Homeopathy Remedy Opium


      Distention; but no power to expel its contents (Carbo-v.), (>) catheter; (>) moving about, with pressure, the latter returning on sitting; increasing from noon till evening, and late in evening a scanty, difficult, not had stool; tympanitic; hard and sensitive to touch. Rumbling; and gurgling and griping; and moving about. Emission of flatus; after eating; difficult; offensive, at night.

Cutting Griping; all the afternoon; (>) a tumbler of milk drunk as soon as it came from the cow; with constipation; with contraction; with pinching, then emissions of much odorless flatus through the night and eructations of gas; with flatulence, then hard stool. Colic; before and after stool; with spasmodic closure of anus and difficult emission of flatus; with desire for stool, (>) soft stool, then weariness, with yawning; then diarrhoea; then diarrhoea in morning; tensive; as from taking cold; as after a purge; drawing; as from a stone. Bruised pain. Tension. Grumbling; and contraction; G. motions. Throbbing. Heaviness; in morning. Intestines sluggish, so that the strongest purgatives lose their power. Intestines seem paralyzed.

Fulness of upper A., with tension. Griping in upper A. Pain in hypochondrium; in region of spleen and back. Umbilical region, distention; cutting, then a stool not hard; griping, then pasty, yellowish-brown stool of mouldy odor; pain; on pressure; pain a few hours later diarrhoea; weight and anxiety, with flushes of internal heat and stupefaction of head. Stitches in l. side; in l. flank. Rumbling in transverse colon at midnight, with twisting, then urging to stool, which was copious, watery with sudden loud flatus, then burning in rectum. Tension in hypogastrium, with pain on touch.

Clinical Colic, with great tympanitis, especially in obstinate constipation. Valuable in intestinal obstruction, with faecal vomiting and violent colic.


      Distending pain. Pain as from haemorrhoidal congestion, (<) touching anus. Sensation as if closed on making exertion at stool. Indolent, it seemed as if it could not evacuate the stool, in the evening a not hard stool. Ineffectual efforts at stool.


      Spasmodic closure. Spasmodic constriction, with burning pain on touch. Tickling ending with itching.


      Dysentery. Watery; at 9 and 12 P.M., with griping; about midnight; frequent, afterwards constipation. Diarrhoea; whitish, frequent, also causing burning in anus; frothy, profuse, then great relief; frothy, with itching burning in anus, and tenesmus; frequent; frequent, with dragging and burning in rectum and anus; bilious, with pain extending from r. hypochondrium to umbilicus. Soft pasty; and copious, dark, almost odorless, waking him about 5 A.M. Loamy, tenacious dark brown, difficult, of mouldy smell, delayed.

Constipation. Hard; and dark brown; in small pieces, only after clysters, with loss of appetite; not till 10 P.M.; and gray; and crumbly; and unsatisfactory, also delayed; and difficult, also scanty; in hard nodules, with labor-like pains; first part H. and difficult, the last diarrhoea-like. Offensive. Contained a blackish substance. Tenacious, gluey, yellowish-brown, of mouldy odor. Profuse. Indolent; and scanty. Difficult. Involuntary; and micturition. Infrequent. Delayed; preceded by ineffectual urging. Retained two days, then sudden desire for soft stool, next day, pasty, unsatisfactory.

Clinical Constipation from inertia of the bowels, especially of the rectum, with no inclination for stool; in these cases gas accumulates in the upper part of the bowels and causes great pain. Particularly useful in constipation resulting from unwise use of enemas of water and soap. It has cured chronic catarrh and ulceration of the ilio-caecal region, with persistent discharge of enormous quantities of flakes of mucus, constipation, faecal stools completely enveloped in mucus, the indication being complete atony of the lower bowel and the accumulation of hard balls of faces. Occasionally useful in cholera infantum, with involuntary offensive stools, great weakness, dark red face, collapse and sleepiness. Useful in cholera infantum when the discharges have been suppressed and the child has become unconscious, with insensible pupils and flushed face. Diarrhoea during typhoid, with bloated abdomen, etc.

