Homeopathy Remedy Mezereum

Gums.- Bleed easily. Swelling like a blister back of upper incisors, then swelling involving forepart of hard, plate, wherewith upper incisors were painfully blunted in evening. Drawing in l. upper alveolar processes.

Tongue. – Inflammation and of mouth. Swelling, redness and white coat; S., (<) tip with white almost loamy coat (almost like that of Mercury), with prominent papillae, each of which looked red on a white ground tip very red (denuded) in middle of T.a deep fissure. Coated; white; whitish-yellow. Burning painful blisters, and on gums. Sticking. Biting; posteriorly. Tip painful as if burnt; tongue and hard palate in morning. Burning and on forepart of mouth, with salivation; B. extending to stomach; extending over whole mouth, (<) hard palate, with dryness of hard plate, (<) posteriorly and in upper part of pharynx; on forepart, with dry rawness, in tip with boring; biting burning. Sensation on moving it as if forepart were soft like butter. Speech difficult at one time as if breath or saliva were wanting at another as if tongue were too thick.

White ulcers within corner of mouth and on r. cheek. Discharge of reddish mucus. Pain; posteriorly on palate from eating not very warm soup. Prickling posterior on plate and at base of tongue, with dryness an eat of tongue posteriorly, after a cup of white coffee the heat involved tip of tongue, inside of lips, cheeks and gums, with sweat, (<) of face. Burning (Arsenicum, Arum-t.); extending to stomach (Merc-cor); posteriorly on palate and on uvula till dinner; (<)pharynx, (>) inspiration, (<) expiration; in palate and throat, (>) eating, except the sensation as if burnt with hot soup, next day rawness, (<) morning after waking with roughness and dryness; in palate and fauces, with scraping; and biting, with spitting of much fauces, with scraping; and biting, with spitting of much watery saliva. dryness (<) tongue, in morning on waking. Salivation; salt.

Taste. Peppery; always after eating. Hard and rough. Catarrhal. Bitter to bear; B. all day, with nausea. Nauseous posteriorly in fauces as from hollow teeth, and odor similar to it far back in nose. Alkaline salt, with metallic offensive odor from mouth. Sourish-salt. Sweetish-salt, (<)becoming heated. Flat sourish. Strawlike to tobacco. Diminished, tongue as if burnt. Lost, smoky taste to milk.

Clinical Decaying teeth, with burning boring pains involving the bones of the face and head, temporarily (>) drawing in cold air.


      Swelling; of glands below l. ear., on margin of ramus of jaw, with pain on pressure in evening. Hawking of mucus; easy, of granular transparent mucus; secretion of mucus posteriorly through choanae, extending into air-passages, causing hawking, with lachrymation; mucus making singing difficult, she could not utter a pure tone. Inflammation of pharynx. Sticking in submaxillary glands. Feeling as if full of mucus, not (>) expectoration. Feeling as if a foreign body were sticking in pharynx when swallowing. Pain posteriorly in pharynx when not swallowing, at times posteriorly in pharynx when not swallowing. at times on only one side; in pharynx on swallowing a morsel, with sudden shuddering, starting from pit of stomach, with nausea and shaking of head and chest; as if palate-bones separated on swallowing; as from a plug, on swallowing. Tensive Pain in l. side of pharynx on empty swallowing. Soreness of fauces on inhaling open air; S. (<)when not swallowing; Posteriorly, (<) swallowing with rawness.

Scraping; in fauces; in evening after bread and butter; till 9 P.M. at times provoking cough, (<) eating; posteriorly in fauces and pharynx, (<) empty swallowing, with biting as in coryza; posteriorly in upper part of fauces, (>) drinking milk and eating bacon, with burning (Phyto., Merc-c.); in fauces with tenacious mucus; and no tongue palate and pharynx, with heat and hot breath; posteriorly;y in fauces with salivation and constant inclination to relieve the burning scraping by swallowing saliva. Roughness. Rawness of fauces; and soreness of F. and palate; of pharynx, (<) expiration with open mouth with burning pain. Constriction and of stomach; of pharynx with crawling; of pharynx, with pressure on swallowing food.

