Mercurius Iodatus Ruber homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Mercuric iodide, HgI2. Biniodide of mercury (Hydrargyrum bin iodatum). Preparation for use: Triturations.


Great cheerfulness, in the evening after pleasant things had happened (first day). The head is worse; but he is good-humored, even merry (twelfth day). Low-spirited and disposed to cry (after four days). Ill-humor about little things, in the morning (second day; not on fourth day again on fifth day). Ill-humor, and bad taste, on waking in the morning. Ill-humor, during toothache.


Vertigo. Excessive giddiness; everything seems to reel round her (after four days). General head. Dulness in the head, occurring often in the course of the proving, in the afternoon. Dulness of the head, and slight pressing pain on the left side, like during a coryza (eighth day); relieved by walking in the open air (tenth day). A drowsy, stolid feeling in the head. Heaviness in the head, with soreness over the bowels (thirteenth day). Dull heavy pain in the head (fifth day). Pain in the head and heat. Pain in head; and slight pain in throat and left eye (tenth to twelfth day). Pains in the bones of the head, chiefly the occipital (after four days). Fulness in the head (second day). Dull pain in left half of brain with the sensation in anus as from piles (fourth day). Every day, some headache. In the morning, headache, disappearing with a coryza, which ceases at noon (tenth day). Headache, worse in the forehead, afternoon, 4 o’clock (seventh day). Headache, particularly in the afternoon and evening; at the same time, a drowsy, stolid feeling in the head (third day). Headache at night, continues in the morning; later only right side, congestion as with a cold; in the afternoon changing sides (sixth day); next day still more congestive; during the evening on right side only, of unusual continuation till late (seventh day); towards morning the same in bed; less after rising (eighth day); better (ninth day). Headache while sitting still, after sleeping during the day (second day). Headache and sticking lips. Headache and sleeplessness. Severe headache all over, 8 P.M. (first day); all day (second day); the same (eighth day) slighter (ninth day). Violent headache, with nausea, from morning till 2 P.M.; returns in the evening, particularly in the forehead (twenty- first day). Pressure in head, and pain in chest (the most on ninth day). Pressive pain in the head all day. Slight pressing pain in the left brain, 6 to 8 P.M. (third and fourth days). Pressing aching in the head and ear (seventh day)). Forehead. Heavy feeling in the forehead all day, but more severe than the day before, and in the evening he had with it a severe beating throbbing in the right side of the head, from the front part of the head to the vertex. Slight heavy pain right through the forehead up to the vertex, also the same sensation in the outside of the skull (from 2 grains of 2dk trit., taken in the evening). Pain in the forehead (first day). Burning in forehead 2 P.M.; eyes burn and are inflamed, till 10 P.M.; next morning better (fourth day). Sensation in frontal region as if her head was bound around with a tight cord (after four days). Slight headache in the region of comparison (third day). Dull pressing pain in fore head and left side, 9 P.M.; drawing and sticking 10 P.M. (first day). Dull pressing pain in forehead, most severe in right side, continuing at intervals from 7 to 10 P.M. (second day); with sticking pain in the heart, till 9 P. M. (third day); slightly, 3 P. M. (fourth day); pain in head and heart, same as third day; forehead and heart (sixth day). Sharp pain in sinciput over both eyes, at 11 A.M. (first day). Pressing- stitching pain in forehead, throat, left eye, and left cheek (seventh day). Dull, rending, tearing, gnawing pains in forehead; increased during the night, disturbing sleep (third day). Temples. Pain in temple and jaws (seventh day). Vertex. A great heat in the vertex, only objective, all day. In the evening, 11 P.M., felt the vertex very hot, and a slight pulsation in it (sixth day). Parietals. Slight heaviness, and in the afternoon slight throbbing beating from vertex down to the nose, on the right side (sixth day). Headache, left side (first day). On rising, disappearing; headache in the right side of the head. Headache, after a while one-sided; goes from right to left side; (fifth day); disappears after dinner,. On waking pressing headache, left side, disappearing in the evening (eleventh day). Pressing-stitching pain at sides of head, just above the ears, 4 P.M. (fourth day). Occiput. Dull pressure in the cerebellum below the protuberance of the os occipitis; a while after pressure over the eyes (inhaling the vapor). External Head. Several small pimples on the hairy scalp, without itching; contain some pus, and from crusts (seventh to ninth day). Small pustules on the head (fifteenth and sixteenth days). Outside of skull feeling heavy.


