Homeopathy Remedy Mezereum

Clinical Neuralgic headache, in one case beginning in the occiput and extending over the whole brain, with tenderness of the scalp, the pain burning and boring extending to eye and teeth, and even down to the shoulder; in another case it appeared to involve the periosteum of the vertex and occiput, during the pain cold shivering, the parts very sensitive to touch, and the scalp felt thicker over the seat of the pain; in another case the pain involved the supraorbital nerves, was generally one sided, (<)warmth; in one case the neuralgia involved the ear, which was sore, as if bruised. A valuable remedy for eruptions on the scalp, particularly when thick crusts form, form under which there oozes a thick purulent matter; in one case the eruption was preceded by violent cough which had lasted for several months and which disappeared as the scurfy eruption appeared with falling of the hair, and with violent itching intensely (<) heat in another case the eruptions was preceded by pain in the cranial bones, (<) night, the eruption itched and burned. Pityriasis.


      Inflammation, (<) l., in morning on rising conjunctiva of ball dirty red, (<) near external canthus, with pain and dryness (Lycopodium). Surrounded by brown rings, (<) above inner canthus with yellowish pale color of face and at times circumscribed redness of cheeks. Dull, pupils dilated and sluggish, and eyes turned upward in sleep. Staring; without thought. Pain; about l.; in evening when reading, vision not clear; with dryness as if conjunctiva of lids were inflamed. Pressure and tearing on and in eyes, (<) orbits. Smarting compelling rubbing. Biting. Itching of r. Heat, with pain in lids; H., with pressure upon ball. Sleepiness. Symptoms of catarrh in E. and nose, with thirst, heat of skin and rapid pulse.

Lachrymation, with biting in eyes. Pupils dilated; and vision obstructed; contracted. Pain in balls in r. at noon on closing eyes; (<)light, and in lids; as if too large also with frequent necessity to wink. Jerking of muscle of l. upper lid; J. in l. external canthus. Agglutination of external canthi, with pressure and itching with fluent coryza and lachrymation through the day. Canthi feel agglutinated. Inclination to blink. Inclination to close lids; lids close when writing. Burning-prickling stitches on margins of lower lids. Biting in margins of lids; in canthi, (<) inner; itching P. of margins and near nose. Itching on margins of lower lids; I. in l. inner canthus; in r. external canthus, with agglutination. Boring in region of brows. Pain in middle of r. brow. Burning in r. brow, with itching. Far-sighted. More short- sighted than usual. Cannot see well till towards 4 P.M., lashes seem too long. Flickering. Vision of sparks. Of white, glistening spots. Of black spots on rising from stooping. Muscae volitantes in a dreamy way.

Clinical Ciliary neuralgia after operations, especially after removal of the eyeball. Ciliary neuralgia, the pains radiate and shoot downward, with cold feeling, especially with soreness of the bone.


      Painful swelling of r. external meatus, (<) lower and posterior part. Sticking in l.; deep in in morning and on putting finger into ear the external meatus seems more open than the other; intermittent S. (<) l.; intermittent, and in teeth; itching S. in r. Tearing deep in l. (Twinging in one); in r.; in l. external meatus in evening, with swollen sensation. Boring behind r. Pain; above r.; in l., with painful drawing; superficially above r. in evening, extending to outer margins of concha, it seemed as if upper ear were painful to pressure, but it was not the case.

Sensation as if air were distending r. external meatus, and as if roaring in ears would occur, then in l. meatus, with stopped sensation in ear; ear feels stretched wide open in evening and air seemed to enter cold; feeling of air in r. external meatus in evening, and distended feeling, also (<) yawning. (>) boring in with finger; dilated feeling when walking in warm weather, with coldness and desire to bore into ear; sensation of air in r., then I with twinging, (<) r. Sensation of a wind in r. Throbbing behind r., with pressure, changing to pressure in head forehead, nose and teeth, (<) motion of head. Stopped sensation in l. Tension behind l., with tearing in alternating jerks. Drawing from r. mastoid process into lower teeth. Itching in r., (>) rubbing.

Hearing difficult. Ringing; in r. in morning on rising; in l. in morning after dressing; with sleepiness; in r., with yawning. Rushing noises. Sudden humming or roaring in r. Sound as of a distant mill when lying on l.

Clinical Deafness appearing after the suppression of an eruption on the head, with thickening of the tympanum, entirely cured, with return of the eruption. Chronic inflammation feeling as if the drum were exposed to cold air, itching behind the ears, etc. Violent pains involving the teeth and pains in the face, with constant chilliness, especially after the abuse of Mercurius or when Mercurius has failed.


