Homeopathy Remedy Graphites

Urinary Organs

      Urging, with dribbling after the usual discharge; U. in morning in bed, but only a few drops passed, with cutting in urethra; sudden U., with but little urine; anxious U. at night, with cutting in abdomen, frequently forcing her to rise, though but little was passed, with cutting. Obliged to urinate early in morning; at night. Micturition in a thin stream as if urethra were contracted. Frequent micturition; at night; and copious. Involuntary M. Raw pressure in root of urethra, with desire to urinate. Tickling in urethra when urinating. Burning in urethra when not urinating; in orifice after urinating. Urine clear, but after four or five hours covered with iridescent film. Acrid, sourish odor to urine. Dark brown U., with a stitch reddish

sediment. U. becomes turbid and deposits a white sediment (Berberis, Sepia); become turbid after two hours, with reddish sediment, biting in urethra during micturition.

Clinical Nocturnal enuresis associated with the eruption of Graphites Inflammation of the urethra (herpetic), with more or less soreness and with gluey, sticky discharge at the meatus.

Sexual Organs

      Tension when walking and on touch of clothing, with unpleasant sensation. Penis, eruption; P. covered with thick mucus; pinching; jerking pain; drawing pain; bubbling sensation during erections. Erections without lascivious thought; strong E.; strong E. after coition. Vesicles on prepuce. Prepuce swells to a large water-blister, without pain (see Nit- ac.). Swelling of scrotum (in coverings of testicles? Hydrocele?). Itching and moist eruption on scrotum (compare Natrum mur.); I. within scrotum. R. testicle seems swollen. Sticking pain in l. spermatic cord. Voluptuous irritability. Revival of desire. Lascivious thoughts, so that he feared he should be insane, with running about, and with heaviness in perineum and tensive pain in penis without erections. Desire gone; afterwards aroused so that even the touch of a woman caused sexual excitement and trembling in all limbs. Emissions nearly every night. Ejaculation does not follow coition in spite of every exertion.

Female.- Pressure towards; when standing. Papules on pudenda, with itching. Itching of pudenda before menstruation. Soreness of pudenda. Vesicle on labia, with itching biting. Painless pimple on internal labia. Frequent sticking in labia. Biting in vagina. Leucorrhoea; (<) morning on rising; profuse; profuse, of white mucus; profuse when walking and sitting, with weakness of back and sacrum; thin, with distended abdomen. Swelling of the l. indurated ovary, with stony hardness, with pain, partly on touch and partly on inspiration or hawking, when stitches shoot into it, with general sweat and sleeplessness. Menstruation delayed (Natrum mur., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur); with heaviness in abdomen and Dullness in head the first day; suppressed, with heaviness of arms and legs. M. too soon (Carbo-v.) (Secondary action); too soon, thin, of short duration, with pain in back, (>) motion.

Clinical It has been used for sexual debility, seminal emissions, constipation, etc. Herpes of the prepuce. Hydrocele. Moist eruptions on the scrotum. Disorders accompanying scanty or delayed menstruation or suppression of the menses, with great mental depression, weeping, vertigo, eruptions on the face and herpetic eruptions on other parts of the body. Menstruation very irregular, sometimes scanty and pale, at other times the flow is dark, associated with violent colic, at other times suppressed, with severe cutting and bearing down pains in uterine region and hips. Particularly adapted to menstrual irregularities in women who are inclined to get fat and who have herpetic eruptions. Suppression of the menses, with induration of the ovaries. Leucorrhoea instead of menstruation, the discharge coming in gushes, with great weakness, soreness of the pudenda, ulceration. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Profuse milky-white leucorrhoea in gushes. Diseases following laceration of the cervix, especially follicular and cystic diseases are sometimes cured by Graphites Subacute or chronic inflammation of vagina and neck of uterus. Tumors of the pelvis, with bearing down pains. So-called cauliflower excrescences, with severe lancinating pains, have been relieved and perhaps cured. Indurations and excrescences which bleed easily, on neck of uterus. Induration of l. ovary, very hard, with violent pain on touch or on breathing. Induration of both ovaries, which are very sore, (<) taking cold or getting feet wet, with tendency to cold, wet feet. Indurations form in the mammae and become cancerous. In nursing women the nipples are sore, cracked and bleeding.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in larynx, (<) evening in bed, causing hawking and short cough. Hoarseness every evening; H. during menstruation, with catarrh and catarrhal fever. Scraping in trachea. Cough, with catarrh and heat in head; C. which fatigues chest in morning and during the day, (>) night, before and during menstruation; which fatigues chest, with pain low down in chest; dry, during menstruation, with profuse sweat; dry hacking, wakes him at night and lasts next day; C. in evening on lying down, with much expectoration. Expectoration of blood, with sensitiveness of palate and tongue. Whistling in air-passages on breathing. Suffocative sensation, waking her at night; on waking in open air. Dyspnoea in evening on lying down and cough on deep inspiration; sudden D., with difficult short breath. Difficult breathing.

