Homeopathy Remedy Mezereum

Tearing. Cutting towards evening; C. and twisting. Twisting before copious pasty stool, then colic and pressure in anus as if more would follow. Griping; (<) about umbilicus, with drawing; spasmodic G., with sticking low down in A., starting from middle of A., at times extending into l. side, with hard tension of A., transiently (>) emission of flatus, with weakness, (<) lower limbs, with paroxysms of aggravation.

Pain; from taking cold in night under light covers, at last preceded by chilliness in abdomen, with offensive stool, at first pasty, nodular and brown, then thin, trickling, with dragging in rectum; waking him at night after vivid dreams, with anxiety as if A. would become rigid, hard and adhere to chest, though there is moving about in it as of flatus that frees itself; on walking in open air after eating, then sweat and deathly anxiety, (>) eructations; (>) rising and stretching; with anxiety; with drawing in upper part of femur and in nates; in bed, as from cold, wet weather; as if intestines were seized one by one and constricted. Compression and weight in it. Heaviness, with anxiety. Sensation of diarrhoea extending to rectum, then creeping shivering over whole body. Burning (Arsenicum, etc.).

Stitches in region of l. short ribs. Pain in region of spleen (<) deep inspiration, at times more posteriorly in region of false ribs; beneath l. ribs, as from incarcerated flatus, (<) pressure, (>) eructations, in r. side of A. as if a piece of intestine were incarcerated, after dinner. Griping flatulence becomes incarcerated in sides.

Griping in upper. Tearing stitches in r. half of upper, then pressure. Pressure over upper, with tension. Sensation as if bubbles formed in upper. Twisting about umbilicus, with nausea and sensation as if water would rise, or like a faintness. Twisting griping in umbilical region, (>) emission of flatus. Cutting below umbilical region.

Hypogastrium.- Sticking, (<) just above penis; in r. inguinal region, then tearing; in l. side, (<) pressure and walking; extending to ilium, more towards back, taking away breath; in r. half, and in upper part of r. thigh, with tearing. Pain extending towards abdominal ring; sudden P. in l. groin like pressure upon a sore spot, (<) expiration and bending over. Pressing asunder in r. Inguinal ring on urinating, (>) bending up knee, returning on becoming erect. Drawing pain in inguinal glands.


      Stitches. Drawing pain, and in anus. Urging, then scanty, soft, difficult stool, then soreness in rectum.


      Constricted around the protruded rectum, which is then incarcerated, sore and painful to touch. Sticking; and drawing extending upward. Pinching in evening, and in l. side near anus, in lower limbs and on scrotum. Biting are in anterior part of anus. Tenesmus, and in perineum, extending through urethra, with tearing and drawing. Crawling before and after stool. Itching; in region during day and evening before sleep; like tenesmus.


      Diarrhoea; constant, with pain in abdomen. Thin, with discharge of thin blood; T. and at times frequent, afterwards hard and infrequent; T., frequent, preceded by pain in umbilical region and straining. Soft, copious, offensive; S., copious, fermented, undigested, brown, passing into yellowish-gray, of sour odor, delayed; S., brown, of sour odor, very early in morning; S. grayish and black, with rumbling in abdomen during and after stool, which was the second one; S. and short intervals, after urging, then tenesmus in anus, as in diarrhoea; P., thick, then tenesmus in anus, as in diarrhoea; P., thick, smeary, preceded by sudden pressure and followed by biting in anus.

Constipation. Hard, slow with pressure; H., copious, brown, nodular; the second one H., unsatisfactory; H. in morning at short intervals and after long sitting, and after eating other pasty S. at short intervals, and in evening repeated urging, (>) emission of flatus, at last a small, urgent stool, that was first natural and then pasty. Brown fauces, containing white, shining grains; yellowish brown, streaked with blood; dark B., nodular, with pressure. Clay-colored, scanty. Pituitous, almost uninterrupted, mixed with blood and causing excruciating pain. Fermented, in part dark, in part yellowish, with undigested parts and offensive. Speedy, then great relief. Scanty, tenacious; S., frequent. Unsatisfactory, with bright blood. Discharge of bright blood during and after stool; without pain or straining.

