Homeopathy Remedy Magnesia Carbonica


      In some cases the development of senile cataract has been arrested. It has cured styes and chronic blepharitis Warts on lids.


      Inflammation of r. external meatus, with suppurative pain, then sensitiveness to pressure. Stitches in front of l. at 5.30 P.M., behind r. at 3 P.M., ending with tension, temporarily (>) pressure. Tearing in r. external concha at 10 A.M.; in l. concha at 7.30 P.M. Boring in r.; in l. in forenoon, with stitches. Sore pain behind lobule of r. on pressure. Burning smarting below lobule of l. during menses. Tickling in r. at 6.30 P.M. Itching in r. external meatus, (>) scratching.

Sensitiveness to noise. Noise in l. in morning in bed, with pain on touch; loud N. in r. after dinner. Ringing; in l., or noises; in r. after dinner. Roaring in r. at 11 A.M., with fluttering, whizzing and hardness of hearing; R. in r. at 3 P.M.; in l. at 4.30 P.M., with noises like a storm of wind and with diminished hearing; in r, with diminished hearing, with intoxicated feeling, (<) in the house; in r. as if near rushing water ar 7 P.M.; before ears, so that she could not stay in bed; in front of ears, alternating with whistling Fluttering in r.; in evening.

Clinical It has been prescribed for deafness, especially with abscesses and swellings in ears.


      Redness in evening, with swelling. Scab in nostril. Blisters in nostrils, with dragging pain. Tearing near margin of l. eye at 7 A.M., extending to l. temple. Stoppage of nose, only at times discharge of a few drops; with a feeling of coryza in morning. Stoppage at 8 A.M.; at 5.30 P.M.; alternating with fluent coryza. Dryness every morning on waking; in morning, with stoppage of l. nostril. Tickling at 10.30 A.M., with ineffectual attempts to sneeze; T. in evening, then sneezing; in r. nostril, (>) scratching, but returning; in l. nostril, irritation to sneeze. Itching in l. nostril; in nostrils after dinner and at 3 P.M., (>) scratching.

Sneezing in morning during menses; in morning from tickling in nose; in morning, with stoppage of nose; violent, in morning, with tickling in nose. Coryza, (<) morning and evening; C. on appearance of menses, with stoppage of nose; C., with stoppage of r. nostril. Stopped coryza; with stoppage of nose, waking her at night; with secretion of nasal mucus. Fluent coryza; in morning, dry in afternoon; in morning on rising, then stoppage of nose all day; C., with discharge of thick mucus and feeling as if nose were swollen from frequent blowing. Unnoticed dropping of water without coryza. A clot of blood is blown out with mucus. Bleeding; in morning; waking at 3 and 5 A.M., with violent sneezing and tickling in r. nostril; and from mouth.


      Pale during menses; P., with suffering and earthy look; P. and of bad color, with general discomfort. Redness from 5 till 7 P.M., with heat of it; with heat of whole body. Fretful expression in forenoon. Tearing in l. side in afternoon; in zygoma at night, (>) sitting up in bed or driving her out of bed, with burrowing and boring as with a red-hot iron, and with anxiety. Pain, so that she must run from room to room all night, hold the painful said and way the head, (<) remaining quiet. Twinging in centre between chin and lip at 6 P.M., with burning. Tension as if the white of an egg had dried upon it. Throbbing in antrum of highmore, with swelling of r. malar-bone (Natrum mur.). Suppurative pain in r. lower jaw and in cheek, (<) pressure, with redness and in swelling and with jerking on talking, sneezing and yawning.

Lips. Hard pimples in corners. Vesicle on lower near r. corner; clear V. in l. corner of upper, with tensive pain. Pustule on upper; on lower. Tearing in l. lower. Soreness of upper. Dryness in morning, (>) noon, without thirst. Burning in middle of upper and above it, with tension. Itching in upper in forenoon, with feeling as if eruption would break out.

Clinical Neuralgia of the face, with shooting, lightning-like pains, (<) touch, draught of air or change of temperature, can-not stay in bed, is obliged to walk the floor.


