Homeopathy Remedy Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum

Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum…

      Calcium sulphide, prepared as directed by Hahnemann, is triturated for use.

General Action

      A “tissue” drug of wide action. It simulates Mercury in its action on the glandular system, especially on the liver and kidneys, Sulphur in its action on the skin and mucous membrane of the intestinal tract, Calcarea in affecting the respiratory tract, and all of the foregoing in its general action on connective tissue. Extreme sensitiveness to a draught of air, easy perspiration, profuse secretions and suppurative tendencies are marked characteristics of the drug.

Allies.- Mercury, Calcarea, Sulphur, Silicea, Nit-acid, Kali-in general, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Tell., etc.


      Emaciation, with chill in back, red cheeks, sleeplessness, larynx affected, hoarse, weak voice, anxiety, apprehension and irritability, as in hectic fever. Inflammation of affected parts. Stretching. Painful throbbing here and there from slight wetting of body. Sensitiveness to open air, with chill and frequent nausea. Sensitiveness of nerves in various parts, as, for example, in septum of nose. Nervous irritability, every physical or mental impression causes a kind of inward trembling. Weakness; in morning, and slumbering and late rising; in morning on waking, with palpitation; in morning in bed, with uneasiness of legs and stoppage of nose; in morning on rising after good sleep, with heaviness of body; in evening, with palpitation; after eating; on walking in open air, after eating, with stretching as before ague, on walking father cold sweat and in evening in bed heat, which prevents sleep till 2 A.M.; with sleepiness; with bruised feeling in all limbs. Sudden faintness towards evening, with slight pain. Heaviness of body. Aggravation of pain at night; during fever, especially during chill. Amelioration from frequent eructations and emissions of flatus.

Clinical Sometimes indicated in the marasmus of children who have diarrhoea, (<) in the daytime and after eating, with the peculiar sour odor to the sweat and stools. Cases requiring Hepar are, as a rule, extremely sensitive to external impressions, especially to the slightest cold; for example, it has removed the effects of malarial poisoning which have maltreated with calomel and quinine from the simple indications of profuse and easy sweat, which is offensive, and of such extreme sensitiveness to air that the patient wears an overcoat in hot weather. Hepar is generally indicated by extreme sensitiveness of inflamed parts, as if they were about to suppurate. The pains of Hepar are almost universally splinter-like in character, even the neuralgias and toothaches are of this sort. It is indicated in threatening suppurations, with great soreness and sharp pains as if about to suppurate. General aggravation from cold dry winds.


      Irrational talking. Ghostly image of one who was dead, in morning in bed when conscious, which frightened him, and it seemed as if he saw his neighbor’s house burning, which also frightened him. Fright on slumbering, even after eating; F. concerning sickness in the family, (<) walking alone in open air. Anxiety at 10 P.M. after lying down, with uneasiness in whole body land painful jerking up of lower limbs; A. in evening, belief that he would die and sadness even to suicide. Sadness and bitter crying; S. and apprehension; S. from stretching out on sofa. Hypochondriac. Remembers everything which has been unpleasant during her life. Everything of which she only thought was disagreeable. Violent about trifles, he could have killed some one. Irritable in morning after rising, he will not speak; I. about trifles; about his pains, and discouraged; I. and desirous to be alone; and obstinate; and impatient. Discontented with himself. Contrary, does not wish to see his own family. Desire for nothing.

Memory weak during peevishness. Mistakes when talking and writing. Sudden vanishing of thoughts when at work. Stupidity; with heaviness in forehead. Stupor, with contracted, irregular, scarcely perceptible pulse, sunken, pale face, cold skin and limbs, vomiting and diarrhoea. Unconsciousness in attacks when walking in open air.

Clinical Dementia, with complete stupidity, is silent and speechless. Melancholia, with paroxysms of violence, hasty speech, (“words roll out, tumbling over each other”), in patients who have taken much mercury. Hypochondriasis.


