Homeopathy Remedy Gratiola

Hard; after long urging; then twinging in anus; and some hours later daily, preceded by frequent urging; and scanty, with great exertion. Copious; in evening, with griping in abdomen. Scanty, with griping in abdomen. A small part passed unnoticed. Frequent; and watery; two in afternoon; two, bilious, yellowish-green; F., with burning and pressure and pressing out of great lumps, with sticking in anus, then after several attempts there pushes out a mass of pasty, dark brown, offensive faeces mixed with mucus, the last exertion evacuates only mucus like the white of an egg, then relief of irritation in anus and of pains in r. hypochondrium and abdomen. Omitted; and urine scanty. (Ascarides expelled.)

Clinical Diarrhoea, profuse, yellow, watery, gushing, (<) excessive drinking of water. The diarrhoea is generally painless, associated with cold feeling in abdomen (Colchicum), but sometimes with cramps.

Urinary Organs

      Urging. Micturition frequent in evening; F., of watery urine; rare and less than usual. Burning in urethra during micturition; after micturition. Urine increased (apparently secondary action); diminished; scanty and reddish, becomes turbid on standing; contains mucus, with cloudy sediment on standing; U. like muddy water on standing; deposits a slight cloud.

Sexual Organs

      Sticking from l. spermatic cord through abdomen to chest. Drawing pain in glans. Emission in morning after a lascivious dream, then long, painful erections. Menstruation eight days earlier and three days longer than usual.

Respiratory Organs

      Scraping in larynx at 7 P.M., with paroxysms of dry cough. Scraping cough, with soreness in trachea. Dry cough in morning on rising, (>) walking; D. cough about midnight, with oppression of chest and chilliness; waking towards midnight; in shocks in forenoon, with pressure in abdomen beneath l. short ribs.


      Sticking; in middle; in l. fourth rib; in r. upper costal region; in region of l. short ribs; posteriorly in l.; in l. female breast; beneath r. mamma; beneath l. female breast, then twinging in whole abdomen; in r. mamma at 2.30 P.M. on bending together, (>) becoming erect, it is a simple pain on inspiration; in l. on inspiration; in r. lung on every inspiration; in r. (<) inspiration; extending from l. side to stomach, after dinner; inward beneath r. false ribs; intermittent, between short ribs during dinner; intermittent in last l. false ribs in morning on rising, after stool and after dinner. Tearing in r. female breast, with sticking in r. costal region; T. beneath cartilages of l. false ribs, with pressure. Cramp, a sensation as if

contracted, (<) between scapulae and beneath sternum, (>) eructations after rubbing the back.

Pain beneath l. short ribs after dinner. Throbbing pain in region of l. short ribs. Pressure; in r.; on upper part, not affecting respiration, in l. during inspiration and on stooping. Oppression in evening on ascending a hill; O., (>) eructations; O., with increased beating of heart. Heaviness during inspiration. Rawness in r., provoking cough. Burning in l. upper part; B. above pit of stomach, then in head, with redness of face and hands, but moderate warmth of skin.

Heart and Pulse

      Pressure at H. as from an impediment to its beating; with pulse rapid, once intermittent. Violent and rapid beating of H. Palpitation on least exertion. Pulse small; after a palpitation, and intermittent. P. slow before breakfast. Fall in the beat of P., (<) head.

Neck and Back

      Drawing in r. side of neck, with tearing. Nape feels as if grasped. Pressure as from a finger upon r. side of neck. Heaviness and pressure forward from nape into head. Drawing downward between scapulae. Sticking from l. scapula across shoulder towards r. female breast, at 2.30 P.M.; in lower dorsal vertebra on l. side; in region of r. kidney. Burrowing in r. ischium in evening. Pain in coccyx after stool. Frequent pain in l. loin, (<) walking, (>) pressure. Bruised pain in loins.


      Suppurating pain in r. hand and l. foot. Heaviness of arms and legs on moving about. Relaxed and paralyzed feeling. Weakness of arms and legs all day; W. of hands and feet when walking.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking near r. axilla; though l. shoulder-joint. Rheumatic tearing in shoulders. Arm tearing, drawing pains, (<) l. elbow and wrist; drawing, with tearing in all joints; weakness of r. during dinner, with trembling of r. hand; paralyzed feeling in l. evening. Upper arm, sticking above bend of elbow; tearing in flexor muscles; T. above l. elbow; periodical t.; bruised and tired feeling in r. when moved; cramplike drawing in lower part of l. Elbow, sticking from bend of l., through arm to tip of elbow, afterwards only in bend; S. on upper surface of r. on bending; tearing in l.; T. in r. at 1 P.M.; t. from bend of r. towards index, as if in bone; tearing throbbing pain in l. Forearm, tearing on anterior surface of l. near elbow; in l. beneath elbow in afternoon. Wrist, tearing in l.; above and below r.; in l., with throbbing pain; tearing drawing in bones of r., extending to tips of fingers, at noon, lasting three hours, with itching in them. Hands, cramplike drawing in places. Sticking in first joint of l. thumb. Tearing in back of r. index in afternoon, with sticking; T. extending from two r. small fingers towards back of hand; T. between first and second phalanges of thumb in afternoon when writing, so that he could not hold the pen.

