Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Sulfuricum

Clinical Pharyngeal catarrh, profuse, thick, tenacious, white mucus.


      Appetite great; then lost; with boring in stomach; hunger, but no A., while eating disgust; lost in morning, with yawning and thirst. Thirst in forenoon, in afternoon sweat without T.; T. in afternoon; evening; evening after violent exercise; at night and in morning before rising; for something very cold. with dryness of mouth; wanting. Eructations of disagreeable taste and smell; constant rising of sour water in mouth. Hiccough in afternoon after bread and butter. debilitating, towards evening, in the room. Nausea in morning, with diarrhoea, then boring in stomach; N. in forenoon on descending stairs, not (>) vomiting of salty, sour water; in afternoon when walking, with waterbrash; before meals; with stitches in r. grain; with almost a beating pain in stomach; with collection of sour water in mouth and with nocturnal headache; with stitches in eyes.

Rolling in S. and abdomen when riding in a carriage, with grumbling. Pain in pit at 3 P.M. when walking; in epigastric region when sitting. Trembling in pit when sitting and walking, with pressure, want of breast and faint feeling. Fasting sensation, with griping. Fulness in evening in bed during menstruation, with difficulty in breathing. Burning in morning, (>) breakfast, with pinching.

Clinical Bilious vomiting. Acid dyspepsia, with heartburn and flatulence.


      Collection of flatus without evacuation of it, with pain. Flatus rolls about and become incarcerated here and there. Incarceration of flatus towards evening, with salivation, nausea and eructations of disagreeable taste and smell. Fetid flatus in morning after dinner. Loud, but difficult emission of flatus in afternoon. Painless motion and first sudden pinches, as after a purgative, then diarrhoea. Grumbling after meals, with fermenting. Griping, (>) omission of flatus. Pinching, then diarrhoea; P., then hard stool with blood and scum, then several soft stools; extending into genitals, then diarrhoea, here and there; intermittent, with feeling as if intestines were being stretched. Digging as from flatus towards noon, increasing till 4 P.M., till flatus began to pass, with pinching. Pain; before breakfast; (>) emission of flatus; waking her at 5 A.M., with urging to stool, after which it ceases; as before purging; flatulent, (>) difficult emission of flatus; as if bruised, and in small of back, waking her at 2 A.M. (>) lying on (r.) side, preventing sleep and lasting after rising. Painful contraction extending into chest, so that it oppressed her breath, then diarrhoea. Drawing together, extending into chest, then diarrhoea. Wanderings as from a purgative, with profuse odorless flatus. Wandering burning in evening.

Grumbling in upper part in evening, then fetid flatus. Frequent pinching from sides towards the front. Stitches in r. side in afternoon when walking, with pulsation; S. in l. hypochondrium; in hepatic region in morning when walking, with pulsating pain; in l. hypochondrium and l. side of chest in forenoon when sitting, then in r. side of chest; in hypochondria when walking in open air, also with tension in r. H.; as if hepatic region would burst open, at 4 P.M. on deep breathing while sitting. Hepatic region sensitive when walking with pain on touch at 1.30 P.M.

Umbilicus. Tearing around, (>) breakfast, but returning, with flatulence. Pinching around, extending into groin, when sitting, with urging to urinate, the urine was so burning that it was retained, with pain in small of back. Pain around, when sitting; flatulent, above U. in evening, flatus will not pass.

Hypogastrium. Digging at 9 P.M. during menstruation, (>) in bed; with chills, then thirst.

Groins. Stitches in afternoon when walking in open air; S. in l., with pain as if drawn together; deep in, with urging to urinate; in l. extending into axilla, at 5.30 P.M. on motion, (>) rest; extending into small of back, then diarrhoea. Pain in r. at night, waking him frequently with sensation of a soft body lying inside extending up into stomach, in evening when sitting and next morning. Full feeling in r., with tension as if it would burst, and with intermittent pinching here and there in abdomen. Burning, in evening when walking, with soreness.

Clinical Sensitiveness of the region of the liver, (<) lying on l. side. Sometimes used in jaundice, with brown tongue and loose tools. Lead colic. Typhlitis.

