Homeopathy Remedy Magnesia Carbonica


      Hunger, but no appetite for bread; ravenous H. in evening before menstruation, then pain in stomach; great for vegetables, but aversion to meat. Inclined to eat fruit and acid things in general (Veratrum). Little A. Satiated immediately at noon, with distention of abdomen after eating. No A.; at noon, it only comes while eating. Does not relish warm, food, has no inclination for bread and butter. Aversion to food; from 6 to 7 P.M., with nausea; with nausea; with shuddering; with pain and coldness in stomach; to green food, relish for meat.

Thirst for water in forenoon, but in afternoon dryness of mouth, without thirst; for water after l. P.M.; T. from 11 till 2 O’clock; with appetite for acids; T. in afternoon; in evening; towards evening, she drinks much and is obliged to rise at night to urinate; waking her at night, on appearance of menses; on waking from a dram that she was excessively thirsty; after dinner, then chilliness, in evening heat of face with coldness of feet and mental excitement; for cold drinks after diarrhoea; much T., with little appetite.

Eructations; in forenoon, with pain in stomach; at 2.30 P.M.; towards, with evening, with sneezing; before menstruation, with nausea; after eating plums, with salivation vertigo and nausea; ineffectual; acid; tasting of morning soup. Empty E.; in morning after soup; with tearing or cutting from l. to r. side above umbilicus; of cold air. Rising of water into mouth without eructations.

Hiccough in morning after rising, then eructations; at 6.30 P.M.; during and after yawning; incomplete, with spasmodic pain in stomach.

Nausea; in morning, with constant spitting; in forenoon, with salivation; in forenoon during menses; at noon when eating soup, with vertigo, then retching, at last vomiting of salt water, then of the soup, then again only water, with anxiety, so that sweat stood on forehead, then white diarrhoea, then cutting and distention inn abdomen; in afternoon, with salivation; in afternoon, (>) dinner, with general discomfort; from 6 to 7 P.M.; all night, with eructations of the odor of bad eggs, in abdomen after supper, with weakness and sleepiness; with shaking, then eructations; with constipation; with feeling as if stomach were full of water and desire to eructate; with pressure, as from a stone in stomach, and after black coffee faint dizziness, with yellow and blue rings around eyes, then two attacks of vomiting of food and bitter and sour mucus, then relief of stomach, but headache and weakness at 7 P.M.; with vomiting and empty eructations; without aversion to foot, but with heaviness of head and ill humor; without qualmishness. Efforts to vomit at noon when eating soup, but vomiting of only bitter water, and then bitter mouth for a long time.

Distention (>) eructations. Rumbling towards noon; at 7 P.M.; with yawning, then R. in abdomen. Stitching in pit; to right of pit, extending into r. chest; sudden to right of pit, as with a knife, at 2 P.M. Pain; after dinner, with contractive sensation; in morning, causing nausea, without qualmishness, (>) soup; extending into chest, (>) empty eructations; constrictive; like soreness on touch, in S. and hypochondria, even at night in bed. Sensitiveness to pressure. (>) coffee, with internal feeling as if it would fall out, coldness and prostration. Pain like an emptiness, waking her after Empty feeling in morning, with empty eructations. Disordered feeling after dinner

Clinical Acid dyspepsia, sour eructations. Dyspepsia from drinking milk, which becomes sour in the stomach.


      Distention (Lycopodium, Calc-c., Sul.); in afternoon, in spite of three loss stools; from 3 P.M. till evening, with tension; in evening, somewhat (>) emission of flatus; at night, (>) emission of flatus (Lycopodium); after dinner; after eating, with colic. Rumbling all day, with gurgling, movements and cutting; R. at 9 A.M.; in forenoon on motion, with gurgling; at 1 P.M., with movements. Motions before stool, with general heat; M., (>) emission of flatus, with griping, at last a soft stool. Rolling in evening and morning on inspiration, (>) eating, with gurgling. Loud emission of flatus; in afternoon and at night. E. when walking before the usual stool. Flatus of penetration odor.