Burning, and in pharynx (Phyto.); in oesophagus; in fauces; in oesophagus if he swallows water; in pharynx, (<) inspiration; in fauces, pharynx and stomach, (>) swallowing food, with anxiety and sensation of diarrhoea; with irritation to hacking cough in larynx like dryness anxious oppression of breath and loosening of scanty mucus on coughing; extending from fauces to corners of mouth and lips, where epidermis desquamated with pain. scraping B., cool B. on tongue and throat extending to stomach as after peppermint; biting B. gradually extending from pharynx over mouth and outer margin of lips, in evening pain in pharynx on swallowing as if swollen or like scraping, then sticking in pharynx on empty swallowing, swallowing painful, especially to uvula and arches of palate. Dryness in fauces and irritation causing dry fatiguing cough. Drawing and tickling posteriorly in fauces and pharynx. Pharynx posteriorly affected by talking.

Clinical Syphilitic sore throat, with burning and dryness extending down the oesophagus, and inflammation extending into the larynx with hoarseness the cold air relieved the burning but caused pain in the gums. Syphilitic ulceration of the larynx and oesophagus with violent burning and soreness.


      Appetite great; at noon and in evening; hunger at 6 A.M., with rumbling in abdomen; intermittent hunger; constant desire to eat without real appetite, whereby he has less pain; A. for bacon; desire for wine and coffee; A. disturbed at dinner; A. diminished; does not relish the first morsels; A lost; lost, as from too much mucus in throat. A version to meat. Thirst; in forenoon; in evening; during chill; for fresh water; lost, next day great desire to drink, without dryness of mouth or really excessive thirst.

Eructations; from drinking cold water; hiccough-like; in two paroxysms, first a shock, then hiccough-like forcing out of gas; empty; empty, with burning and anxious sweat; with clean taste of food and drink; sour and scraping, tasting of meat; sour, rancid, (<) supper, with pressure in stomach; of acrid fluid; of liquid, which do not reach the mouth; ineffectual efforts to eructate. Violent hiccough.

Nausea; in morning after eating, (<) fat; in afternoon, (>) eating; frequently in afternoon; on waking at night; when walking, with heat in forehead; (>) motion, with retching and eructations of water; in throat; in throat, (>) eating; with general shivering and salivation; shuddering.

Vomiting; of beer (which tastes bitter); bloody; easy, of green bitter mucus, with confusion of head and throbbing pain in r. frontal eminence; violent.

Twitching of muscles of pit and vicinity. Inflammation. Contraction. Sticking after dinner, with pain in chest. Pain; in pit; and vicinity. Inflammation. Contraction. Sticking after dinner, with pain in chest. Pain; in pit; epigastric region; at noon pain in chest. Pain; pit; epigastric region; at noon after cooked food; in pit in evening, worse by paroxysms; at night; after eating, then sensation of undigested, food; in S. and chest after eating; and in intestines, with stinging burning in skin, restlessness, loss of appetite, fever and irregular action of tendons; as if arteries were beating against abdominal muscles as far as praecordial region; tensive and spasmodic, (<) before eating; pulling tensive P. in pit on inspiration as if a part of diaphragm were adherent.

Burning; in pit (Arsenicum, Merc-c.); in pit on pressure, with pain; B. pressure extending transversely at intervals, (<) pressure. Anxiety in pit, then diarrhoea. Apprehension in pit as if expecting something disagreeable. Feeling as if S. and intestines were empty and swashed about on walking in morning after sufficient breakfast. Sensation of too long fasting, and S, hangs down; S. and lower part of pharynx, without longing for food, (>) eating. Fulness, with pressure after eating. Satiety after a light breakfast, with sensation as if undigested food lay it, with uneasiness in abdomen, depression and indifference. Disordered by eating too much or fat.

Clinical Symptoms of gastric ulcer, with burning and great uneasiness in stomach, temporarily (>) eating, hence constant desire to eat (Iod). Many cases of ulcers in the stomach, one of which was supposed to be malignant and incurable, have been cured or greatly relieved by this drug, always with extreme burning and distress as if the whole stomach were raw, at times with vomiting of blood, in one case associated with diarrhoea, passing quantities of blood from the bowels.


      Hardness; at night, with tension and pressure, (<) every position except lying on back, with distress for breath and rapid pulse. Distention; tympanitic, after vomiting and purging; painful, in evening, with short, anxious respiration so that he must loosen the clothes, eructations, rumbling, difficult loud emission of flatus, chilliness, shivering and yawning. Sunken, so that sternum stood out prominently when lying. Rumbling, with noises; R. during and after eating. Painful movings as before diarrhoea. Inflammation of intestines. Flatulence. Emissions of flatus; after pain in small intestines; with soft of stool; loud; short and interrupted; short, offensive, (<) before stool; offensive.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.