      Teeth. Looseness with swelling of gums. (Lower wisdom come through.) Sticking after eating; S. in roots of three l. upper at 3 P.M., with tearing, and in open air sensitiveness of teeth and tickling in them. Tearing in roots of l. lower, then also in r. lower; T. in r. lower anterior molars at 4 P.M.; in a r. lower molar at 4 P.M., (>) salt, with drawing; in r. lower molar at 8 P.M., with drawing; in last l. molars without being able to distinguish whether in upper or lower, in evening in bed till sleep and in morning on walking, (>) rising; T. rather than throbbing pain at night, with elongated feeling; in r. lower hollow, after menstruation, (>) applying cold water or lying upon that side, but returning till 4 A.M., (<) warm room, with drawing, gnawing, uneasiness, ill humor and tensive pain over r. cheek; in r. lower molar at 1 P.M., then in an upper, as if would be twisted out; in r. lower after dinner, extending into temples.

Toothache in r. in morning, (>) prolonged moving about; in lower molars, (<) l., evening and morning; beginning in evening in bed and at night driving him out of bed, extending to temples; when riding in a carriage,, cold; (<) night; (<) getting into bed, with salivation; with swelling of cheek. Raging pain in a r. hollow. Jerking pain in morning after rising and in night, with jerking in fingers and feet. Burning pain in evening in bed, with pain as if teeth were loose; B pain, now in one, now in another, (>) morning of body, (<) night in bed and during the day chewing, with throbbing, tearing and elongated feeling. Beating and drawing pain all night; D. pain in all, with swelling and redness of gum. Elongated feeling; in the back tooth, with pain in morning if cold water touches it, as if it would be torn out, and on chewing.

Gums. Painless swelling, even in sockets teeth. Burning blisters, and on lips, palate and inside of cheeks. Pain internally to upper lip as if cut to pieces in middle from morning till afternoon, and burning on touch of tongue. Sensitiveness on eating, with burning in it and sensation as if teeth were too long and as if they would fall out, (<) lower front incisors.

Tongue. Pimples, and on inside of cheeks, bleeding on touch and burning when eating, (<) acids,. On forepart of l. margin of T. and on lower lip burning, painful blisters, suppuration on third day. Tensive painful blisters on anterior margin of T. and r. corner of mouth.

General Mouth. Reddish-blue spot on inside of l. cheek, bleeding when rubbed. Blisters on palate, with feeling as if skin were loosened on eating bread, next day feeling as if the spot were denuded and sore, the blisters and sensation (>) appearance of menses. Palate raw posteriorly in morning. Heat all day burning in palate in morning as if skin were loosened. Dryness; in morning on waking, and in throat; all day without thirst; at night with thirst. Itching on inside of r. cheek. Numbness in morning and forenoon, (<) palate and anterior half of tongue. Slimy and mealy inn forenoon. Bloody saliva. Salivation during menstruation.

Taste. Sour; suddenly in throat, then rawness. Bitter; even to morning broth; in morning, and pasty; in morning, with which tongue and white mucus in mouth; in morning, and slimy, and mucus hangs from teeth and tongue. Bitter sweetish, (>) eating bread, and mouth full of mucus. Flat during menstruation, with little appetite. Not good at dinner. None to food and tongue coated white and mouth feeling slimy.

Clinical Neuralgic toothache, (<) warmth of the bed, (>) cold drinks (Coffea, Pulsatilla). The toothache of this drug, like that of Mercurius, seems to be worse at night, and from the heat of the bed.


      Thyroid gland seems larger. Pain in r. submaxillary gland on pressure and on motion of jaw. Expectoration of blood-streaked mucus. Mucus which she must swallow, with rawness and dryness; M., which she attempts to hawk up; ineffectual desire to hawk up something in afternoon. Spasmodic retching at 8 P.M. as if distended. Sticking in r. side in evening on empty swallowing; S. low down when talking. Sensation as if stopped so that no air could pass, in morning after rising. Pain in forenoon on swallowing as if a thick substance lay across it. Sensation of a hard substance in it when not swallowing, with burning and choking, rawness and inclination to in hawk. Soreness in r. side, with stitches and burning in l. side on talking, sneezing, yawning and (<) swallowing; prickling S. in r. posterior nares, as in coryza.

Scraping; and rancidity as from old smoked meat. Rawness; in forenoon, (>) dinner, with hoarseness; (>) a few paroxysms of cough, with hoarseness; on swallowing, as if a grain of barley were sticking in it; with burning; with burning acidity. Dryness in morning, with sticking in l. side; D. in afternoon on swallowing, with feeling as if it would split; D. on swallowing. Tickling causing short cough. Irritation in region on thyroid gland in forenoon, with frequent cough.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.