Homeopathy Remedy Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum

Threatening or actual abscess of the liver.

Rectum and Anus

      Rumbling in R. Crawling in R. as from thread-worms. Urging, but large intestines are wanting i n peristaltic action and cannot expel soft faeces, only a part can be forced out by aid of abdominal muscles; ineffectual U., with many eructations. Protrusion of haemorrhoids. Soreness of anus, with discharge or moisture after stool. Burning in A.


      Diarrhoea; with colic, inclination to lie down, hot hands and cheeks; three times, with rumbling and nausea in abdomen; frequent, slight, preceded by griping, with flatulence before and after stool; of bloody mucus, with rumbling in back. Liquid, dark brown-greenish, frequent, with yellow lumps of green bloody mucus, smelling like bad eggs, with rumbling and urging so that they were frequently passed in bed, preceded by cutting tearing in abdomen, (<) umbilical region, extending deep into pelvis, the pain (<) before every stool. Soft, difficult; S., with blood. Thin, more frequent at night. Difficult, scanty, not hard, with much urging; D., of hard pieces mixed with yellow moisture. Hard and unsatisfactory, with inactivity of rectum and swelling of anus. Clay-colored. Greenish. Blood with stool. Frequent, even at night, but little is passed, with pressure, tenesmus and weakness.

Clinical Bowels very inactive, the soft stools are evacuated slowly a nd with effort. Stools may be light-colored, with enlargement of the liver. Diarrhoea white, sour, undigested, or sometimes mucous, yellow or green and of decayed odor. The sour odor of the stools and sweat is often an indication for the drug (Bryonia, Rheum). Chronic catarrh of the intestines, abdomen distended, tender, with fermentation or with a feeling of clawing or cutting extending towards the umbilicus.

Urinary Organs

      Discharge of prostatic fluid during stool. Bladder weak, urine drops down vertically and he must wait before urine flows (see Causticum Opium). Micturition impeded, he must wait and then urine flows slowly. He can never urinating, some urine always seems to remain in bladder (Helo.). Urging in morning on waking, but difficult slow micturition; frequent desire. Meatus urinarius red and micturition; sore pain during micturition. Urine acrid; and burning, making inner surface of prepuce sore and ulcerated (Mercurius); U. burning; last drops bloody; milky, even when passing, with white sediment; pale, clear, becoming on standing turbid and thick, with white sediment; dark yellow and burning; blood-red; brownish-red; dark and scanty; copious; copious, pale, with pressure on bladder; shimmering film (Graph, Sul.); pellicular fat upon U.

Clinical Valuable in certain stages of inflammation of the kidneys, especially after abuse of mercury, with soreness in region of kidneys, incessant urging to urinate, sour sweat, diarrhoea, etc. Occasionally in albuminuria during diphtheria. Atony or paralysis of bladder, urine passes very slowly and without any force, the bladder does not seem to empty itself. Oily film upon the surface of the urine.

Sexual Organs

      Excitement and emission without amorous fancies or desire for women. Weakness, testicles, relaxed, penis hard. Itching of glans; and fraenum; on scrotum. Ulcers externally on prepuce, similar to chancre (nitricum acidum). Sticking in prepuce; S. in region of fraenum praeputii. Painful erection during caresses, with soreness and pinching in penis extending form bladder. Desire diminished. Soreness between pudenda and thighs. Itching of pudenda during menstruation. Discharge of blood from uterus after distention of abdomen. Menstruation delayed and diminished.

Clinical Venereal ulcers, with fetid discharge. Profuse secretion of an offensive odor from the glans penis. Figwarts of an offensive odor. Herpes of the prepuce, which is very sensitive and bleeds easily. Suppurating inguinal glands, with offensive moisture in the folds of the skin. Enlargement of ovaries, with great soreness, pain in back (Helo.), etc. Abscesses of the labiae, which are very sensitive, with splinter-like pains. Extremely offensive leucorrhoea of a decayed odor. Ulceration of the uterus, with offensive discharge.

