels seem contracted. Pain; in dorsal muscles, at times extending into chest; between tip of r. scapula and posterior wall of chest; in lumbar region. Heat along spine alternating with coldness.


      Flaccid; and unable to walk; and hanging down. Lie immovable wherever placed. Drawn up. Nails purple. Cramps. Trembling; of hands and feet; spasmodic. Spasms; clonic. Involuntary motions of arms, fingers and toes. Pain on walking far. Distress about joints. Uneasiness. Weakness; of legs and forearms. Heaviness; of arms and feet; and asleep; and stiffness in them on rising. Rigidity of muscles of arms and legs. Power of motion diminished, with pain in recti and vasti muscles of thigh, also pain in arms and legs on motion. Insensibility.

Upper Extremities

      Violent shaking. Numbness from l. shoulder to tips of fingers, (<) palmar surface of hand, thumb and little finger. Arm, trembling of l; automatic motions; twitching; convulsive motion back and forth of one or another; hung motionless; heaviness of l.; paralysis of l. Drawing and tearing now in r., now in l. forearm, in evening. Hands purple; livid; trembling; twitching; numbness and swollen sensation, and in forearms. Fingers blue; congested, and nails; thumbs rigidly extended at r. angles; jerking, and of wrists; sudden drawing tearing in second joint of r. ring (<) motion, (>) rest, afterwards extending above wrist to head of radius; crawling as if asleep, (<) grasping anything; touch so affected that she could do no needlework; numbness from second joints to tips of l. little and ring, as if they had been constricted, in evening, (>) rubbing.

Lower Extremities

      Gait stumbling; and slow; lame gait. Flexed and cold. Trembling. Weakness. Crawling. Numbness of l. after short sitting, not (>) walking, with prickling. Thigh, trembling; rheumatic pain; tensive pain in flexor muscles, extending to hollows of knees, in forenoon; drawing on outer side of r.; sensation as if a liquid were moving up and down in l.; heaviness. Knee bent; lightning- like tearing along outer side of r., extending down outer surface to malleolus, disappearing as suddenly as it came; came; pain in hollow; pain in K. and hip-joints so that I could neither sit nor lie; weariness; weariness in l.; paralyzed feeling, also with trembling, also with pain; stiffness. Legs drawn up; jerking in calves; weak; weariness on rising from a seat, lasting till towards 6 P.M., with heaviness; crawling; heaviness; almost insensible; stiff. Feet, swelling; tossed up and down as in convulsions, with a sudden, loud cry; heavy after eating; stiff and sensitive; numb.


      Pale; and contracted; and covered with sweat; and bluish. Blue; in spots; on limbs and face; lips and tips of fingers and toes. Violent, with swelling. Purple face, hands and feet. Livid; (<) limbs. Almost black. Brown. Red; on neck and chest; and itching; and all veins distended. Leathery. Swollen, (<) face and hands. Dry, rough and of a dirty color; D., sunburnt color; D., shrivelly and tawny. Eruption, with at times itching; E., with biting itching of skin after the sweat. Red, itching tetter here and there. Itching blotches on extensor surface of forearms near wrists, (>) night. Hives on middle of extensor surface of l thigh. Erysipelas in face extending to head. Pimples sensitive to touch on side of neck. Boils. Carbuncles. Foul, indolent ulcers. Blisters.

Burning sticking about r. wrist, with pimples surrounded by red areola on back and in palm of hand, which arose to blisters, similar to pimples on r. cheek, sensitive to pressure. Tension on forehead, (>) stroking. Biting, (<) face, with burning in it. Crawling on l. leg; on hands and feet, changing to rolling. Itching; of nose; arms and shoulders; about anus; on legs in evening; (<) upper part of body, extending from chest over face, (<) nose; of skin, which was warm and dry; face, with heat in it; with removal of hair; and after scratching red, itching pimples; sticking, here and there; burning, with pustules. Insensibility.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.