Homeopathy Remedy Opium


      Red. Staring; and wild. Prominent and motionless. Sunken. Glazed, half open, pupils moderately dilated and immovable. Glassy and sunken; G. and dark; G., and conjunctiva straw- colored. Sparkling; and full. Lustreless. Dimness alternating with moisture. Expressionless. Heavy look. Distorted. Turned upward; and outward; and open. Pressure upon r. as from reading; P. causing sensation as if he could not gold lids open. Sensation as if too large for orbits. Dryness of r.; D. in evening, (>) night, with weakness, burning and sensation as if dust were in them; with stiffness and sometimes with water in them; with frequent pressure on them, frequent necessity to forcibly open and close them and redness of Conjunctiva. See, moist in open air. Burning., Heaviness; on waking, with dullness; with uneasiness. Stiffness.

Lachrymation. Balls turned upward; pressing-together sensation in B. Pupils contracted; and turned upward and outward; with divergent squint; and insensible; dilated; insensible; oscillating. Lids, swelling of lower; swollen, dark, half closed; livid, and lips and wings of nose, also lips and nails; drooping; closed; spasmodically closed; open; half open, and eyes fixed; tremulous and half open; sealed up or dropping rheum; immovable, and balls; upper heavy as if swollen. Canthus, sticking in l. external; cramp-like sensation in r. external. Conjunctiva red; red with swelling of caruncula lachrymalis; insensible, also cornea. Dim vision; in forenoon when reading; intermittent. Objects looked larger; smaller. Letters swim when writing. Vision double; flickering. He though that flashes of fire came out of his eyes. Blindness.


      Livid, and nape; tips. Jerking within l., then r. Pressure toward external meatus. Throbbing. Hearing acute; during the torpor; indistinct; difficult in l. Could hardly detect the voice of nay one who spoke, but her own sounded disagreeably loud to her. Ringing. Singing. Humming; when talking or whistling; as of bees, with stopped sensation and diminished hearing. Roaring; in evening when sitting still; after eating.


      Pinched, and could not inspire through it. Stoppage in a warm room after walking in open air-Dryness; in afternoon and evening. Much mucus; forty mucus; frothy fluid tinged with blood. sneezing. Loss of smell.


      Flushed; during sleep; and bloated; and neck; and head hot; alternately F. and pale. Livid. Dusky. Black in morning. Cyanotic; and earthy, Purple. Cherry-brown. Lead-colored, with blue lines; F. and lips lead-colored. Yellow; and withered. Pale; and sunken; and bathed in cold sweat; cheeks, with red sports; cheeks, and furrowed. Earthy. Swollen; and dark; and expression unmanning, ghastly-Blotched. Veins distended. Distorted; and purple. Full, smooth and glassy. A new air of life and brightness. Horrid look wild and fierce-looking. Alarmed and bewildered expression, apparently recognizing no and bewildered expression, apparently recognizing no one. Sickly. Cadaverous; and livid, cheeks and nose cold, eyes sunken, surrounded by dark circles. Ghastly. Haggard. Look as if he had not slept enough, with sunken, blinking eyes. Expression of premature old age. Vacant look. Languid and stupid expression on waking. Muscles relaxed, giving a stupid expression, lower lip inclined to hang down, nostrils wide open, upper lid difficult to raise. Spasms. Conclusive trembling, and of lips and tongue. Confused feeling in l. side of chin.

Lips. Purple. Livid. Pallid. Cracked. Swollen; (<) lower, and blue; lower, towards r. corner, and hard, with excoriation (possibly from biting lip). Distorted, Pain in lower on touch.

Jaws. Falling; and fixed; spasmodic. Lower protrude and tremulous. Sudden trembling. Clenched., Stitches, (<) region of condyles. Pain; in joints and in cheek-bones, with heat in them and in lobules of ears.


      Teeth, gnawing in nerves; aching; looseness. Gums eaten away, so that teeth stood bare top the roots.

Tongue. Black. White. Coated; brown; yellow; and taste sticky, pasty, Purple. Ulceration, and of palate; and of mouth. Project, tumefied and blue. Thrust backward up and against palate; thrust between lips, swollen and trembling. In constant motion. Rapid trembling. Thick, and speech difficult. Dry; and brown; and edges dark; and edges red, centre coated white; and palate; anteriorly in morning, without thirst; T. and mouth dry, widely extended, with rasping sensation on touch; and palate and fauces, without inclination to drink. Cold. Burning, and in mouth inflammation of larynx; biting B. Difficult to move after walking, with dry mouth. Paralytic. Speech difficult; and slow; stammering; impossible.