Respiratory Organs

      Weakness of organs of speech and of chest, so that she cannot speak aloud (Phosphorus, Causticum). Tickling in larynx waking her about midnight and provoking cough and expectoration. Cough day and night; in morning, waking her frequently, in evening; evening and morning; (<) walking; (<) deep breathing, so as to cause vomiting; paroxysmal, if slightest portion becomes cold, with sensitiveness of nervous system (compare Nux-vom.); paroxysmal, forcible, deep, painfully shocking larynx and causing retching; almost uninterrupted, from tickling in l, upper part of throat, (<) from talking and stooping land till late in evening, then suddenly and stooping and till late in evening, then suddenly ceasing; tickling at 3 P.M.; suffocative, from tightness of breath; provoking vomiting; scraping, rough. Dry cough; in evening on going to sleep; and paroxysmal, in evening; and short; hacking, after eating; and deep, in paroxysms on deep inspiration, from tightness of breath, with sore pain in chest. Cough, with expectoration; paroxysmal; of mucus, all day, from scraping in larynx and (<) throat; of mucus, and violent, from 11 till 12 in bed; of bloody mucus; bloody, preceded by sensation of a hard body in pit of stomach, offensive sweat after the cough, then weakness of head. Expectoration of acid mucus at night, almost without cough; bloody E. from chest, with peevishness and weakness. Dyspnoea. Frequent deep breathing, as after running.

Clinical Subacute inflammation of the larynx, with considerable secretion of mucus. In a late stage of membranous croup, with hoarseness, profuse collection of mucus, difficult respiration; Hepar should be given very cautiously even in a late stage of membranous croup; overdosing with it is apt to cause recurrence of the more acute symptoms, to lessen the secretion of mucus, rendering the cough dry and tight, and to increase the difficulty in breathing, it follows well after Spong; Spongia should be given after Hepar only when Hepar has aggravated the cough and caused a return of the former symptoms; Hepar is never to be given when three is a hot, dry skin; the child is always sweaty and weak; it is to be carefully differentiated from Kali bichromicum and Bromine, neither of which is indicated when there is fever; the tenacious character of the expectoration indicates Kali bichromicum, while Bromine is indicated by the spasmodic character of the cough and expiration, and a tendency to cyanosis. Subacute bronchitis, cough loose and rattling, (<) color air, always (<) towards morning; (the profuse collection of mucus in chest, which cannot be removed by coughing, with free sweating, is like Tart. emetic.).


      Tenacious mucus. Suppuration on last r. rib, which sticking in it and great pain on touch. Sticking in side extending to back; S. in sternum when breathing and walking. Pain in l. side; in side on which he lies at night. Flesh of r. side and beneath r. arm sensitive on touching breast or moving arm. Oppression, with burning. Feeling as if hot water moved about in it. Heat above heart. Itching of l. nipple.

Clinical Late stage of pleuritis, with exudation, with the general indications of the drug. Chronic pneumonia, with profuse purulent expectoration and threatening abscess. Abscess of the lungs, when the symptoms indicate.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in region of heart; and in l. chest, with palpitation. Palpitation after dinner, with tightness of chest and need to breathe deeply. Pulse rapid and hard.


      Pain in muscles of nape on touch, (<) beneath ears. Bruised pain in muscles, with painful swallowing as from a swelling; B. pain in nape on bending head backward.


      Sticking; in l. side. Tensive pain, (<) turning body at night. Drawing in B. and sacrum in morning, pain in whole B. after rising, so that she can scarcely move, with weakness of limbs, aversion to eating or working, shivering, chilliness and loss of thirst. Weakness of spine. Scapulae, sticking between; S. in r. on blowing nose, hawking and deep breathing; pain between S.; sensation during micturition as if something were running internally in r. Loins, sticking, with cough; S. in l.; in region of l. kidney; pain, (<) walking, extending across back and backward; frequent pain; pain as if cut in two, so that she can neither stand, walk not lie; sprained pain in loins and ischia on sitting and on turning body when waking; bruised pain on walking; bruised and sharp pain in loins and lumbar vertebrae, (<) articulation of sacrum, with pelvis extending into lower limbs, causing limping; pain as from fatigue, on stooping and breathing against anything when sitting.


      Sticking in joints. Drawing pains, (<) thighs and legs, with paralytic sensations; D. pain in joints of shoulders; hips, (<) knees. Crawling pains, (<) walking and standing, which bend him up. Sick in all, as if getting cold.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.