Homeopathy Remedy Opium

Fear; of impending death (Aconite, Cann-ind.); of the people around him, and jealousy. Anxiety; in attacks, with short, oppressed respiration and trembling of arms and hands; with heat and intoxication, talked of all sorts of things, took her words back at one time, started up in fright, at another angrily seized the hands of those about her. Sadness; in afternoon. Despondency; then a conditions somewhat similar to a low state of delirium tremens with prostration, exhausting diarrhoea and vomiting, pre- existing diseases are aggravated, often dropsy, death may result, generally from effusion into the great cavities and general anasarca.

Fretful. Mistrustful. Pleasurable feelings only when his eyes were open, as if external objects only were acted upon by the imagination. Anger,. Rage. Ferocity. Inconstant, they often promise what they soon refuse to abide by. Hastiness at work. Inclined to work. Indolence; and intoxication; in morning on rising; and theft often supplies the means for persevering in the fatal pleasure. Indifference; after the delirium, Taciturnity.

Mind active; and filled with gigantic schemes and theories, faculties keen and expressions terse and convincing, but after sleep suicidal depression as if haunted by evil spirits. Intellect brilliant, language eloquent and his talent for writing easy, with kindness and benevolence. Sublime contemplation all night, without sleep. Imagination and memory increased, so that he passes the night in profound meditation he slumbers a few hours at day break, unable to remember what he though about at night.

Imbecility. Confusion. Dullness, with short, anxious respiration, heaving of chest, eyes look dead and are full of water Mind weak; and obscured, illusion as if eyes were four times larger than usual. Loss of ideas. Answered questions with difficulty; answered only after a pause and not always correctly. Comprehension wavering. Inability and disinclination for work in afternoon. Ideas difficult to collect. Memory weak lost. Will power weak; over muscles, with heaviness of head and weakness. Voluntary powers suspended.

Insensibility, with apoplectic respiration; with loud snoring; with immobility; to shame and the more refined sensibilities. Unconsciousness; sudden, with blue face and contraction of upper limbs. Lethargy. Stupefaction; soporous; as if a board were before head, with vertigo, obliging him to lie down, then trembling of body. Coma; lying on her back and resting as if inert; with head drawn backward and partial consciousness; with snoring; with insensibility to pinching, arms rigid, fingers clenched.

Clinical Valuable for the after effects of fright, with delirium, flushed face, sleeplessness and cold extremities. Violent mania in low types of fever, with frightful fancies, fear that they were going to be executed for crimes and attempts to escape; there are generally staring, twitching of facial muscles and trismus. Delirium tremens, (<) least amount of alcohol, expression of fear (Stream.). Complete stupor in low types of fever, with open eyes and mouth, speechless, muscles rigid; this condition may alternated with delirium, attempts to escape, head and face flushed and dark, respiration slow and sighing, stools involuntary.


      Swaying back and forth. Lateral motion. Drooping. Feel backward or sideways when sitting. Sticking;, extending outward. Sensation like that following sleep after a debauch. Tearing as if everything were torn to pieces, with sensation as if everything in body were turned about, and general discomfort, making him indignant. Aching; in morning; in morning on waking; in morning, (>) rising, (>) open air in forenoon; on waking, with stupefaction; after a nap; (<) at 10 A.M., with throbbing in brain; (<) sitting quietly, with confusion of head; (>) leaning against a cold wall; (>) vomiting, with drowsiness and nausea; with feeling as if there were bees in a hollow in it; extending along median line, in afternoon at times throbbing; becoming vertigo, making thought difficult; as if splitting.

Confusion; in morning; in afternoon, and next day from 8 A.M. till noon; after sleep; with no mental grasp; with weakness; with rapid pulse; with full, hard pulse; with pressure in eyes; with congestion, and with glowing heat of face and sweat on head; with dry heat in eyes and inclination to close lids without sleepiness, with sensation as if he had watches the previous night; as after intoxicating drinks; as if smoke rose into brain; becoming vertigo and making though and speech difficult; becoming a pain extending over orbit and to nape; becoming a pain, (<) forehead, extending towards eyes and to nose.