Rectum and Anus

      Constant urging to stool Burning in A. during and after stool. Itching in A.


      Diarrhoea; (after pie); fluid, yellow, in morning; with full feeling in abdomen and emission of flatus; later a hard one. Soft from the first doses, hard from later doses; soft, at an unusual time; and frequent, also with flatulency. Knotty, with smarting in anus during and after it. Constipation. Hard; and streaked with blood; with much straining; later a soft one. Difficult, but not very hard. Two or three, one semifluid, during menstruation, with tenesmus in anus.

Clinical Diarrhoea, thin yellow, liquid, gushing, often involuntary, (<) morning, after moving about (Bryonia), preceded by rumbling in abdomen, accompanied by profuse flatulence, often associated with soreness and pain over the region of the liver, which hurts on every jar, sometimes with inflammation and suppuration around the roots of the nails. Diarrhoea, with pain around the shoulders, sometimes blood with the stools Diarrhoea after rising in the morning, with great desire for ice-water; greatly (>) kneading abdomen, stitches, running up into l. side of chest. Chronic diarrhoea; stools sudden, scanty, light red or bloody, forcible, occasionally involuntary when passing gas, aggravation from cold food or drink, eating, or damp weather, in tolerance of tight clothing, of rheumatic habit, especially with discharges from the ear.

Urinary Organs

      Stitches in meatus urinarius. Cutting in forepart of urethra when urinating; in orifice when urinating, also afterwards. Burning during micturition (Pulsatilla, Hepar, Thuja); with copious urine; with scanty urine; B. after micturition. Urine increased; with brick-red sediment (Lycopodium); and dark and passed more frequently; so that she had to get up several; afterwards copious. Sediment whitish-yellow in urine of the morning; yellow- red in he urine of the evening.

Clinical Uric acid deposits. Enlarged prostate. Chronic gonorrhoea.

Sexual Organs

      Itching on mons veneris; gland; lower part of penis; lower surface of prepuce in forenoon and afternoon, (>) scratching; scrotum, seldom (>) scratching; scrotum, and after scratching burning. Sweat on scrotum when sitting towards evening. Desire excited in evening; in morning, with erection. Stitches in pudenda and vagina in afternoon when sitting. Leucorrhoea. Copious menses in afternoon when walking. Leucorrhoea. Copious menses in afternoon when walking; C. on second day; for a day, before the end of the period, and more fluid; and too late, with pain in abdomen. Scanty menses. Menstruation too late, with pain in abdomen and constipation or hard stool. Menses acrid, making the thighs sore and only flowing much the first two days. Menses every forenoon for five days, lumps of coagulated blood. Passed white bloody mucus instead of blood on third morning. During menses pinching pain in morning in bed, and when walking in forenoon several times passed coagulated blood.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough at 1 P.M. when moving about, with stitches in l. side of chest and want of breath; C., with expectoration, if he coughs while standing stitches in l. chest, with shortness of breath; lose, in morning from tickling in throat. Dry cough; night and morning, with tickling in larynx; (<) morning after rising; (<) night, with soreness in chest and rough feeling in throat, relief from sitting up and holding her chest with both hands; with tickling in trachea; with scraping in larynx. Expectoration of mucus after heavy, anxious dreams. Short when walking, gradually (>) rest, later want of breath even when sitting.

Clinical Bronchial catarrh, cough (<) 3 or 4 A.M. (Ka-c.), glairy expectoration, vomiting after eating, (<) damp weather. Asthma, cough at night, sits up and holds his chest, (<) cold, damp weather. During damp weather dyspnoea and oppression, (>) open air.


      Stitches anteriorly below l. ribs; above r. nipple at 5.30 P.M. when sitting; towards evening when walking fast; in l. after meals; in l. when yawning; in l. when standing; in l. while coughing when standing; in l. on standing; in l. on inspiration; in region of l. nipple when sitting, without difficulty in breathing; in side to which she stoops; in region of l. short ribs when walking and sitting anteriorly l. ribs when walking, (<) inspiration and pressure; in r. pectoral muscles, (<) inspiration; in l. side, with short breath; in l. side extending up into ribs after emission of flatus, while sitting; in l. side, preventing cough.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.