Homeopathy Remedy Gratiola

Gratiola homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Gratiola…

      A tincture is made of the entire fresh plant of Gratiola officinalis, L.

General Action

      In large doses it is a violent emetic, cathartic and diuretic, causing inflammation of the lower bowel and pelvic viscera (bladder and sexual organs), rush of blood to the head and faintness, etc.

Allies. Magnes-c., Sulphur, Colchicum, Iris., Sul-ac.


      Tetanic condition when lying in afternoon, with consciousness then deep sleep, with an emission, after waking general bruised feeling, (<) back and l. arm. Sticking in several parts, (<) lower limbs. Bruised feeling in morning in bed,(>) rising, but confused in head. Discomfort and ill humor (Sulphur). Pulsation through whole body, it seems seated lower than pit of stomach, (<) stool. Weakness; in morning on waking, with sleepiness; all the forenoon; all the forenoon, with ill humor; (<) open air; of body and mind. Aggravation after dinner and from 2.30 till 3 O’clock.


      Talkative and joyous. Lively and desirous to jump and dance. Excited and unable to sleep in evening. Anxiety, (>) open air, with general heat and weakness. Sad. Fretful; and desirous to be alone; irritated by every contradiction, angry outbreaks, misanthropic and solicitous about his own health. Earnest, reflective. Averse to everything at 1 P.M. no desire to talk or move. Disinclined to mental work. Irresolute, not persistent in work. Confused. Memory lost in afternoon, and self-absorbed. In deep thought at 2.30 P.M. and does not seem to hear what is said to her.


      Aching all day, with heat in face; A. in afternoon; at 2. P.M., with nausea;(<) afternoon by motion of body; (<) 2.30 P.M. on rising from a seat;(<) open air; throbbing ar one time (>), at another (<) and at another disappearing in open air. Sudden vibration internally at 10 A.M., when sitting, as if some one let go a stiff steel spring, so that hearing and sight vanished. Fulness on going into open air, with stoppage of nose; F. as if brain would be pressed outward. Heaviness on stooping and on rising again; H., with nausea and sleeplessness. Brain feels contracted and as if head would become smaller, (>) open air, with general discomfort. Confusion; painful, (>) breakfast, but frequently returning after dinner. Dullness in evening; between 7 and 8 P.M., only somewhat (>) lying. Very light and free.

Rush of blood and intoxicated feeling in whole brain; rush of blood, (<) motion, especially riding, increasing to unconsciousness, (>) sleep, with throbbing in forehead, amounting to vertigo, with blackness before eyes. Intoxicated feeling during and after eating; she seems I., (>) open air. Vertigo; after rising; on rising from a seat; (>) open air, returning in a warm room; he stands looking long at one spot without thinking of it; in attacks, (<) waking rapidly; as if turned to the right, (>)open air; as if he would fall forward in open air, with weakness; as if head moved back and forth when reading; as if objects wavered, (<) l. side; as if she would turn in a circle; as if the room went round and as if she would fall on closing eyes, (>) open air.

Forehead.- Sticking in morning and at 3.45 P.M., with beating; S., with warmth in it; S. in l. eminence; r. eminence; in sinciput at 2.30 P.M.; tearing. Tearing; in l.; in sinciput, with throbbing. Pain; above r. eye; in skin; in sinciput; r. side of sinciput; in sinciput, (>) towards noon; (<) r. side, with burning; drawing, in l. eminence. Beating in forepart at 3 P.M., with tearing farther back towards vertex. Screwed-together sensation in F., vertex and occiput. Tension as if drawn in folds. Feeling as if a hair hung down the middle.

Sticking in r., then l. temple. Tearing in temples in afternoon, night and morning, generally (<) cold and warmth, with boring, the temples becomes sensitive from the pain; T. in upper part of r. temple, a simple pain in this place on pressure; T. on r. muscle. Pain in temples; in l. bone on touch, as from a blow. Painful throbbing and drawing in vertex. Sticking in r. side of head and in occiput; in l. side of brain, (>) open air. Tearing in sides and in occiput at 2 P.M.; T in l. side above forehead, (>) rubbing; in r. side, extending to ear, with bruised pain; in l. side, then sticking in l. side of forehead. Headache in r. side; as if something heavy lay upon brain, till evening. Drawing in l. side on going into open air. Heaviness in l. half.

