Homeopathy Remedy Graphites

Cramp, obliging retching, as if food would not go down; C., with nausea. Sticking in morning on rising, with pressure; S. when not swallowing; on swallowing, with retching and dryness posteriorly in l. side of throat, on palate; sudden jerking S. low in r. side, only on moving neck, when talking, on stooping and then rising up, not swallowing. Pinching. Feeling as if sewed together, with scraping in it. Scraping; morning son waking, with dryness behind arch of palate, (>) detachment of adherent mucus; provoking dry cough. Rawness; on speaking; with scraping soreness. Pressure ion region of pit as if satiated or as if he had swallowed too large a morsel. Pain as from swelling of glands. Sensation of a lump on swallowing, with scraping in it; sensation of a lump on swallowing and (<) empty swallowing, constrictive retching from oesophagus up to larynx. Feeling as of a growth or adherent mucus, so that on attempting to swallow anything small it stuck in this place. Burning as if everything were sore, preventing speaking aloud. Sensation as before coryza.

Clinical Chronic sore throat, with a feeling of swollen gland or swollen tonsils. (Baryta carb.)


      Appetite increased; for meat at supper-time. Ravenous hunger, and after eating nausea and vertigo; R., with acidity in stomach. Little appetite for warm food. A. lost in evening. Sweat things are disgusting and nauseous. Aversion to animal food (Mur-ac., Petroleum, Sul.) when thinking of it, but it tastes tolerably when eating it, but bread tastes bitter; A. to salt food; to meat and fish. Thirst in morning; T. after eating. Desire for beer, without remarkable thirst, only desire for its internal cooling.

Many eructations, tasting of food (Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sul.); E. all day, with nausea and loss of appetite; at night of the soup taken at noon; ineffectual; of mucus in morning; sour, of food. Waterbrash; at night in bed. Hiccough in morning after rising and after dinner; in evening; after every meal; after a meal, with dull head or sleepiness.

Nausea; in morning during menstruation, with weakness and trembling, during the day; in morning after rising; morning after rising, with dizziness as from obscuration of eyes and pallor, he thinks he will fall when walking; at noon, with aversion to beef- broth; after midday meal; in afternoon, with running of water from mouth; at night, with faintness; from food; before supper, without inclination to vomit; before, during and after eating, with tolerably good appetite, then vomiting of water and salivation; with griping in stomach and constant spitting; as from abdomen, (<) morning and for several hours after eating, with contractive pain below umbilicus and much mucus in throat; faintlike in evening, preventing sleep; faintlike as if from l. hypochondrium. Vomiting in afternoon after a walk of two hours, with great nausea, chilliness and sudden weariness; V. of all food (Ferrum, Nux-v.); V. immediately of midday meal, without nausea, with sickly aching in pit of stomach; V., with griping all day.

Sticking, and in bowels; in pit, with throbbing. Constrictive pain. Cramp from oesophagus to umbilicus after eating. Griping in forenoon, (>) eating. Gnawing before dinner; G. after eating. Pain all day, (>) lying and warmth of bed, returning on rising; P. in pit all forenoon, (>) evacuations; with necessity to vomit; with oppression and anxiety; like ravenous hunger from morning till afternoon. Insipid and spoiled sensation, with good appetite. Heartburn; rancid; rancid, after a meal. Burning before eating, obliging him to eat; B. after eating, with heaviness of body and ill humor; B., then general heat, then sweat. Fermentation, then emission of flatus, then pressure, drawing and sticking alternating in body, then weakness of eyes. Coldness and emptiness.

Clinical Gastralgia, (>) eating (compare Petrol.), but the colic lower down in the abdomen comes on immediately after eating, (<) below umbilicus. Indigestion, with feeling of rancidity and heartburn. Complaints from fat food (compare Petrol, and Pul.). Gastralgia coming on some hours after eating, (>) warm milk, (<) cold drinks. Chronic gastric catarrh.


      Distention (Carb-v., Lycopodium, etc.); on eating; after eating; after eating, with sourish, astringent taste; (<) eating, with sensitiveness to pressure; with heaviness; with rush of blood to head, heaviness of head, vertigo and confusion; and in stomach, with loss of appetite and constipation; as from incarceration of flatus, intolerance of anything tight about hypochondria. Tympanites after stool, with uneasiness and griping. Tense; with diarrhoea. Rumbling; in morning; during noon meal; after drinking; with griping between umbilicus and l. hypochondrium. Croaking like frogs. Almost involuntary emission of flatus; frequent offensive flatus (Carb-v., Sul.).

