Homeopathy Remedy Magnesia Carbonica

Constipation. Hard; and not till evening, with pressure and pain; after dinner, and difficult; and scanty, with pressure; with pain in anus; in first part, the last thin, then burning in rectum; and crumbling, it trouble her a long time before it passed. Yellow, with urging. Containing round worms. Difficult; but not hard. Normal, twice daily. Only every second day.

Clinical Sometimes indicated when the stools have a sour odor (Calcarea, Rheum). Diarrhoea, stools of green water; the stools are frequently bloody, sometimes have a green scum (Gratiola), with white lumps like grains of tallow, rarely of bloody mucus, almost always sour, associated with more or less colic, with acid eructations and sour, order of body (its most similar remedies in this connection seem to be Rheum and Gratiola).

Urinary Organs

      Discharge of prostatic fluid during emission of flatus. Stitch in urethra in region of glans. Smarting in urethra during micturition. Burning in urethra in afternoon after micturition; B. during micturition, like salt water, even stinging. Frequent micturition; and copious; at night, and copious. Involuntary micturition when walking; on rising from a seat. Urine diminished in evening, then burning. Urine green. U. pale. White sediment.

Sexual organs

      Erections slow, but coition natural. Emissions at night. Desire diminished. Itching of pudenda. Leucorrhoea; in afternoon when walking and sitting; scanty, after menstruation; like water; biting; of white mucus, preceded by cramp in abdomen.

Menstruation delayed, scanty and lasting but a short time; delayed, preceded by sore throat; delayed, at first scanty, then profuse, with large clots of blood; D. and profuse. M. too early; with pain in small of back (<) sitting, (>) walking; with tearing toothache and distention of abdomen, lasting four weeks (it is usually very scanty); and thick and black; and scanty, lasting only two days; and scanty, but lasting three days longer than usual; and scanty at first, then profuse and dark; after a foot bath, at first scanty, then profuse, dark, and dragging in groins, during these dragging there was no discharge of blood, but always a flow on emission of flatus, most profuse at noon and in afternoon. Menses more profuse at night than by day, with dragging pains, (>) pressure on abdomen and stooping. Profuse menses, with cutting colic; P. and lasting a day longer than usual; when walking and standing; and dark; on fourth and fifth days, with headache, (<) evening. M. came on in night, scanty at first, more profuse next forenoon, in afternoon i ceased suddenly. M. that had disappeared for several years in a woman past the menopause returned and flowed profusely for four days. No discharge of M. during the pains, only after them, and also at night in sleep. M. glutinous, dark, almost like pitch, difficult to wash off (Crocus)

Clinical In pregnancy, nausea and vomiting of sour odor. Irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhoea, menses frequently prolonged, but worse during the night than during the day; the discharge dark, like pitch. Leucorrhoea, white acrid, preceded by colic, recurring especially after menstruation (Alumina).

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarseness; towards evening. Soft, pea-yellow, offensive nodules, which he is obliged to hawk up, get into larynx, as if he had swallowed the wrong way. Contraction of trachea, with pain in pit of throat. Cough; in afternoon from tickling in throat; at night; from becoming heated; with scraping in throat; hollow, dull; spasmodic, all night; paroxysmal, at 3 A. M., with expectoration of mucus, with difficult, thin, salt expectoration. Expectoration of mucus and clots of blood of sweetish taste at 5 P.M. Short breath when walking.

Clinical It has cured bronchial catarrh in children, with stringy expectoration and with the peculiar greenish, sour stools (Kali bichromicum).


      Stitches on sternum, above ensiform cartilage, at 1 P.M.; beneath l. shoulder at 3.30 P.M.; beneath l. breast at 7 P.M. when sitting; on lower part of sternum at 9 P.M. when walking; with short breath; beneath l. breast at 9 P.M. when sitting, then in sternum; beneath l. breast after dinner, not affecting respiration; deep in, from dinner till towards 5 P.M., with cutting, not affected by inspiration; beneath r. breast on inspiration; in l. lowest ribs, (<) sitting; beneath r. breast at 10 A.M., extending towards navel; in l. breast at noon, extending to shoulders on breathing; extending beneath r. breast and up through shoulder at 1.30 P.M. when standing; in l. costal region at 5 P.M. when standing, on inspiration, extending upward beneath l. scapula; extending in ward to right of ensiform cartilage. Cutting stitches in ribs beneath r. axilla, not affecting breathing; C. stitches beneath l. breast at 1 P.M. when yawning.