Sensation as if in a vise, (>) motion. Tension. Heaviness; and on raising it sensation as if weight moved to and fro; with feeling as if it had been hanging down for a long time; making thought and writing difficult. Fulness. Rush of blood. heard the R., with a dull but loud noise at every beat of heart the R., with a forehead. Pulsation of arteries; with heat. Apoplexy; threatening of A., with all the symptoms except stupor, then insensibility and death; apoplectic condition, with stertorous, rattling respiration, open mouth, pale face covered with cold seat, l. eye close, r. partly open, pupils dilated, eyeball paralyzed, nails blue, pulse full, insensible and motionless. Intoxication; on waking from a nap.

Vertigo; after waking; on attempting to get up; on looking to r,. or l.; on stooping; on rising in bed; (<) trying to walk; (>) vomiting; with sickness; with difficulty in holding up head; with stupefaction of head; with vanishing of thought; with blackness before eyes; with swaying back and forth body; with numbness of limbs; as if everything turned about with him in a circle (compare Gelsem.).

Forehead. Stitches in l. side, extending deep into brain; to occiput, (<) r. half of head, with sleepiness; alternating with drawing pains within ears. Tearing and beating, with sour eructations and necessity to lie down, when she perspired. Intermittent boring, at times extending to vertex. Aching; in r. half; in r. eminence; in r. eminence and above eye; in supraorbital region; in region of glabella; all day; over eyes in morning; l. side of F. and vertex in evening; above r. eminence when reading, with heat, then pinching in r. temple as if something pressed upon it and then relaxed; with warmth in it; with external warmth in it; in upper part, with digging, and with heaviness of lids, (<) l. eye; and over eyes, with sensation as if eyes would be pressed together, with tremulous drawing in scalp of forehead and vertex, the pain changing to Dullness, sleepiness and feeling in head as if he had not slept enough; extending to eyes and nose; extending to root and tip of nose, and changing to pinching; in periosteum of eminences, extending to nose, then pain in forehead, (<) above eyes, with Dullness of head; intermittent, in l. eminence; sticking throbbing; stupefying, in r. side. Pressure outward; in one side, (>) pressure; in r. eminence, preventing writing, then in occiput, (>) rubbing and pressure; paroxysmal, in l. side, extending over r. side from head to tips of toes. Straining sensation reaching to eyes and nose. Dullness; in sinciput; in r. side, with heat in it; sometimes interrupted by sticking above brows that afterwards extended over head, (>) towards noon, in afternoon Dullness, with at times sticking in head, with warmth and flushes of beat in face. Heaviness in sinciput; over eyes. Stupefied sensation above eyes.

Temples. Twitching. Pain; in r., and in external canthus; as if pressed together; as if pressed asunder, and especially in forehead.

Vertex. Pain, with Dullness; P. on r. side, under forehead extending outward and from V. to r. orbit in afternoon and evening; P. between sticking and boring in coronal suture, and in sagittal suture as far as middle of vertex.

Side. Dullness in l. extending to r. temple.

Occiput. Drawing tearing from scalp to ears, in region of fontanelle, in afternoon, suddenly disappearing, but returning and extending down spine. Pain in evening; tensive, at insertion of trapezius muscles, extending across neck to upper margin of acromion process and inner margins of scapulae to tips, in general corresponding to course of muscular fibres, (<) motion, (>) rest, (<) region of fourth cervical vertebra, whence it extended to last dorsal vertebra. Feeling like lead, so that head constantly fell backward.

Scalp. Hair gray. Bruised pain, and in nose.

Clinical Of extreme value in apoplexy when there is stupor with cold extremities; it has frequently produced the most rapid and beneficial results in temporary paralysis, apparently resulting from serious in the brain, and it is certainly of great value as a palliative in cerebral haemorrhage. In threatening apoplexy of drunkards, the occiput feels as heavy as lead and there is a tendency to stertorous respiration, with free perspiration, which does not relieve, with spasmodic jerkings of limbs, numbness and variable pulse.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.