Homeopathy Remedy Epiphegus

Epiphegus homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Epiphegus…

A tincture is made of the fresh plant of Epiphegus Virginiana,

Languid feeling. Aggravation from walking in open air; on rising from supine position. Amelioration in morning; A. after sleep. Fears death from palpitation; F. injury to her health from the drug. When writing, could not make the desired letters. Found himself using wrong words in writing. Difficulty in thinking correctly or in selecting proper words or expressions. Sensation as if something were wrong in his head, (<) forepart (morning after headache).

Headache; (<) rising up in head; (<) working in open air. Head confused. Head full; in forepart. Pain in forepart of head; in middle of forehead; sudden, transient, in middle of forehead; in r. temple; l. temple at night in bed, (<) rising up; l. temple till bed-time; temples, (<) r., leaving dull heavy pain (<) r., piercing, in r. temple; flying, in temples; as from pressure of finger-ends in temporal fossae, from 3 P.M. till evening, (<) l. side; pressing inwards, in r. temple. Pain in occiput; pressing outward in occiput in morning on rising; increasing till 4 P.M., then declining till 6 P.M. when it disappeared, (<) open air, motion, rising or stooping, (>) warmth of the room, eating or sleeping, with nausea. Fulness in occiput, with dizziness in forehead. Scalp feels tight during headache.

Sharp pain over centre angle of r. eye. Smarting of eyes; of conjunctiva, with redness. Could not read because letters seemed blurred. Red face; cheeks, (<) l. Salivation; watery. Constant spitting of clear, watery saliva. Almost constant desire to expectorate. Saliva viscid. Taste viscid; and sticky; T. bitter (secondary). Nausea. Gnawing i n stomach, (<) motion, (>) eating and quiet. Acidity in stomach, with accumulation of flatus. Weight in stomach as from a cold substance. Loose stool, with griping. Stool difficult although soft. Palpitation which makes her weak. Pain in l. shoulder; l. knee. Trembling of knees and lower limbs; of lower limbs, with weakness of them. Restless sleep, with much dreaming. Temperature lowered.

Clinical Several cures of “sick headache” are reported with the general characteristic of being caused by unusual excitement or fatigue, for example, visiting or shopping; some cases associated with nausea and vomiting.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.