Homeopathy Remedy Gratiola

Eructations; empty, empty, after morning soup; tasting of juniper; sweat; bitter; bitter when walking in open air; tasting like bitter almonds, relieving the stomach; tasting of the food; of food while eating; of the meat; forcible, as of rancid fat, after morning soup, with feeling as if water would rise with it; nauseous fluid rises into throat; of water at 1.30 P.M.; waterbrash in frequent attacks, (<) fasting and cold water. Inclination to eructate; with pressure extending from stomach into throat, so that it takes away the breath; changing to nausea; ineffectual.

Hiccough during dinner, with eructations tasting of the drug heat in head; H, after dinner. Nausea; at noon; in afternoon, (>) eructations; at 1 P.m., with uprisings of water; at 3.30 P.M., (>) eructations tasting of the drug; after dinner; after dinner with inability to vomit; after dinner, (>) stool, with sleepiness; after dinner, rising from lower abdomen, into stomach and farther up, with salivation; during eructations,; (<) open air; (>) breakfast;(>) dinner;(>) eructations;(>) eructations, but returning; not (>) vomiting; with feeling as if water would rise; with accumulation of water in mouth; with coldness in stomach and feeling as if full of water (Colchicum, Sul-ac); with pressure on chest; obliging him to lie down, (>) open air; with spitting of saliva; sudden, in morning, (>) walking; frequent; intermittent, after dinner, with discomfort in stomach. Constant empty retching; empty R., with salivation, the nausea transiently(>) eating. Vomiting; bilious; twice, of yellow, bitter sour water, without exertion.

Rumbling in forenoon, with movings in abdomen; R. in epigastric region. Movings in S. and abdomen after dinner, with griping and feeling as before diarrhoea. Flatulence, (<) some hours after eating, with burrowing and with distention of epigastric region, eructations and retching, whereby bitter mucus is thrown up with exertion. Sticking in epigastric region; when walking, (<) inspiration; near l. side of pit after stool; tensive in epigastrium in evening, with, nausea sand eructations. Cramp in morning in bed after a late supper. Cuttings in epigastrium. Twinging in epigastric region. digging in epigastric region, with sudden nausea and shivering on scalp. Pain with nausea and general discomfort; P., with anxiety. Pressure in pit; (<) eating; as from a stone moving back and forth, (<) eating, with spasmodic drawings extending into chest, nausea and eructations; in epigastric region from food, with fulness; in stomach, extending into chest, with nausea, feeling as if he would eructate, the nausea (>) rancid eructations; Pain stomach, as from a foreign body. Contractive pain in epigastric region, which seems to come from abdomen. Sensitiveness to pressure, and in abdomen; in pit. Gnawing in pit as from hunger, (>) eating, but soon returning. Emptiness at 2 P.M., with loss of appetite. Full feeling; in epigastric region after every meal, (<) dinner, (>) if a little bread was eaten during the third hour after dinner. Heaviness an hour and a half after dinner; H. in pit. Tension, (<) inspiration. Discomfort after dinner, with fulness; D. in epigastric region. Burning; then coldness, pressure and nausea, (<) two pasty stools. Coldness.


      Distention; in morning; at 1 P.M.; after dinner, with heat in it; after dinner, obliging loosening of clothes and bending together; walking after midnight, then diarrhoea five times consisting of mucus, with tenesmus; (>) emission of offensive flatus (Sulphur); with hardness; flatulent, in places, then offensive flatus. Rumbling; after breakfast, with uneasiness, constant desire for stool and emission of only flatus; after dinner, with gurgling; in evening in bed; (<) eating, with uneasiness; with soft stool. Flatus moves about; with burning. Emission of flatus; at 2 P.M., then relief of abdomen; copious, in afternoon; offensive.

Cutting when sitting; intermittent C.; intermittent, so that she must bend up, with urging to stool; intermittent, extending around abdomen, (<) about umbilicus. Intermittent pinching at 4 P.M., (>) bending together, with nauseous pain in stomach. Griping; at 4 A.M., and at 9 two pasty stools, the G. (>) emission of flatus; in afternoon, with drawing and rumbling; evenings; after eating, (<) morning and evening; after eating, then ineffectual urging to stool; after stool, then two diarrhoea-like stools. Twinging, (>) emission of offensive flatus, with movings; T., with movings, then stool, which is first hard, then soft. Pain; at 9 A.M., after morning soup; on walking, after each stool,(>) sitting after dinner; then stool, at first soft, at last hard, with pressure; with nausea; driving heat into head; causing pallor and nausea, (>) pasty copious stool, sometimes with offensive flatus; as in diarrhoea after taking cold, (>) bending forward and by rest, with flatulence and burrowing. Feeling at 1 P.M. as of a purge, with moving about. Pressing inward after dinner, with nausea. Uneasiness; in afternoon; with desire for stool. Coldness.