Lower Extremities

      Reeling. Thigh, sticking in bend of l.; above r. knee; in l. hip at 2.30 P.M.; tearing in r. femur below trochanter; T. from middle of l. to knee; pain extending from r. hip to hepatic region, as after long bending to the left; bruised pain after a short walk; B. pain, obliging him to sit; paralytic drawing extending to knees. Knee, sticking in inner surface of r. after dinner when walking; S. beneath r. patella on sitting down and on rising, (>) walking; tearing on inner margin of l. patella; painful tension in a spot in r.; drawing pain in l. when walking, (>) a long walk, with tearing. Legs, sticking in r. calf in afternoon; sticking tearing in middle of tibiae when sitting, (>) walking, when there is sticking n r. calf, (>) sitting; boring in tibiae towards evening; drawing like a pain from weariness at 7 P.M., extending to knees and into feet; laxity; weakness in forenoon, with heaviness; W. when walking in open air after dinner, with sticking in calves; l. leg and foot go to sleep when sitting, (>) motion, with drawing inward of toes. Malleoli and knees, tearing; boring in ankles B. in ankles and knees only when sitting. Feet weary; F. lighter than ever before.


      Pimples with yellow tips on r. chest, burning after scratching. Boil, with pus at tip, painful on pressure. Itchlike pustules beneath l. nates, which was unconsciously scratched off at night and then burned. Two itchlike tetters anteriorly above l. elbow, scratched sore at night.

Sticking like flea-bites from l. angle of jaw to neck; in places, in nape, ankles. Tearing on tip of nose at 3 P.M., (>) scratching. Tension on r. side of neck after dinner, with burning. Crawling on face, (<) lower jaw, provoking scratching, then pustules, then desquamation. Tickling, (>) scratching, posteriorly on ball of r. thumb; on first joint of r. middle finger; on r. brow, but returning. Biting on r. flank; in l. ankle, (>) moving; at 3 P.M., (>) scratching, on l. eyebrow and l. side of neck; itching B. on cheeks. Itching biting, (>) scratching above r. temple; above r. ear; on r. lower jaw; in r. inner malleolus; on r. zygoma, then appearing above l. brow.

Itching on inner surface of l. knee at 2.30 P.M.; I. between l. thumb and index. after scratching two small itching vesicles; of r. ear at 2.30 P.M., and after rubbing burning; on l. lower margin of eye, at 3 P.M., (>) rubbing; on l. scapula at 2.30 P.M., (>) rubbing. Itching, (>) scratching above r. brow; on l. side of nose; in r. palm; on r. tibia above ankle; on sacrum at 2 P.M.; on l. side of chin at 2.30 P.M.; of r. external ear at 6 P.M.; on r. temple, then appearing in l.; on l. clavicle near shoulder and in nape, returning and changing to burning, then to biting. Itching not (>) scratching, in r. axilla; on outer margin of l. foot. Itching on r. thigh like scraping, with burning after scratching. Biting itching in a spot on l. tibia, in middle of inner side; posteriorly above bend of knee at 2 P.M.


      Yawning, with weariness; Y. at 2.30 P.M., with indolence and sleepiness; frequent, during the day, with sleepiness, at night quiet, sound sleep; frequent at 1 P.M., without sleepiness. Sleepiness; at 2 P.M. when reading two hours after dinner; after dinner, not (>) open air; after midday meal, with weakness; overpowering, in evening, and feeling every morning and evening as if she had not slept enough, (>) if after rising she took a short nap. Falls asleep early. Stupefying sleep, he is confused on waking. Falls asleep late. Sleepless till towards 3 A.M.; S. if he remained up longer than usual. Frequent waking after midnight, after which only half sleep. Light sleep, during which she hears everything. Dreams joyous, lively; frightful, of serpents, etc.; of the death of his relatives; foolish, disconnected.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.