Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Sulfuricum

Foot. Stitches in l. heel in afternoon when sitting in l. sole when standing, making her twitch, (>) rubbing. Tearing in l.; on back or r,; in r. sole and toes; in outer margins; in r. heel in afternoon when standing, (>) rubbing; in heels at 9 P.M. when spinning, with stitches; on back of r. when sitting; in r. sole when sitting and standing; in r. heel when walking (>) rubbing, with stitches. Boring on back and outer side of l. Pain in r.; in joints; ulcerative, in r. heel, so that she could hardly step. Pressure on r. Drawing on back of r. Sensitiveness in morning on waking, with heaviness. Weariness at night, making her often change their position.

Toes. Stitches in l.; in great; l. great; joints of l. great; tips; tips of great; tip of r. great, then l. great; in l; in evening; beneath nails at night; in l. fourth when sitting; in r. second and third when stepping; in joint of l. great, (<) pressure; suddenly in r. great. Tearing; when walking; in r.; r. little. Boring in joint of great; alternately in joints of r. and l. great. Pain; in r. great; l. little; joints; joints of great; joint of r. great; in joint of l. great; then r. great; in great in evening; in joints at night on waking; joints of r. great at night on waking, with burning under nail; in l., with tension; joints of r. great, impeding walking; jerking, in joints of r. great. Drawing pain; in r. in evening. Drawing; in joint of l. great; in r. and on outer margin of foot. going to sleep of r. great in morning when sitting.

Clinical Useful in affections of the hip-joints, with pain at night, (>) turning over.


      Pimples deep in skin on r. side of lower jaw; on chin, with burning tensive pain on touch. Itching pimples inside r. hand; on inner side of r. forearm, burning after scratching, also containing limpid water, during menstruation. Itching vesicles containing water, between l. thumb and index. Stitches like flea- bites on l. chest, and then again on r. side of forehead. Tearing on external surface of upper arm in evening, (>) rubbing, with sticking of upper arm in zygoma; l. leg. Crawling on back of nose; on r. side in forepart of nose; externally on wings of nose; on perineum; alternately on soles and toes; now here, now there, on face; on back in evening on undressing; toes and between them in evening on undressing, (<) rubbing; top of feet from ankles to toes in evening on undressing, (<) scratching, between r. fingers, and after scratching burning; toes in evening on going to bed, (>) scratching; balls of toes, (>) rubbing. with feeling as if they would be constricted.


      Sleepiness; after breakfast, with no inclination to work; in forenoon when writing; after dinner; at 9.P.M., earlier than usual, but he also woke earlier. Feel asleep in forenoon when reading. Starting up when she is hardly asleep, without waking up entirely. Late falling asleep from restlessness. Restless sleep, with frequent waking from headache; R. sleep, with frequent waking, heavy anxious dreams, then expectoration of much mucus.

Dreams. Unremembered. That she bought beautiful bouquets of flowers in the market. Of gardens, flowers, delightful picnics. Of a wedding procession that passed by her. Of a lottery, he saw the numbers which he had taken. That a gentleman she knew lay sick in her house. That he was hurt and provoked because he had been insulted. That insults had excited him so that he began to fight. Of a mob fight, into which he was inveigled. That her daughter had vexed her. Veratious, that a gentleman of her acquaintance did not take her to a ball. That wood was floating down the neighboring stream and might cause much damage. That she was sailing on the Danube and was afraid. Of a great expanse of water, in which her daughter went, down, and then cried for help; that her daughter had been struck with paralysis, which frightened her so that she woke covered with perspiration. After midnight, that acquaintance was going to cut off his r. great toe, the fear of it woke him and he felt sticking in this toe. Before midnight, that she was thrown from a carriage. That she was flying in the air and feared to fall to the ground. Anxious, of falling from a height, etc., making her start up; A., for instance, that she poured boiling lard into the fire; A., that priests had discovered that she had committed crimes.


      Chilliness towards evening; in afternoon during menstruation, without thirst; in evening; in evening, (>) lying down, without heat or thirst; at 4 P.M. during menstruation, increasing till 8 P.M., with gooseflesh, (>) in bed, and at 4 A.M. sweat without thirst; at 7. P.M.; all night; at night, with thirst; internal, with yawning and stretching; internal and external, in morning after rising, without thirst. Shaking chill at 1.30 A.M., with chattering of teeth and anxiety S. chill in morning after walking, on an empty stomach, with internal heat in head and pale face, the C. lasts all day, (>) lying down; with thirst, the thirst lasting all the forenoon. Chill up back, with chattering of teeth and shaking, without external coldness. Feverish. Febrile paroxysm, with warm forehead and hands. Dry heat afternoons. Heat in flushes towards evening. Burning in tips of fingers; in places above and below; beneath nail of r. great toe; on outside of l. foot near little toe in afternoon; in legs in evening before to bed and next morning; in l. sole all night. Sweat at night; S. on face when sitting after eating, with oppression of chest and sensation as if r. eye were filled with water.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.