Pain as if intestines would be torn out, (>) smelling Hepar sulph. Cutting in evening till sleep; C. before stool, with griping. Griping; in morning in bed; at 10 A.M.; at noon, with profuse emission of offensive flatus, the G. (<) evening and preceded by rumbling; G., with rumbling, then thin, green diarrhoea, with out tenesmus; intermittent, in forenoon, (<) afternoon and evening, (>) emission of flatus, with distention of abdomen; intermittent, with the usual stool, with movings. Pain in morning, (<) about umbilicus, (>) warm soup; P. in forenoon, during menstruation; in forenoon, then leucorrhoea like water; in bed with dragging towards genitals, next, morning menses appeared six days too early, at first scanty. Feeling as if everything were twisting about, with stitches beneath umbilicus. Cramplike constriction at 8 P.M., (>) diarrhoea. Empty feeling in morning after rising intestines feel contraction and painful, as if torn out. Heaviness.

Hypochondria. Sticking in l.; r.; in l. at 2 P.M., when standing; in r. after dinner; in r., as with a knife, at 7.30 P.M. on stooping, (>) rising. Griping in r. Intermittent pinching toward umbilicus in forenoon, with constriction; P. externally beneath r. lowest ribs, extending into ribs, then burning. taking the same direction. Pinching moving at 5.45 P.M. Paralytic pain in l. at 8.30 P.M., preventing lying on that side. Feeling as if there were something hard in hepatic region, with griping in abdomen.

Tearing in l. side of A., (<) walking. Cutting in l. Griping in sides. Pinching in forepart of A. in morning. Pinching in middle of A. at 2 P.M., (>) emission of flatus, then stool, the first part of which was scanty and hard, with great pressure, but the last soft and easy, then burning in anus.

Umbilicus. Rumbling beneath U. two hours after dinner. Cutting about U. in forenoon during menses, (>) emission of flatus; C. beneath U., with dragging. Griping in region in morning, with digging; G. in region in morning, with distention of abdomen, then stool, which at first was hard, then soft; in region at 5 P.M., then thin stool, then burning in anus; in region with thin, scanty leucorrhoea. Twinging beneath U. in open air after micturition, extending into small of emitted. Ulcerative pain in spots to left of U.; on pressure. Painful dragging beneath U. during menses, waking her frequently at night.

Hypogastrium. Fulness at 2.30 P.M., (>) walking. Cutting from small of back to pubis; C. in groins, waking her night, with dragging. Pinching in r. groin at 3.30 P.M. when walking, (>) rubbing. Intermittent griping beneath umbilicus in afternoon, after wards the pain extended to stomach; constrictive G. in r. groin at 11 A.M. Pain every morning in bed, (>) eating; P. at 9 A.M., (<) till 11 A.M., with griping and dragging towards genitals, after 9 A.M. reappearance of menses, which disappeared in afternoon. Dragging all night and in morning during menstruation.

Clinical Colic (>) bending over (Coloc.).


      Sticking, with urging to stool, (>) emission of flatus; S. waking her at 4 A.M., somewhat (>) emission of flatus, which was painful, S. again next morning after waking, (>) emission of flatus. Tearing extending into abdomen, during stool. Pressure when not at stool. Urging, (>) breakfast; U. for diarrhoea, waking at 11 P.M., and at 3 A.M., and about 4 and 6 P.M. stool of greenish slimy liquid; constant U. though but little passes, and it is only like a fermentation. Frequent ineffectual urging in forenoon; U., but only a little is passed, then ineffectual U., then burning in anus, after five minutes desire again, but emission of only flatus, then desire and burning; U., but emission of only flatus, with cutting and twinging in anus, then a hard stool with pressure, though if seemed as if diarrhoea would occur; U. as before diarrhoea, but only flatus passed.


      Painful haemorrhoids. Passage of round worms when not at stool. Pain as if sore and ulcerated between 2 and 3 P.M. when sitting and walking. Burning after stool.

Clinical Ascarides.


      Of greenish water, with distention of abdomen (Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Gratiola), without other symptoms, eight times before 10 A.M.; frequent green, liquid, also always preceded by griping, (<) r. side (Podophyllum). Livid brown, liquid then tenesmus and burning. Semiliquid, without trouble. Thin, then burning in anus; almost daily there thin, without trouble. Diarrhoea; in two attacks before midnight; green, frothy; of green mucus mixed with white thread-warms, then burning in anus; of green mucus (Mercurius dulc.) at 5 A.M. Frequent diarrhoea; with cutting and pressure; without difficulty; and green. Soft, at the end, with pressure; S. always preceded by twinging in abdomen (>) loud emissions of flatus; S. and scanty.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.