Cutting in middle from 6.30 till 7 P.M., with sticking, not affecting respiration; C. during cough, and in morning yellowish purulent expectoration. Bruised pain in pectoral muscles on motion and touch. Sudden painful pressure taking away the breath. Tightness; intermittent, in afternoon, as if crewed in, with short breath. Heaviness in evening. Oppression, with at times deep respiration. Constriction at 3.30 P.M. when sitting and walking, with pinching and with difficult, short breath; C. about middle at 6 P.M., with short breath; at 6 P.M., (>) eructations, with weariness in shoulders and pain as if dislocated in r. middle finger. Throbbing in l. in evening on falling asleep. Burning internally beneath l. breast at 10 A.M. when sitting, with sweetish taste in throat, then cough and expectoration of tenacious brown mucus.


      Stitch in praecordial region at 1 P.M. Sudden sore pain after a meal, with creaking and with nausea. Palpitation.


      Stitching in nape when sneezing. Tearing, with jerking, afterwards extending down back; T. in tendons of r. side at 6.30 P.M., with drawing.


      Stitching extending inward at 2 P.M. Pain at night so that she could not lie, and in small of B. Pain at night as if beaten to pieces, (<) motion.

Lumbar Region. Stitches; above r. hip; in r. at 1.30 P.M., then jerking. Sticking-burning and bruised pain extending from above l. hip to beneath shoulder, (<) stooping to left, (>) pressure and bending together, with dry cough and stitches in side. Tearing in lower part of spine, causing shuddering, so that she bent backward, then stitches at 5 P.M. Intermittent pain during menses. Bruised pain from morning till 2 P.M.; from 4.30 till lying down at 9 P.M.; in afternoon and evening after menses. Drawing pain during menses, (>) stooping, (<) stretching. Dragging before menstruation, (<) sitting, (>) walking, with cutting and pain as if contracted and beaten, the flow at first scanty, next day profuse and brown, with relief of the pains, the third day scanty, ceased the fourth day, flow more profuse at night. Tightness above hips. Sudden piercing pain in coccyx.


      Soreness of all, and she turned from side to side. Weariness. Crawling uneasiness in evening so that she must move the feet constantly. Paralysis of l. leg, with pain in hips and knees, next day it occurred in r. leg and in arms, when walking he had constant pain and was obliged to plant the feet far apart.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulders. Tearing from l.to wrist; in r., extending to r. clavicle and chest; in l. in forenoon, extending to middle of upper arm; in r. in forenoon, extending into wrist, and on turning over the hand the pain occurred in finger-joints; in r. at 8 A.M., gradually extending to lower part of scapula; in l. at 5 P.M., extending to elbow. Pain in r. Pain in r. as if dislocated in morning and afternoon during menstruation, so that it was difficult to raise the arm; in r. as if D. in afternoon on moving arm and in bed on some motions; in r. in evening, with feeling as if arm should hang down. Paralytic bruised pain in l. on moving arm and trunk and on yawning. Pressure. Painful contraction in morning, with tearing extending down back. Tension extending to angle of lower jaw, so that he could not stoop nor close the jaws.

Arm. Jerking. Stitches under r., extending to axilla if she holds the arm elevated and still, (>) moving arm. Tearing above r. elbow, extending into middle of outer part of upper arm. Paroxysmal cramp-like grips above elbows, transiently (>) compression with other hand, with hardness of muscles. Pain in r. as if dislocated on raising it carelessly. Drawing upward in A. Weakness.

Elbow. Stitches in r. at 8 A.M. on moving arm. Tearing in r. at 10 A.M. when knitting; T. in under surface of r. extending to middle of forearm, as if in periosteum, when standing. Gnawing in l. at 7 A.M. Pain of flexing arm. Sharp drawings about r., as if in bone, in evening in bed.

Stitches in tendons on anterior surface of r. forearm above wrist in forenoon. Drawing in r. forearm, extending into hand, with difficulty in raising arm. Wrist above thumb swollen and red, and bones painful to pressure. Stitching in l. palm, then itching, (>) scratching. Drawing pain in hands. L. hand upon which she had lain at night was asleep in morning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.