Homeopathy Remedy Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum

Clinical Very valuable in run-rounds and even in felons, with sharp suppurative pains. Hip-joint disease in the suppurative stage.

Upper Extremities

      Axillary glands suppurate. Shoulders, tearing in l.; pain on raising arms; sprained pain; drawing pain; pain as from a weight. Arms, jerks here and there in l.; bruised pain; weariness; falling asleep of one on which he learns at night. Bruised pain in humerus. Drawing pain in l. upper arm. Elbows, pain in bends on stretching arms; pain or bruised feeling in tip on moving it after violent walking, (>) open air. Forearm. boring sore pain on inner side of F. and across back of hand after midnight, (<) touch, (>) during the day; bruised pain in a spot; painful drawing in flexor tendons; drawing tearing in extensor muscles of F. and fingers. Wrist painful. Hands tremble when writing; swelling of r. Fingers, swelling of all when lying down, with stiffness; swelling of all, with tension on moving then; swelling of joints, with gouty pains; easily put out of joint, they crack if pressed when hand is outspread; sticking in one.

Lower Extremities

      Uneasiness during the day when at rest. Pain in nates and posterior part of thighs when sitting. Thighs, cramp at night, extending into foot; C. in muscles of T. and pelvis if T. is drawn up; tearing in r.; T. in l. hip on undressing; T. when sitting, with numb crawling; T. as from weariness, and in legs; pain in hip when walking in open air; bruised pain in anterior muscles; B. pain transversely through centre; sprained pain in hips on walking in open air; sudden weary pain when walking. Knees, swelling; cramp; trembling on walking in open air, with anxiety, general heat and burning in soles; frequent sticking in r. during the day; tearing in outer side as from weariness; pain in hollow during motion; pain as if broken pain; tension in hollow of r., making walking difficult.

Cramp in calves; in morning in bed; on bending knees. Legs, tearing in tibiae, above malleoli, at night; T. in tendo-achillis in bed, when walking a sticking in it; cramplike pain in muscles on walking; cramplike drawing pain beneath r. knee on walking; uneasiness; U. at night, with trembling; U. and necessity to keep them outstretched; weariness, (<) ascending; heaviness tension at night preventing sleep; T. in back and in hollow of knees; falling asleep of l. in morning in bed, with heaviness. Ankle, cracking; pain as if suppurating; broken pain in r. on walking; paroxysmal sprained pain on walking; stiffness, with numbness and dead sensation.

Foot.- Swelling about malleoli, with difficult breathing; cramp; C. in soles and toes; C., between great toe and heel; sticking on instep; S. in heel; itching S. on back, at base of toes; tearing at night; T. in soles, with drawing; bruised pain on outer side of one on which he had lain, in evening after uneasy sleep, (>) touching and stroking; pressure in heel on walking, as from a stone; soles sensitive to walking over uneven stones; drawing burning pain in evening i n bed, extending to malleoli; burning pain in morning in bed, (<) or their backs. A hitherto painless corn begins to burn and stick on slight pressure. Toes, sticking extending into great; S. in heard places on little; S. in fleshy part of r. little; tearing in great, worse when walking than when standing; pain in nail of great on pressure.


      Yellow. Jaundice, with blood-red urine and yellow whites of eyes. Unhealthy, sight injuries suppurate (Silicea). Nettle-rash on face. Painless swellings on forehead. Chilblains on feet, so sensitive after healing that she cannot wear the shoe. Itching miliary eruption on hands and wrists. Red itching elevation on upper part of l. nates. Red itching spot beneath lower lip, soon covered with yellow blisters, which change to scurf. Pimples here and there; on upper lid and beneath eyes; on nape and sides of throat; on side of forehead, feeling worse in room; above anus, with feeling as if anus were swollen. Pimples like hives sore on touch, on scalp and nape; on chin. above and below lips and on throat. Itching pimples on chin; on top of l. shoulder and beneath l. patella; about knee. Warts become inflamed, with sticking in them. Erysipelas on diseased leg.

Soreness and moisture in fold between scrotum and thigh (Sulphur); with smarting biting. Cracking and smarting of hands and feet (Graphites). Scabby eruptions on hands. Scurfy eruption beneath l. corner of mouth. Itching pustules on l. elbow; P., with sore pain on sternum. Boils; on nates; on leg, with inability to let hang down. Vesicles as from nettle-rash, for example, on wrist; corroding V. on last phalanx of thumb, with sticking on pressure; burning V. and ulcers on r. side of chin towards lower lip. Ulcer bleeding on slight wiping (nitricum acidum); sour-smelling matter from U.; sticking in U. on laughing; corrosive pain; itching corrosion; burning at night, with throbbing.