Jerking. Cramplike pain at night, with absence of urine. Cutting in morning, with several stools: C. on walking in open air; C. and burning. Griping always before emission of flatus; G. (<) region of caecum; by jerks, with thirst without appetite. Burrowing. Dragging during menstruation, with labor-pains, pain in back, anxious pain in small of back, beginning with tickling, with eructations and then jerking sticking toothache. Colic in morning, then diarrhoea, then consistent stool; C. after eating; after emission of flatus; one day before and two days during menstruation, with heat in abdomen; (>) pressure. Flatulent colic when walking; derange excitement of genitals hindering coition. Drawing pain at night, with desire for stool, but without diarrhoea. Intolerance of anything tight after eating (Lycopodium, Carb-v.)

Upper.- Pain as if everything would be torn to pieces during menstruation. Sticking in r. hypochondrium in morning after rising; in l. H. on motion; in r., extending to back; in hypochondria, obliging him to lie down; in hepatic region. Acute pain in hepatic region after breakfast so that she must lie down. Pain in region of spleen. Tension in hypochondria as from a band, with oppression of chest; T. in hypochondria, extending deep into lower abdomen. Burning in l. H. when sitting, (>) motion. Beating beneath short ribs at night on waking.

Jerking in side. Gurgling in r. side, extending into limbs, as from softly falling drops. Sticking in l. Burning in a spot in l. Constrictive griping about umbilicus, with cutting, then natural stool.

Hypogastrium.- Sudden flatulence passing painfully towards ring; flatus (<) side, with rumbling. Fulness, (<) evening and night, with hardness and sensation of incarcerated flatus. Swollen glands in r. groin; S. of an inguinal gland, with sensitiveness; inflamed gland in r. groin. Sticking jerks in pelvic muscles about r. hip when sitting. Cramplike sticking. Sticking in groin. Pain in r., (<) every step and inspiration; burning P. in r. groin, as if intestines would protrude, which seemed to move, (<) stretching body, (>) stooping; sore P. in l. inguinal glands. L. inguinal glands feel swollen so that he cannot walk well, but they are not swollen nor painful to touch. Tension in groins when walking. Heaviness, with dragging. Nausea.

Clinical Induration of the liver. Relief of ascites. Chronic catarrh of the intestines and discharge of masses of mucus with the stool, with constipation, stool covered with mucus. Note the numerous abdominal symptoms, constipation, accumulation of large masses of faeces, which are covered with mucus; the anus is fissured, the cracks bleed and ulcerate.


      Prolapsus (with its haemorrhoids), without urging, as if anus were paralyzed. Discharge of blood, with sticking in it. Sticking; as if everything were indurated. Dragging in R, and anus, with burning; D. as with haemorrhoids. Urging, stool not hard, but difficult on account of inactivity of R. Tenesmus with each stool. Pressing without stool. Provocation to stool without need therefore.


      Burning haemorrhoids. Swelling all about; much S. of veins. A cord like a swollen veins extending from anus, towards nates, painless to touch. Single stitches; tearing S. extending into rectum. Cutting (rectum?) in morning in bed. Sore. Smarting sore pain on wiping (AEsc. h.). Itching (Sul.). Burning with the stool. Swollen feeling. Sore pain on r. side of perineum, where there are pale red, irregular pimples between the hairs, with acute pain on touch.


      Liquid, with mucus. Diarrhoea almost without pain, then prostration; frequent D., with burning in anus; sudden slimy, with feeling as if flatus would pass, preceded by sinking and coldness in abdomen. Soft, with blood; three S., at night, with colic; S. and sour, offensive. Pasty, dark. Hard, with urging and sticking in anus (N-ac.); H. and lumpy; H. and blackish. Lumpy, with threads of mucus, and after stool there is still mucus in anus. Dark, half-digested, of intolerable odor (Sulphur). Then, like a round worm. Sour-smelling, with burning in rectum. Much white mucus with stool; reddish mucus. Blood with stool; after menstruation, with smarting in rectum. Round worms with stool. Passage of thread-worms, with itching in anus. Increased faeces mixed with mucus. Frequent; the first hard and thick, the others soft.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.