      Sticking; waking him at night, with confusion, as if skull would burst; after deep sleeping morning, (>) walking in open air; on stooping, with bursting sensation, eyes close on account of the pain; on rising from stooping and on every motion, (<) walking in open air. Hammering. Burrowing mornings, (>) tight binding, with nausea. Aching; in morning on waking; in morning; (>) rising; every morning on any shock; on shaking it, with vertigo; contractive, before menstruation; contractive, grumbling, even when walking, (<) open air, (>) in the room, with pressure against skull; tensive, confused. Swashing. Vibration internally during cough. Confusion; during cough, with throbbing in forehead and temples. Vertigo in morning after rising; in evening, with nausea; on rising; during dinner, after eructations, with blackness before eyes; when riding in a wagon, so that she could not stand alone on getting out; with heaviness of head; with faintness and rigidity or vanishing of vision, as if he sat in thought; everything turned in a circle with her on closing eyes for midday nap.

Forehead.- Jerking of muscles in afternoon when lying. Sticking. Tearing at night, with general heat, without thirst. Tensive pain above root of nose. Pain like a boil from midnight onward, with sticking on stooping and on coughing, also externally pain like a boil and sticking on touch mornings. The pressure of the hat i painful. Bruised pain in morning, (<) moving eyes, with similar pain in abdomen.

Pulsating sticking in l. temple at 10 A.M. Boring in r. T. extending upward into head. Painful throbbing in r. T. Pressure in T. during the day, with drawing. Pain in vertex, with heat; P. in evening, with palpitation. Sticking in r. parietal region on stooping, with vanishing of senses. Pain in one-half of brain as from a nail or plug. Boring in spot on side. Pressure in r. hemisphere of brain, at times worse. Sticking in occiput and temples as if a nail or plug were driven in (Thuja, Ignatia); pulselike S. in occiput and lower part of it. Pain externally in r. side of occiput, gradually extending to nape, throat and scapulae. Hair falls out.


      Headache following the abuse of mercury, of a neuralgic character, sometimes boring at the root of the nose, sometimes feeling as if a plug or nail were driven into the head (Thuja, Ignatia); sometimes a feeling as if the eyes would be pulled backward into the head; the headaches generally (>) rightly binding the head (Mercurius, Iodium). Falling of the hair after mercury. Extreme sensitiveness of the scalp, could scarcely comb the hair, with painful nodes on the scalp; the bones of the skull pain at night. Eczema of the heat, with great sensitiveness, tendency to ulceration, bleeding and offensive discharge.


      Inflammation and swelling, with redness of white. Blue under E. Sticking. Pain from daylight; in bright daylight if he moves them; P. at every step; (<) moving them, with redness; frequent; P. during the day, causing lachrymation; as if they would be drawn into head. Sore, agglutinated at right, hard mucus. Lachrymation from tickling cough. Pain in balls, with bruised pain on touch. Boring in upper well of orbit. Obliged to wink after writing. Redness of upper lid, with inflammation, swelling and pain more pressing than sticking; R. of lids, with pressure as if sleepy. Cannot open lids in morning on waking. Smarting in external canthus, and hard mucus. Cutting in external canthus. Flickering; and everything looks dark, then great weakness. Dim vision in evening by candle-light; D. when reading. Blindness on rising and standing up after sitting bent over.

Clinical A great variety of scrofulous inflammations of the eyes, particularly ulceration of cornea involving the inner layer and accompanied by collection of pus in the anterior chamber. The cases requiring Hepar are generally of a very sluggish, type, anaemic, sweat easily, (<) night, very sensitive to open air, m and perhaps have been salivated. Kerato-iritis, involving also the ciliary body. Chronic catarrh of the conjunctiva, with very profuse muco-purulent discharges. Ulceration of the margins of the lids and inflammation of the Meibomian glands. Subacute inflammation of the lachrymal sac, with very free secretion of pus in the inner angle of the eye. Inflammation and ulceration of the margins of the lids, with collection of much dry matter in the lashes. Erysipelatous inflammation of the substance of the lids threatening suppuration. Moist, offensive eczema of the lids. Herpes following the course of the supraorbital nerve, with severe pain as if the eyes would be drawn back into the head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.