Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius Iodatus Ruber

Respiratory Organs

      Voice covered and rough. Voice hoarse and husky in evening after getting a little wet in a rain. Cough by spells during the day; C. through the day, with scanty, loose, whitish, slimy expectoration and difficult breathing, next day cough, with thick, white expectoration, cough dry in evening. Profuse yellowish expectoration. Breathing difficult.


      Sticking in muscles of l. ribs in afternoon after walking in thawing weather; S. though r., like rheumatisms, going down arm, in afternoon; during a walk, sudden S. in l. muscles, where two years ago acute rheumatism began. Cutting, with sticking in heart. Catching pain under r. breast, oppressing respiration. Pain; behind sternum, irritating to cough; occasionally in C. or heart, (<) l. side. Soreness of breast waking him. Constriction; (<) l. side.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in heart; all day. Pain at heart. Pulse rapid, stronger.


      Glandular swelling in scarlatina. Sticking along l. side and in heart till sleep, from 7 till 10.50. Aching in r. splenius capitis, with stiffness; in region of first or second cervical vertebra on waking, with stiffness; in nape at 7 P.M. as if he had been struck; rheumatic, in muscles of neck and nape.


      Stiffness, (>) walking, Rheumatic pain in l. arm, (<) motion, especially putting on his coat, and at noon, (>) evening and night, with soreness and stiffness. Rheumatism in joint of l. humerus. Strained pain in middle of humerus as if about to break, with wavering stitches through all the muscles and sensation as if they were sore, with desire to stretch the limbs and body. Aching and drawing pain in bones of l. forearm. Synovial inflammation of l. index. jerking in l. fingers in evening till sleep. Pain in l. fingers in mornings; sore.

Lower Extremities

      Pain in evening, (>) walking. Sprained pain in l. hip-joint in evening. From hips to ankles pain as after a long walk, (<) bones, Sudden intermittent throbbing pain through and around head of r. tibia when walking and at the same time pain in r. tibia when walking and at the some time pain in r. parotid, afterwards a similar throbbing pain in l. rectus femoris, about a third the distance form knee upward. Rheumatic pain in r. knees. Pain in feet; (<)soles. Pain in great toe and ball of foot, (>) walking; sore P. between r. toes; in r, greater toe like podagra, towards morning, but without swelling and redness, (>) rising, returning afterwards.


      Forehead pale reddish, afterwards dirty gray. then full of fine wrinkles, afterwards peeling of in fine scales, cracks and rhagades in all directions (from external application). Pustules on outer side, below r. knee, itching, sore to touch, with inflamed bases, on the third day they scabbed, but matter continued to accumulate under the scab, afterwards a similar sore to the left of these. Itching on parts of r. forearm; on neck, dorsum of hands, (<) r. fingers; pricking I. all over r. hand from 3 till 4 P.M., next day on lower part of r. upper, (<) axilla, at 6 P.M.


      Deep in afternoon. Sleepless from 5 till 6.30, then sleep till 8 A.M. Restless sleep, with headache. Many dreams. Frightful D. Anxious D.; about removing and his relatives. Foolish. Quarrel- some. Lascivious towards 5 A.M., by this will prevented a pollution. Troublesome, such as swimming and wading in water, pushing through low place and under a shed, of detecting robbers in the night attempting to enter dwellings, half-conscious sleep, with fear. D. of gunning and farming; G. and traveling.


      Chilliness in forenoon, with aching in lower limbs. C. at bed- time; sometimes with creeping over back; with creeping over skin and uneasy sore feeling all over bowels; alternating with warmth; then flushes of heat over face. Shivering then feverishness. Cold hand in afternoon and hot face. Flushes of head, with tickling over whole body. Flushes in face; with tickling. Objective heat on vertex all day; vertex felt hot in evening, at 11 P.M. with burning and inflammation of eyes till 10 P.M. Sweat on going out in thawing weather; copious S. at night; hot S.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.