Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Sulfuricum

Cutting anteriorly beneath r. ribs while sitting. Pain in l. pectoral muscles; P. between nipple; between sternum and r. nipple when sitting, (<) pressure and inspiration; near l. loin, (<) motion and pressure; in pectoral muscles, with drawing; anteriorly beneath l. ribs, with drawing; wandering, in l. wall, (<) below nipple, not affecting respiration. Oppression; in morning on waking. Internal trembling, making her irritable.


      Pressure in region; in praecordial region when sitting. Anxiety, a sudden short beating, with dim vision, necessity to go into the open air, then relief.


      Stitches in nape; in l. side. Tearing; in nape; in l. side; and throbbing. Pain in l. side; P. and stiffness; in side, with burning, then coldness; frequently;y in l. side at night; in l. muscles, extending to behind l. ear, with stiffness and pain on moving head; extending to occiput, (<) moving neck in l. side, extending into occiput and towards clavicle, with burning and stiffness, then coldness and prickling in skin; indescribable, in r. side, extending into occiput, when sitting, making her scream, (>) rubbing; bruised, in nape and scapulae, (<) stretching and yawning, which he had to do often. Pressure on l. side Drawing in nape; in l. side. Painful burning in muscles, with stiffness. Stiffness of l. side.


      Tearing down, with feeling in bones as if dogs were gnawing them. Stitches in region of middle dorsal vertebrae. Pain in dorsal muscles. Pressure at sides of dorsal vertebrae Drawing in evening when sitting. Tearing in scapula; between S.: on l., extending to nape, (<) moving head, with burning pain; extending to nape, when walking, and in l. pectoral muscles. Pressure on scapula; in r. in morning in bed; on r., gradually increasing and extending across shoulders. Drawing between scapulae; below l., then in cervical muscles and l. thumb. Sudden pain below l. scapula. Stitches in middle of sacrum when sitting. Tearing from os coccygis into middle of l. thigh, in the bone, in evening, with piercing. Ulcerative pain in small of B. at night, so that she could lie only no r. side, (>) rising. Bruised pain in small of B. from morning till evening, (>) going to bed. Pain in small of B., with burning urine.


      Twitching now here, now there, in all; of hands and feet at night, (<) after midnight in sleep. Stitches in tips of fingers and toes. Tearing in joints. Twitching tearing here and there; at night. Pain in joints; when walking; transiently (>) motion; (>) walking; drawing. Drawing in joints; in evening. Pain as if bruised or as after a long walk, in forenoon. Weariness in hands and feet in morning after nocturnal fever.

Upper Extremities

      Axilla. Stitches; in l. when sitting; in soft parts below l., extending backward. Drawing in r.

Shoulder. Stitches in r.; in l. joint. Tearing; in r.; in joints; at 11 P.M., Boring in r. joint; in forepart of l. Pain; in joints; in r. joint, then in l.; in l. in evening; suddenly in r. Sudden pressure on r., then in l. and in both knees. Drawing pain in l. extending through arm; in r. joint in evening. Drawing; in r. joint. Stiffness in l. Heaviness in r. joint.

Arm. Tearing in middle of bones of l. Pain; in r., with tension bruised, in r. Drawing. Heaviness of r., with tearing in middle of upper arm.

Upper Arm,. Tearing in inner side of both; on inner side of l.; middle of l. humerus in afternoon; in tendons above l. elbow at 3 P.M., with pinching; under shoulder-joint when sitting; intermittent, in r. humerus. Pain above elbow; in muscles; in deltoid. Pressure on inner side of both. Compression above l. elbow; in muscles of l. Drawing on inner sides of both.

Elbow. Tearing; in r.; in bend of l.; extending to tips of fingers in morning in bed, transiently (>) rubbing, with asleep sensation. Boring in l. Pain; in and above r.; above and below l.; ulcerative, in r. and in tendon of r, forearm, with pain on touch; bruised, in r.; bruised and weary. Compression in evening. Drawing in r.; about r.

Forearm. Tearing;in bone of r., on upper side, in afternoon; about middle of r. in afternoon during rest; on back of l. in evening; in bone below bend of r. elbow in evening. Pain in r,; in flexors of both; in l. in afternoon; above l. wrist, extending to finger; Drawing in flexor surface of l. Compression in l.

Wrist. Tearing; in l.; at 11 P.M. Boring in l. Pain; in evening on lying down; in l. in evening; in l. on lying down, (<) motion; frequent, in evening; frequent about r. when walking; in l., extending into fingers, especially into thumb. Compression. Drawing; in l.