Sensitiveness to touch and to slightest cold (Nux-v.). Tickling in soles. Crawling in tips of fingers; in soles; toes. Itching of nose; on zygomata; about mouth; in bend of elbow; in palms; on inner side of feet; on soles; here and there at night, (<) on ankles, between, fingers, on wrist, back, under knees, preventing sleep; on hands, with rough, dry, shrivelled skin; sudden in toes; near nail of l. index, as if a paronychia would form; sticking; crawling in toes at night. Burning itching in toes; at night. Burning itching in toes; on forehead and cheeks during dinner; (<) morning on rising, with white vesicles after scratching, with discharge a white fluid.

Clinical General moist eruptions, which smell badly, suppurate and bleed. General inflammations and blisters, which threaten to suppurate, and in which there are sharp suppurative pains.


      Yawning from morning till noon; frequent Y., causing pain in chest. Sleepiness towards evening with almost convulsive yawning; sleep-weariness in evening, so that he slept from after supper till morning; sleeps in evening sitting up, with weariness. Sleep too long and dull, then confusion of head, with pressure in temples, troubles from a disordered stomach, eructations tasting of food and scraping in throat as before heartburn; sleep long and confused, with thoughts of his business passing through his head like drifting clouds. Slumbering sleep for several days, with dreams of the business of the day and many thoughts, which passed through his brain like clouds, at time s he woke somewhat, not stupid, gave right answers, attended to his needs and immediately fell asleep again. Sleeps on his back.

Sleeplessness after midnight; from numerous thoughts; from midnight till 4 A.M., then sleep, sweat at 7, all night after lively conversation in evening; all night, with moaning and groaning; all night, only slumber; S., with chill; with tossing about. Difficult falling asleep and uneasy sleep. Frequent waking, with erections and desire to urinate. Sprang up from sleep before midnight, full of anxiety and it seemed as if he could not get his breath.

Dreams.- Anxious all night; of conflagrations, of falling from a precipice, etc.; A., with sweat on back on waking. Of flying danger. Of danger, fright. Full of strife. Heavy, and he remained frightened after taking. Peevish. Of hearing shooting. Of expectoration of blood and pus. Of broken windows two nights in succession.


      Chill; every day at 6 or 7 P.M. at 6 P.M., with weakness and slow pulse; at 8 P.M., with chattering of teeth, coldness of hands and feet, then heat, with sweat, (<) chest and forehead, and slight thirst; at night; in open air and a painful sensation presses her down so that she must walk bent over; with frequent nausea and sensitiveness to open air; alternating with heat, with photophobia. first bitter taste, then chill, with thirst, then heat, with interrupted, sleep, all twice on the same day. Shaking chill; with chattering of teeth, coldness and pallor of hands and feet, pallor of face, change of expression, unconsciousness, coma, when aroused he talked irrationally or stared without expression, then heat slight in comparison with the chill., with dry mouth, periodic colic and liquid stools. Shivering; then heat; waking at 2 A.M., with hot, dry skin, frequent S. from nape down back and over chest, then sleep, from which he woke with sweat, pain in back, in and bout hips and in abdomen and nausea; frequent S. in forenoon in open air; frequent S. extending to head, where hair is sore to touch. Chilliness in arms and legs in morning; in feet during the day.

Catarrhal fever, weakness with sensitiveness of skin to touch and to slightest cold, constant chill, with sore throat as if raw, pain on swallowing saliva, muscles of nape, (<) beneath ears, painful to touch, with dry cough, no appetite, no thirst, sleeplessness all night, with moaning and groaning; C. fever, with internal chill and fretfulness; C. fever, with sick feeling in all limbs. Orgasm of blood preventing sleep. Heat; there nights in succession, from 4 P.M. through night, with great thirst, headache, delirium; so that sleep was bad; with violent vomiting of green acid water and tenacious mucus and nausea;l dry, at night, with sweaty hands, which cannot tolerate uncovering; H. in forehead; hands; palm and wrist; face night and morning on waking; in soles in morning in bed; of one hand, with redness and swelling and bruised pain extending into arm on moving it; flushing, in face and head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.