Objective. Eyes inflamed, particularly the right (eighth day). Eyes inflamed; right eye worse; bright light irritates greatly, so that he keeps it closed (third day). Right eye inflamed, and slight lachrymation (first day). Eyes much inflamed, and burn (twenty-first day). Right eye much inflamed, blood vessels injected (second day); both eyes; right eye weeps greatly (fourth day); still inflamed and weeping, while both eyes pain (sixth day). After three months he found his right eye much stronger than he ever remembers it to have been; he can bear a light directly on that eye, without pain or uneasiness, much stronger than he ever could before. Subjective. Pains in and over the left eye (second day). Eyes burn, are inflamed, afternoon till evening (fourth day); less inflamed, but weak and hot (ninth and tenth days); after the urging to stool and strong itching disappear (thirteenth day); this inflammation returns (fourteenth day). Pressing or sticking in the eye. Brow and Orbit. A pain in the left supraorbital bone he had once before reappears (second day). Pressing pain over left eye (fifth and sixth days). Lids. Eyelids affected by the catarrh (eighth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes watery, look slightly swollen. Vision. Dimness of sight (first day).


Increased secretion of the earwax (sixteenth day). Occasionally rheumatic pains in left ear, as if it would prove a violent and long-continuing otalgia; lasting but a moment, but frequently returning. Earache in right ear, morning in bed (third day). Pressure in ear, with headache. All night, itching in both ears (third day); in the right ear (sixteenth day). Continual itching in the right external auditory passage; with that, the improved hearing continues (tenth day). Hearing. Hearing dull (third, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, twelfth, and fourteenth days). Hearing as usual, dull in the morning (fourth and fifth days). Hearing dull in the morning, returns after going out of doors, 10 A.M.; closing only for moments (fifth, tenth, fifteenth and sixteenth days). Dull hearing all day; several days (tenth to twelfth day); better in the evening (eighteenth morning, nineteenth day). Hears better with the right ear, and the improved state continues longer while he takes every morning a shower-bath (first day). Hears better with his right ear; disposed to put his finger in this ear to cause a pressure of air on the drum; at the same time the right nostrils runs, more in the evening while drinking tea (third day). The right ear opens, 2 P.M. (eighth and fourteenth days); sudden return of hearing (first and twelfth days). Hearing returns not till evening, after painful jerks in the teeth (fourth day). Sudden return of hearing with the right ear, followed by itching in the meatus externus (fourth day),. Hearing improves with the coryza,. Hearing improved at noon and afternoon, at 2 o’clock. Singing in the ear, in the evening (tenth day).


Objective. Swelling; hot and inflamed state of right side of nose, with coryza (after four days). Running of nose, with a good deal of sneezing (second day). In the morning, after a good sleep a great deal of mucus is discharged from the nose (tenth day). Discharge of much clear phlegm from the nose, and also more tears, as usual, without a cold or coryza (second week). Blowing the nose, some bloody phlegm is discharged (sixth day). Fluent coryza from the right nostril, in the evening. Coryza and dull hearing disappear after getting warm from walking (eighth day). Rumbling coryza in the forenoon, ceases at noon (tenth day); or afternoon, increasing till 11 A.M.; ceased in the evening (sixth day). Cold in the head (second, fifth, and eighth days); better (ninth day). Cold in the head and hoarseness (seventh day). The cold in the head disappears in the open air, but returns in the warm room; with it there is a cough from irritation (ninth day). Subjective. Right nostril stopped by a cold (fourth day). In the morning nose is somewhat stopped, or in the forenoon, 9 to 10 (seventh and tenth days). Nostrils and throat ache, are dry. Irritation of mucous membrane of nose, causing constant snuffing (after half an hour, first day),. Tickling in the nose, causing him to sneeze (from the trituration). Tickling in the nose, irritating to sneeze (from the vapor).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.