Urinary Organs

      Bright’s disease. Urine retained (Nux-v.). Expulsive power of bladder weak (Causticum, Gelsemium, etc.). Pain in bladder as from need to urinate without being able to accomplish it. Tenesmus, on beginning to urinate, necessity to wait on account of twitching of sphincter vesicae. Micturition violent. Stream interrupted; after long waiting on account of cramp of sphincter. Micturition only after long exertion. M. difficult; on waking from a nap; with full bladder, on account of cramp in sphincter vesicae, even after much urine began to pass the full stream was interrupted, this lasted all day. Dysuria, with frequent interruptions in the stream of urine; D. as if passages were closed. Strangury, with frequent ineffectual desire, burning and cutting at neck of bladder, cutting along ureters and urethra and tenesmus. Ineffectual attempts to urinate; later high-colored urine. M. painful and scanty. Involuntary M. Frequent, scanty M.; E., of turbid, mucus urine, sometimes from vesical, sometimes from renal disease.

Urethra. Burning during micturition. Spasmodic constriction, (>) urinating. Feels closed during micturition.

Urine. Red, scanty, with clouds; dark red, scanty, passed with cutting; dark red, turbid, frothy, depositing a yellowish-red, slimy sediment. Lemon-yellow, with much sediment; lemon-yellow, turbid, scanty. Brown, with iridescent film. Dark; and turbid; and depositing a sediment. Bloody. Of remarkable odor; and wheylike. Of intolerable odor. Copious; in afternoon; in evening, and pale yellow; at night; after midnight, and on waking next morning; at times, at other times suppressed. Brick-dust sediment.

Clinical Retention of urine, especially resulting from fright or following parturition (Nux-v.). Renal colic, with cold sweat.

Sexual Organs

      Cutting in male during micturition. Erections in sleep, and after waking impotency; frequent E. at night in sleep; excessive E. Masturbation. Desire, with erections, emissions and lascivious dreams; D. at first, then organs gradually lose their tone; increased in some, diminished in others. Impotency. Emissions at night; involuntary, even when wide awake. Procreative power in both sexes lessened, and in those women who do bear children the secretion of milk is defective. Painful movements of child in uterus. Uterus so soft that the movements of the child can be felt externally, with a general paralyzed state. Labor-like pain in uterus, obliging her to bend together, with anxious, almost ineffectual desire for stool. Mucous discharge from vagina. Menstruation increased; irregular; did not appear.

Clinical Amenorrhoea from fright. Occasionally useful in uterine haemorrhage.

Respiratory Organs

      Spasms of respiratory muscles. Larynx dry. Tickling in larynx, (>) a glass of water, with dry, racking cough causing lachrymation, afterwards paroxysms of cough waking him at 3 A.M., repeated at 3.15 P.M. and second night a 2 A.M., fourth night at 3 A.M. awakened by dry cough, with tickling and scraping in larynx. Voice harsh and deep; H. and hollow; gruff; hoarse; quivering.

Cough on swallowing; on swallowing liquid; (<) eating; dry, hollow; violent, dry in paroxysms, then yawning and a sudden loud cry; with scanty, tenacious expectoration and rattling in chest. Expectoration, with bronchial irritation. Expectoration of blood. Expectoration of mucus and pus; frothy mucus; thick, bloody mucus.

Respiration. Asthma. Suffocative attacks; in sleep; and suddenly became blue in face and tried to cough, but had no breath, then deep sleep, with cold sweat. Choking sensation. Dyspnoea; as if threatened with pleurisy, and tension in scapulae. Difficult; at night on waking; and loud, rattling; and rattling; and deep; and rapid; and rapid, anxious; and slow; and slow, rattling; and slow, with loud mucous ronchus; and anxious, with open mouth; at long intervals; and long intervals between inspirations and expirations, with rattling; and each inspiration giving a long struggling sound, it would draw four inspirations at the rate of 16 per minute, then cease to inhale about thirty seconds, then the four inspirations, and at the fourth a general spasm of muscles, after remedies breathing difficult, at the rate of 30, afterwards three inspirations at the rate of 12, when spasms would occur and the suspensions of breathing became longer, afterwards two inspirations together, about twelve seconds apart, then suspended for nearly a minute; as if pectoral muscles were tense; as from nitrogen, the air seeming to leave the lungs without having performed its function, with dryness in fauces and larynx; gradually increasing to suffocative, generally dependent on oedema of lungs or effusion into pleural sac.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.