Hand. Redness of back of both in afternoon, with burning as from nettle. Trembling on waking; when writing. Stitches in middle of r. palm in afternoon; between metacarpal bones of r. index and second finger in evening. Tearing; between r. middle and third fingers, then backward on back of hand Pain; deep in palm; sticking-beating, on back of l. in forenoon, transiently (>) motion; drawing, in r. palm in evening. Pressure on ulnar margin of l. Drawing; in metacarpus; deep in l.; deep in r., extending to fingers and arm, with feeling of lameness, weakness and internal heat. Sensation in r. as if filling with blood, so that the skin feels to tight, in afternoon when knitting, with stiffness of fingers. Weakness of l., and on closing it or grasping anything pain in flexors of hands and fingers, from wrist to above elbow, as if they had been too much extended.

Fingers. Stitches in tip of r. second in afternoon when writing; behind l. thumb-nail in evening; jerking, through l. thumb; in tips of r, thumb and index, as if veins were being pulled out, at noon while knitting. Sticking, ulcerative pain under nail of r. index. Tearing; in l.; l. thumb; joints of r,; joints of l. little; r. in morning; last phalanx of l. index, towards tip, in afternoon; tip of r. index in afternoon when sitting; r. first and second in afternoon when spinning; along l. thumb towards tip when sitting; cutting in l. little, extending towards margin of hand. Boring in joint of l. third; second joint of l. thumb; joint of l. index in evening. Pain in l. forth; r. thumb and index and their metacarpal bones; joints; joints of index joint of l. thumb; joints of l. middle; joint of r. thumb in evening; joints of l. middle on moving it; l., with tension. Drawing; l. thumb; l. little; joints; joint of l. thumb; l., and along margin of hand. Drawing stiffness in r. Pulsation in tip of l. little. Crawling in tips of r. as if going to sleep in evening and next morning.

Clinical Panaritium, the pain better out of doors.

Lower Extremities

      Hip. Pain (<) some movements, always on rising form a seat and moving in bed; in l. joint on walking; deep, in r. joint; excruciating, in r. joint, (<) stooping, rising from a seat or moving in bed, (>) stretching or walking; in l. joint, as after lying in a bad position, making it difficult to ascend, sit down or get up, waking him at night, can bear any position for only a short time, with intermittent sensitiveness to pressure in one spot.

Thigh. Sticking in muscles; in l. trochanter in evening, (<) pressure. Tearing anteriorly in r,; in muscles of r. Pain in trochanter; muscles above r. knee; muscles of r.; anterior muscles of r. when sitting, then in l. knee; in extensors of l. as if they had been stretched too much; bruised, in anterior muscles of r. in afternoon, (<) walking. Drawing in muscles of r. Prostration in middle, and in lower part of leg.

Stitches in l. Tearing; in r.; in r. in evening on lying down, and on back of l. foot; at night on waking, and in toes; in l., extending down leg. Boring in l.; then r.; wandering B. Pain to side of r. patella; in l. in evening; evening when sitting, (<) l.; r. when sitting; when walking; intermittent, when walking; bruised, in r. when walking; weary, in r. Compression. Pressure on inner side of l. Drawing; about l.; in hollow of r. when sitting, (>) motion; in r. extending down leg. Weakness.

Leg. Stitches in muscles. Tearing in forepart of r.; on outside of l.; in tibia; in r; tibia, with breaking pain; in calves, as if in tendons, (<) stepping, with drawing; from r. calf into hollow of knee in evening when spinning, (>) rubbing. Boring in r. tibia when walking., Pain in calf; l. calf when standing; in tibiae when walking and sitting; weary, above l, ankle when walking, then above l. knee, then in r. knee. Drawing pain in evening when sitting, then in r. knee; in tendo-achillis, then in calves. Drawing in muscles or. r.; in calves; tibiae; when standing and walking; upward in calves and tendons at 10 A.M. when stitches in l. toes; C. on lower part of l. calf. Cramplike contraction in muscles of l. calf when walking. Sensation deep in r. on walking as if it were swollen or as from too much blood. Feel weak and bruised.

Ankles. Tearing; in l.; l. in morning on waking and in toes. Boring in l. Pain; in l.; in and below l. external malleolus; in r, in evening; in evening on lying down; in r. when sitting; in r. after walking l. when walking, then above l. knee, with weary pain in both knees; in l., at first (<) motion or stepping, but continuing during rest; in r., extending to tibia. Sprained sensation in r. in morning on getting up, could not step well on it until after he had walked up and down the room several times. Drawing pain in l., in evening. Drawing; behind l. inner malleolus; when sitting and walking. Compression in l.; on a. inner malleolus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.