      External margin of r. nostril inflamed and painful. Thicker and shiny. Jerking at root. Tearing near l. side; T. in bones. Boring in bones; and neighboring parts, with drawing pain. Pressing asunder pain in morning extending into forehead, with pain in temples on touch, heat and sweat on head, with coldness of rest of body. Drawing pain in both sides. Drawing in bones, Rawness internally, with soreness. Biting like mustard; B. in l. nostril, with dryness and crawling in it and stoppage of r., and vice versa. Dryness, will diminished smell (Natrum mur., Lycopodium) Burning; in wings; near wings. near r, side; on back extending towards l. side at 8 P.M., with biting.

Sneezing; in forenoon; with fluent coryza; with sore pain in chest; violent and painful; violent, whereby granular mucus flies out of fauces; ineffectual inclination to sneeze. Coryza; with sore pain in r. nostril stopped by scabs and painful; discharge of yellow at times bloody water, which causes soreness and burning pain; D. of thin mucus which makes nostrils sore and is sometimes streaked with blood (Mercurius); thin discharge, tenacious bloody mucus. Mucus increased and harder than usual, without coryza, with great noise on blowing nose, Bleeding; brick-red blood from r. nostril in evening before sleep; trickling from r. nostril in evening before sleep; trickling from r. nostril. Odor like warm offensive exhalations, in evening.

Clinical Chronic ozaena, diminished sense of smell, burning pain in bones of nose and face.


      Inflammatory redness the eruption is “fat” and moist (impetigo) F. and forehead red and hot with restlessness and peevishness. Pale; and sunken and expression suffering; and expression ill- humored, prostrated; and collapsed and limbs collapsed. Gray, earthy. Sunken and ghastly. Shrunken and cold. Cheeks painfully swollen and painful to pressure; r. side swollen and painful to pressure; r. side swollen, with heat in face and more pain than usual in eyes. Jerking of r. zygomatic muscles; in middle of r. cheek. Tearing; below l. eye; in morning; in l. side and teeth after morning walk; in side, waking her before midnight, and pain (<)r. side of head. Boring on l. cheek with burning. Cramplike pain on r. cheek bone, with tearing. Sudden pain on waking from sleep. Tearing in lower jaw; l. side of upper; l. lower sides of lower.

Lips.- Eruption outside of red, with fluent coryza. Swelling of upper; below l. nostril, with burning pain; lower thick. dry, cracked, scaly and painful. Anterior part of lip. gum and tongue denuded. Outer skin of inner surface of lips as well as anterior gums loose. Sticking together. Sticking in upper by r. corner; S. as if a blister would develop. Sore pain in red of lower, with inflammation, burning on touch, (<) moistening with saliva or drinking, (<) evening. Dry; (>) boundary between internal and external parts and shiny, painful in evening sore burning. of upper; and below l. eye; B. of lips and forepart of tongue; of lips and tongue as if sore; in r. corner as if cracked in evening and closing mouth. Biting, and on tongue. Itching, and on tongue; I. on l. side of margin of lower.

Clinical Infraorbital neuralgia involving the face, so violent that the patient could not wash his face, with profuse lachrymation; another case of facial neuralgia, (<) heat, the pain leaving numbness. Facial neuralgia, which seems to arise from the teeth, (<) night involving the head, after the failure of Mercurius Violent neuralgia of the face and head following herpes zoster. Periostitis of the jaw, with swelling and burning pain.


      Teeth. Offensive mucus. Carious odor of mucus on lower incisors. Hollow T. decay very rapidly; upper molar, with drawing, burning and sticking the pain (<) evening. Sticking in l. upper molars; in roots of lower incisors. Cutting in hollow, like soreness, in morning, (<) biting, waking him next night. Boring in one or another, (<) r., with sticking sometimes changing to sticking in r. cheek-bone, there with r. side of head so affected that even to touch the hair was painful, with uneasiness, fretfulness and aversion to everything. Jerking in upper incisors; in last r. molars in afternoon; in l. upper jaw in which there were broken teeth, with vesicular swelling, bleeding and suppuration of gum. and cheek externally painful to touch; tearing J. from a r. upper hollow molar into temple. Drawing in l. upper; like incipient tearing; in rising, on pressing them together, (<) upper incisors; in hollow in evening; on touch of tongue. Feel too long and blunt (Mercurius), (<) l., with boring and sticking in them; l. see, too long; too long in afternoon with coldness; on biting on them and from fresh air, (<)l. upper and in upper incisors, with drawing pain; in morning on rising, (<) pressing them together, (<) incisors. Blunt, at night; upper incisors. Hollow teeth seem very sharp.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.