Clinical Chronic diarrhoea in a patient who was subject to eruptions on the skin similar to those of Mez., stools watery, with painful tenesmus, which sometimes involved the urethra. Diarrhoea sour, undigested stools, sometimes with much colic, stools followed by chilliness. Constipation, with dark brown, very hard stools at times with prolapsus.

Urinary Organs

      Pinching in bladder. Urging; in morning; frequent. Frequent micturition; in forenoon, of much watery urine; even at night, of pale urine. Micturition towards morning; only once or twice a day and urine pale ‘ delayed; indolent in morning, after rising.

Urethra.- Discharge of a few drops of blood after micturition; tenacities, transparent liquid in forenoon before micturition; of mucus; watery mucus on moving about. (Blennorrhoea, dark inflammation of inner surface a prepuce, with itching, without swelling and with sore sensation in evening and tearing and drawing in glans.) Sticking in orifice, with frequent desire to urinate. Sticking crawling pain, with emission of fluid. Cutting in orifice; after micturition; C. in forepart after micturition. Drawing; and cutting-drawing pain in forepart and in neck of bladder, when walking in open air. Sore pain sometimes on touch, sometimes when urinating. Itching soreness, (<) pressure. Sticking itching in evening. Biting burning in forepart at close of micturition (during stool).

Urine.- Red. Dark. Dark wine-yellow, becoming turbid after an hour, later floating flocculi and reddish sediment. Bloody. Hot, with reddish sediment. Burning. Copious, pale. Scanty; in morning; in morning, and dark, hot, of strong odor; in morning, with increased thirst.

Clinical Gleet, with watery discharge, soreness and burning in the urethra, particularly in its anterior part, sometimes with haematuria.

Sexual Organs

      Penis. Swelling, with warmth. Sticking jerking on back. Stitches, and in tip. Tearing and jerking on back. Stitches, and in tip. Tearing and jerking tearing; jerking T. in P., with wave- like pain above, in r. side of abdomen. Acute pain; (pain in forepart). Burning in region when urinating; in region of forepart when urinating. Itching; internally on prepuce in evening; on inner surface of prepuce after urinating. Frequent erections during the day; violent E. in evening. with yawning and sleepiness.

Swelling of l. side of scrotum. Stitch on r. side of scrotum. Testicles painful to pressure. Drawing pain in spermatic cords. Excitement after an emission, with crawling over whole body, as from lasciviousness.

Mucous discharge from vagina. Leucorrhoea like white of an egg. Menses too frequent and lasting too long.

Clinical Obstinate ulceration of the vagina and cervix, with albuminous leucorrhoea.

Respiratory Organs

      Tightness of larynx and on deep inspiration he hears and feels air pass through larynx. Tickling in larynx as with a feather, causing cough. Hoarseness; with cough and rawness in chest; as far down as pit of throat. Voice rough and husky. Voice trembling. Inflammation of trachea, with burning pain between hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage, (>) eating. Pain in trachea in morning. T. feels closed when breathing.

Cough.- Only between 6 and 7 A.M.; nightly, (<) after midnight; after walking; interrupting sleep; after eating, till he vomits sour or bitter food; from irritation low down in chest, (>) vomiting and discharge of watery saliva; with retching and scratching, or scraping in pit of throat as if something sweet there could not be coughed up; in afternoon and night, with bloody expectoration, restless sleep and heavy, frightful dreams. Violent in evening in bed and in morning, from irritation lower in trachea than can be reached by the cough; V., uninterrupted, causing vomiting. Dry; at night; day and night, with emaciation, tensive pains across chest and weakness; in afternoon and towards evening, with retching and vomiting; with scraping in lower part of sternum and sticking in r. frontal eminence; with soreness beneath sternum and headache, then expectoration if mucus; D. and short day and night from tickling in larynx, one day when the cough was more frequent the symptoms in limbs were less frequent.

Expectoration of mucus; bloody E. in morning.

Respiration.-Whistling in nose during inspiration. Dyspnoea; paroxysmal, as from weight on chest. Tight because chest seems constricted from both sides. Lost on stooping forward when his mouth was full of water; L. in the middle of his speech and he must begin again. Slow; and suffocative. Short, difficult. Full, uneasy. Inclined to take a deep breath.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.