Upper.- Frequent rumbling. Sticking in l.; in r. at 2.30 P.M. on sitting down; in r. after dinner, with cutting in abdomen; beneath r. false ribs at 2 P.M. and in evening; in hypochondria, (>) emission of flatus and stool, with fulness. Intermittent cutting; when eating. Twinging at 3.45 P.M., with ineffectual urging to stool; T. after dinner; intermittent T. and cutting at 2 P.M. so that she must bend up then sticking beneath l. short ribs. Digging. Burning in r.; l., (>) walking.

Sides.- Sticking in l. on sitting down and while sitting, (>) walking; deep in l. at 5 P.M., which then extends to l. chest and back again. Pain in l., with movements of flatus; P. from both sides towards umbilicus, after the nausea. Contraction from both sides towards middle, with pressure. Feeling as if something heavy fell down in l. Sudden burning in r. extending into r. epigastric region, with movings.

Umbilicus.- Distention above U. Sticking about U. in afternoon, after stool; about U. before the usual stool; near r. side; in middle of abdomen. Sticking drawing pains extending from both sides of U. into inguinal glands. Cutting in region; about U., then three watery stools, then smarting in rectum; intermittent; with tearing. Twinging from 2 to 4.30 P.M.; in middle of abdomen at 4 P.M.,(>) emission of flatus. Griping about U. after eating. Pain in region. Flatulent feeling in region, without desire to pass flatus. Crawling in region, with burrowing; C. in region, as of a worm.

Lower.- Sticking; in r.; l. groin. Cutting; at 1 P.M., with dragging downward in groins. Griping. Pinching. Twinging in sides, extending into chest, with concentration, then sticking above umbilicus and drawing inward of it. Sensation as before diarrhoea. Pain as from a blow on l. ilium, on pressure. Pressing inward, (>) walking and rubbing, but frequently returning; P. inward above pubis. Tension in region of l. ilium on bending trunk to that side; T. in l. abdominal ring when standing, (>) when sitting and by emission of flatus. Burning in r. groin at 2.30 P.M., then sticking beneath r. breath; B. above pubis, rather external, (>) pressure. Crawling.


      Soreness deep in it. Burning after stool; B. at end of R. during and after stool. Tenesmus, painful contraction after stool. Urging; in evening, with discharge of blood after stool; at night and in morning, then partly soft stool, with pressure; with rumbling; as before diarrhoea, then hard stool, with pressure, as before diarrhoea, but the stool is hard; constant; ineffectual.


      Haemorrhoids which existed sixteen years previously reappeared, with sticking biting. Spasmodic contraction of sphincter. Sticking. Prickling after usual stool. Smarting after diarrhoea. Throbbing pain. Burning at 5 P.M., after scratching it. Itching, with urging to stool and alternately hard and thin stool; I., (>) scratching, but returning.


      Watery faeces, yellow, frequent; diarrhoea of yellow-greenish water, then burning in anus (Iris-v.); forcible, of green, frothy water (Mag-c.), three times after dinner; watery faeces, frequent, with soreness in anus; bright yellow fluid faeces, twice, then chilliness (Cantharis); three stools of yellow water, then ineffectual urging. Semi-fluid, ochre-colored, after dinner, with emission of flatus; S. at first, then solid, with burning, in morning after rising; S., the last part more solid but scanty, and with pressure; three stools after dinner, the first part always semi-fluid, then solid, and passed with pressure. Diarrhoea; in morning; twice, with burning in anus. Thin, yellow; T. twice a day, next day constipation; T. and dark at 3 P.M., at 7 P.M. small, thin, dark, urgent; stool at first as usual, then copious thin stool, with pain in abdomen, then tenesmus, then pain in abdomen, then frequent liquid stools. Soft, then sore pain; S., dark, copious, also with flatulence. Pasty, with tension in abdomen; P. and offensive.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.