Foaming at mouth; at times. Discharge of yellow tenacious, mouldy-smelling mucus from M. and nose, without cough or inclination to sneeze. Pale and tumid. Occasionally puckered, not drawn. Dryness and in oesophagus; M. and fauces dry and covered with tough, viscous saliva; with little thirst; with chilliness over abdomen, without desire to drink, Salivation; constantly flowing from mouth. It thickens saliva and mucus of nose and trachea. Frothy sputa. Taste impaired; bad, with salt taste to saliva; sweetish; sour; bitter in morning; bitter burning; pasty; flat, insipid; lost.

Clinical Paralysis of the tongue and pharynx, with difficulty in articulation and inability to swallow.


      Vessels distended and pulsating violently. Fauces red. Rales. Rattling, then deep breathing. Choking, then eructations. Spasms. Scraping rawness in fauces. Sensation of a band, with stupid feeling in head. Constriction; in pharynx (Nux-v.); anxious; in fauces, with scraping. Dryness; posteriorly; in fauces; fauces and larynx; with inability to swallow; or burning. Cramp in oesophagus on swallowing; and afterwards. Asphagia, as from paralysis of muscles (Gelsem.). Swallowing painful; impossible.


      Appetite. Increased; for supper; with weakness. Ravenous; in paroxysms, at times with flat taste; with dread of food. Gluttony. Changing on eating to emptiness and pressure in stomach. Diminished; for dinner; for supper. Capricious. He wishes to eat, but has taken scarcely a bite when he has no desire for the rest. Lost; at noon; for food and drink; except for bead; or depraved, sweetmeats and sugar being most relished. Aversion to food; to meat, with unclean tongue; to tobacco; to tobacco-smoke.

Thirst; all night; during the chill; especially for thin beer; unquenchable.

Eructations; empty; bitter; tasting like chamomile tea. Hiccough. Nausea; in epigastric region; at 10.30 A.M., on attempting to smoke a cigar as usual, momentarily (>) a glass of water, with vertigo, trembling of limbs and cold sweat; at night on rising, with vertigo; on waking; after waking; on moving about; when walking in the street, with exhaustion that lasted all day; (>) eructations; (>) white sugar, with salivation;(>) vinegar, with headache; with salivation; with emptiness in stomach and general discomfort, then eructations; as after fasting; faintlike, with vomiting and prostration. In effectual retching.

Vomiting; before a convulsion; on waking; after eating; then bitter taste; violent, with purging; green; of food and drink; of everything that she swallowed; of blood; almost incessant, of brown, sour-smelling fluid; of dark fluid smelling of laudanum; of coffee, with much mucus; grayish mucus and unripe poppy-seeds; of phlegm, then copious discharge of bile, every kind of drink was thrown up as soon as taken, at last vomiting of a dark greenish liquid, which deposited a sediment of the same color.

Distention; with pain on touch; meteoric; flatulent, at night; painful, in pit. Accumulation of flatus, and in abdomen. Rumbling, and in abdomen. Cutting in epigastric and umbilical regions. Griping in epigastric region. Gnawing. Pain; in epigastric region, also in umbilical region; in region; on pressure, with heat; in epigastrium on pressure; when turning in bed or taking food, which “seems to lodge,” in epigastric region after eating, (>) walking; in epigastric region on inspiration, with tenderness; (<) pressure; in epigastrium, with tightness; in region and lower down, with cutting, and with dullness of head, changing to pain, (<) forehead and temples, with slow and weak pulse; in pit, with anxiety; sudden, with compression of diaphragm; as if a stone were in it; above S. after dinner, as if he had eaten too much or too hard food, (>) moving about in open air.

Constriction; with constipation. Acute throbbing when lying after dinner, (<) lying on back, (>) rising and walking, with visible rising and sinking rhythmical with pulse. Discomfort; somewhat as after a purge, extending into ilium. Heartburn. Heat extending over body, with moist skin; H. in epigastric region, streaming over body. Coldness. Emptiness; with frequent empty eructations; (>) breakfast, but it returned and lasted, with slight interruptions, all day, though I ate often. Heaviness, with compression and with distress in pit. Digestion impaired; after an early dinner, at 1.30 P.M.; slow. Weakness. Insensibility to emetics.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.