Homeopathy Remedy Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum


      External, red, hot and itching. Wax increased. Purulent discharge. Sticking on blowing nose. Jerking pain through E. Pain in external, at night when lying on it. Itching in E. Cracking on blowing nose C., as from electric sparks. Whistling on blowing nose; in r. Roaring in l. Murmuring in l.; before E. in evening after lying down till sleep, with throbbing.

Clinical Inflammation of the outer and middle ear; ulceration and offensive, bloody discharge (Tellur.), generally with violent pain, perforation of the drum, especially following over-dosing with mercury.


      Redness and heat internally and externally, with swelling of it. Scabs in r. nostril. Pain in bones on touch. (Mercurius); ulcerative P. in nostrils; bruised P. in tip; sore P. on back on touch; drawing P. in morning; extending to eyes and becoming a biting. Crawling in l. half on blowing, as from a foreign body. Rush of blood. Contractive feeling. Burning lasting into the night. Stoppage after stool. Sneezing at night waking; S. after paroxysms of cough; S. caused by tickling; from itching in nose; frequent; Coryza, with much spitting of saliva; C., with inflamed swelling of nose, which pains like a boil, with cough; with scraping in throat; stopped; obliged to blow nose every moment, with too great appetite; mucus from posterior nares mixed with blood; blowing of offensive mucus, even without catarrh; dropping of yellow, glutinous water from one nostril. Bleeding; after singing; blowing of clotted blood; drop of blood exude every morning. Smell sensitive; lost.

Clinical Inflammation of the nostrils, with great soreness of the nose, which is swollen and red, with profuse greenish-yellow discharge. Ozaena, with soreness of the bone, s heat, ulceration, nose very sensitive (Pulsatilla, Kali-iod., Graphites). Chronic diseases of the nose resulting from abuse of mercury.


      Red cheeks; in morning; in evening, and burning. Yellow, with blue margins about eyes. Pale if she becomes heated on moving about. Swelling of l. cheek. erysipelatous S. of cheeks in morning. Pain in bones on touch. Lip, swelling of upper (Calcarea c.), with tension and with pain on touch; eruption in corner, with tension and with pain on touch; eruption in corner; with heat; crack in middle of lower (Pulsatilla); crack, with pimples in red of lower and burning pain; smarting painful pimple in red of upper; ulcer of corner; twitching of l. side of upper, with trembling; pain; tension in middle of upper.


      Teeth. Looseness (Mercurius); of all, with tenderness of gums (Mercurius); of hollow, with pain on biting on it. Sticking. Aching; in all after cold drinks or opening mouth (Mercurius); (<) eating; in hollow, with sensation as if too long; jerklike, extending into ear; drawing, in hollow in evening, as if too much blood pressed upon nerves; drawing, in evening, in a T. which begins to be loose, (<) warm room. (>) open air, (<) biting teeth together, which causes jerking in a tooth. Gum, ulcer; inflammation on inner side of front, with swelling; swelling of back, with pain as if a new tooth would come through, (<) touch and biting upon it; fleeing easily; jerking.

Tip of tongue sensitive; burning pain in tip, even waking at night. White aphthous pustules on inside of lips and cheeks and on tongue (Kali chl.), with pain, (<) tough and drink. Dryness, Much mucus. Salivation. Drivelling from r. side. offensive odor. Bitter taste; in back of throat, with natural taste of food; B., slimy in morning; to food. Taste metallic and sourish; T. as of bad eggs; doughy in morning; earthy in throat, with natural taste to food; lost.

Clinical Abscesses at roots of teeth which have been filled. Unhealthy gums, which ulcerate and bleed, with offensive odor.


      Sticking like flea-bites externally and behind ears. Pinching near r. side of thyroid cartilage. Hawking of mucus in evening after eating; what she hawks up is mixed with blood. Mucus causing hoarseness. Sticking as from a splinter on swallowing, extending towards ear on yawning (compare nitricum acidum); S. on turning head, extending to eat; every morning, with dryness; on deep breathing; during cough, with pain as if everything would come out of forehead; beneath larynx after supper. Fear of constriction; suffocative C. towards evening. Smarting, (<) swallowing solids, rawness and scraping. Rawness with pain swallowing saliva. Scraping; in morning, with roughness as from burnt lard; and constantly full of water. Feeling as of a plug of mucus or swelling at entrance in morning; feeling as of a plug in pharynx. Feeling as if he had to swallow over a swelling (Phyto.); with bruised pain in external muscles of throat. Difficult swallowing of food without pain in throat. Constant sensation as if water rose after sour things. Tickling, and moist, provoking cough.