Clinical Chronic hoarseness in persons subject to herpetic eruptions, especially if the eruptions have been suppressed, the voice breaks on attempting to sing. Spasmodic asthma, with suffocative paroxysms, which awaken from sleep, (>) eating. Whooping cough.


      Mucus. Sticking in l.; in forepart of l. in evening; in sides on every motion; in r. on breathing, (>) pressure of hand; externally in r. near sternum, (<) lying on r. side; in middle on ascending steps, with oppression of breathing; in r. arresting breath. Tearing in r. Pinching; in evening obliging him to stretch; on walking long in open air. Pressure on l. side, increasing to pinching and almost intolerable twinging pain, only when sitting. Pain in nipples; in sternum between breasts; P. in chest on ascending; when sitting; in r. ribs on touch; in lower ribs near sternum on touch; in upper part on yawning, touch or riding horseback; across from l. to r. side. Raw pain like raw flesh. Catarrhal rawness of C. and trachea. Tickling low down, with loose cough and salt expectoration. Intolerance of anything tight. Oppression; morning on rising, (<) inspiration; l. side and heart in morning. Burning pressure beneath l. axilla. Burning in middle on inspiration, with tension and sensitiveness. Burning throbbing externally in l., (<) inspiration. (Emptiness and coldness in C. and about heart, with sadness.)


      Sticking. Pressure on breathing. Throbbing in evening when lying on l. side, (>) turning over, with anxiety. Palpitation; sudden, like an electric shock from heart to throat; which moves arm and hand and causes anxiety.


      Sticking in nape; tearing; S. in sides on moving head. Smarting cutting as from an ulcer at seventh cervical vertebra. Pain in nape; and shoulders on bending head forward, preventing raising arms to head; and in shoulders when lying upon them or turning (from swollen glands on side of neck, which are not sore). Rheumatic pain in nape. Tension in nape and r. side of neck on moving head. Stiffness of nape.


      Drawing. Scapulae, sticking in l., with pain; pressure between; bruised pain in scapulae; rheumatic pain in l; contractive pain between. Cutting dragging downward from kidneys before urinating. Sticking in small of B. Griping and twisting in small of B., as from tongs, then pain in arms and feet as if they would turn outward. Pain in small of B.; in morning on rising, (>) motion; near spine; as after long stooping; bruised, also (<) touch. Throbbing in small of B. Pain in coccyx when urinating. Drawing in coccyx in evening.


      Stretching, with weakness of them. Jerking in evening or inclination thereto; J. outward in evening, with consciousness; J. of hands and feet. Bruised sensation in all. Pain in joints as from weariness, on stooping and sitting down, so that she could not rise again from her seat. E. on which there was an ulcer began to pain on touch or slight motion, even at a distance from the ulcer. Intermittent drawing and tearing in E. on which an ulcer was healed, (<) open air. Uneasiness in one in evening. Weakness. Heaviness, with depressed mood. Stiffness; of shoulder and knee. Arms and legs fall asleep; when sitting, on walking crawling in them, in evening. Paralyzed sensation.

Clinical Inflammations at the roots of the nails, with tendency to exuberant granulations (Arnica). The finger-nails become rough and discolored. The toe-nails become extremely thick and hard.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.