Sticking in l. occiput; then tearing in l. side of chin. Pain in occiput in morning on waking early, (>) rising and lying upon abdomen; P. on l. side as from something heavy; bruised P. in l. after sneezing. Burning sticking on scalp, (>) scratching; B. in a spot on r, side after dinner, then on l., (>) scratching. Itching biting on vertex. Itching biting, (>) scratching, on vertex; above forehead; on occiput, but frequently returning. Itching (>) scratching, on vertex; on r. side of occiput; above l. frontal region at 2 P.M.; burning, on vertex.


      Tearing, with mucus in lids, (<) inner canthi. Frequent pain all day. Pressure upon them in afternoon. Burning pain in l. Dryness and feeling as if sand were in them. Lachrymation when reading, with feeling of weakness in eyes. Pressure in balls. Twitching of l. brow. Drawing pain in l. brow. Lids closed on account of weakness; twitching of l. after dinner; agglutinated, with dry mucus, (<) canthi; itching; itching of r., (>) scratching. Canthi red, more in afternoon than in morning, and itching; sticking in afternoon than in morning, and itching; sticking in r. inner, (>) rubbing, with itching; pressure, with inflammation or conjunctiva; tension in outer at 2 P.M. when reading; tickling in l. inner after dinner, (>) scratching. Vision cloudy after breakfast, with feeling as if eyes were drawn together and smaller than usual; C. at 1.30 P.M.,. when reading, when writing. Vision short when reading. V. better for distant than for near objects, with heat in face. All objects seem white on opening eyes. V. suddenly vanishes when writing or looking at bright objects, (>) closing eyes, but constantly returning.


      Sticking in l. at 1 P.M., (>) walking. Tearing in l.; in front of l., near eye; in a spot near l., (>) pressure, with drawing upward and downward. Crawling internally.


      Tearings in upper part of l. side. Pressure in l. upper region. Stoppage; when vomiting. Itching in r. nostril, (>) rubbing. Itching biting in r. nostril. Irritation and tickling in l. side as if one would sneeze. Tendency to sneeze. Coryza in evening, (>) bed. Running of water from r. nostril. Sneezing during dinner; with sticking in hypochondriac region; with sticking in l. side.


      Red. Pale. Tearing in r. half; in l. side of chin. Tensive feeling like swelling. Tearing in r. lower jaw at 1 P.M. Swelling of upper lip every morning. Sticking in upper lip in morning, as if it would crack, with thirst.


      Teeth. Sticking from r. upper molars to head. Tearings in last l. lower molars, (>) pressure; frequent T. in r. upper anterior molars. Intermittent boring in first l. molars in afternoon, (<) at night (>) forenoon. Pain in all, (<) touch and on taking cold things; P. difficult to describe in hollow eye-teeth on eating and drinking cold things and on drawing cold air into mouth. Drawing in upper incisors. Coldness in l. upper molar; in r. upper incisors. Gum of a hollow tooth inflamed.

Tongue raw. T coated slimy, with natural taste to food and great appetite. Sticking in palate near l. side of uvula, with cutting and stiffness so that swallowing was painful. Burning in palate, with dry and raw sensation. Crawling in palate. Feeling in morning as if breath were offensive,(>) rising. Salivation. Taste bitter in forenoon; B. in mouth and throat, with nausea, which continues after vomiting. Taste pasty, as from meal, after morning soup.


      Sticking jerkings in forepart at 2 P.M. Jerklike drawing in forepart of neck. Mucus, which she cannot raise or swallow, provoking cough. Hawking of mucus, (<) morning. Sticking from afternoon till midnight; S. in pharynx at 5 P.M.; in l. side,(<) by swallowing; in l. side, when not swallowing it is rather a clawing. Aching as before inflammation; constrictive A. in forepart of neck; indescribable A., causing constant swallowing, which is difficult, as from constriction, but food and drinks are swallowed without difficulty, this sensation (>) eructations, especially if bitter fluid is evacuated. Pressure as from mucus which she could not hawk up nor swallow. Feeling of mucus, with rawness and inclination to hawk. Rancid feeling after dinner. Crawling in fauces. Rawness, with hacking cough; R., with hoarseness. Scraping in back; extending into pharynx; S. after dinner, with nausea; S in oesophagus during and after dinner,. with acidity.


      Hunger at 7 P.M., with dread of eating, (<) solid food; H. but want of appetite. Appetite diminished, breast tastes best; does not relish the dinner. Appetite lost. Aversion to food; to fat, she eats even beef without appetite; to the accustomed tobacco; with shuddering and nausea. Thirst at an unusual hour; in morning; in evening, the nausea (>) drinking water.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.