Clinical Tonsillitis in the suppurative stage; it is indicated after Belladonna and Baryta; these three remedies may follow in succession; Belladonna in the very outset, Baryta, after the Belladonna-dryness and fever have subsided, then if suppuration threatens Hepar, the indications for which are the fetid odor of the salivation, sharp splinter-like pains on swallowing and great a sensitiveness to air, or even chilliness. Sometimes indicated in follicular inflammation of the pharynx, with splinter-like pains and the general symptoms of the drug.


      Unusual hunger in forenoon. Appetite for only sour pungent things A. for something at times and when he gets it he goes not like it. Appetite lost; with emptiness in abdomen. Disgust for everything, especially fat (Pulsatilla). Thirst greater than hunger; T. from morning till evening; T., but she is afraid to drink much because it distends the stomach. Desire for vinegar. Longing for wine. No thirst.

Eructations, with burning in chest; E. with burning in throat; e. after eating, of sourish fluid; frequent, without odor or taste; constant empty, during mental exertion, with distention of stomach and abdomen; tasting of food; hot, after eating. Waterbrash, with flow of saliva from mouth two days at the same hour. Hiccough; after eating. Nausea; in morning when sitting and standing, (>) lying; at night, with vomiting; (<) movement; with flow of saliva from mouth; frequent; like a foreboding of faintness, in morning. Vomiting every morning; V. of bile in morning after long violent retching; of mucus and bile, the slightest drink caused retching and vomiting; sour, in afternoon; of mucus mixed with clotted blood; spasmodic.

Flatulent distention, with cold hands. Gastric enteritis. Pain in pit every morning on waking; P. after eating a little; in pit on blowing nose; when walking, as if it hung loose; as if lead were in it; drawing, in epigastric region and back. Gnawing as from acids, rising into throat. Burning during cough. Heartburn; and eructations as from too fat meat. Tension across pit, he must loosen his clothes and cannot sit. Uneasiness in pit during digestion, with heaviness and acidity.

Clinical Dyspepsia following the abuse of mercury or even quinine, indicated by the longing for highly-seasoned food or for acids.


      Distended, tense (Graphites, Lycopodium, Carb-v., etc.); D. after stool; D., worse when walking than when sitting, with sensitiveness; D. and hard. Rumbling. Noisy movements. Emission of flatus; every morning, with colic, (<) sides; at night. Sticking; here and there many hours after meal-time, (<) every pulsation, with cutting and griping, as from flatulence. Cramp. Cutting; towards evening. Griping mornings, with soft stool; G. as after taking cold. Pain rising to pit of stomach, (>) emission of flatus; periodic P. during fever; drawing P.; bruised P. when walking. Constriction; before eating. Tension all day; frequent spasmodic pinching T. Empty feeling in intestines. Heat after eating.

Pressure beneath pit of stomach, with feeling as if everything in stomach were hard like a stone. Drawing pain in upper A. and across small of back. Flatulent distention of l. hypochondrium. Sticking in hepatic region when walking; in spleen when walking; beneath l. ribs; in r. hypochondrium in morning. Cramp in r. hypochondrium, with nausea, then ineffectual urging to stool. Pressure in r. H. as from a stone, with cramps in stomach. Painful rush of blood to H., with pain on every step. Congested feeling in H. on every step.

Fermentation above umbilicus, with eructations of hot air. Paroxysmal clawing in umbilical region, from sides of abdomen, towards middle and sometimes to pit of stomach, causing nausea, with anxious heat of cheeks. Twisting above U. Sore pain above U. Pressure, almost sticking, in l. side when riding in a wagon. Smarting in l. side. Suppuration of inguinal glands, buboes (Calc-c., Mercurius, Thuja, Acid nitricum). Pain in an I. gland, (<) on touch, with swollen sensation. Pain about hips. Fulness of lower abdomen after eating. Smarting in lower A.


TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.