Homeopathy Remedy Graphites

Vision.– Vanishes during menstruation, l. hand becomes dead, with crawling extending up arm and with crawling in lips. Photophobia. Blinded by the light; B. on looking at a white object, and lachrymation. Eyes affected by daylight, not by candle-light. Foggy. Short. Fiery zigzags around border of field in evening. All sorts of images on closing eyes at night.

Clinical Ulceration of the cornea. Pustules on the cornea and conjunctiva. In the numerous cases of pustules on the cornea and conjunctiva there is usually photophobia, a thin, rather acrid discharge from the eyes and nose, with soreness of the outer corners of the yes, which are usually cracked. Chronic ciliary blepharitis, edges of the lids swollen, inclined to crack and ulcerate; formation of dry scurf in the lashes, with burning dryness and itching. Tumors of the lids (compare Staph). The tumors calling for Graphites are more apt to situated directly in the margin of the lid.


      Moist and sore places behind both (see Petrol) M. on ears. SWelling of glands beneath ears, with tensive pain (Barytac.); S. of a gland beneath r; S. within l. Bloody discharge. Redness and heat. Ulceration of l. helix. Sticking; in l. in evening after eating. Tearing in r. Twinging pain in middle. Frequent ulcerative pain in l. Sensation of a hard body behind, on turning head to l. L., feels full of water. Tightness about l. itching in l. in evening. Sensation in r. on every step as if a valve were opening and closing. Pulsation, (<) stooping and after eating; P. in morning slower than pulse. Frequent sensation and report as it bubbles burst. Bubbling on stooping, with heaviness of head, on becoming erect or leaning back the B. returns as if something fell before ear nd again away from it. Flapping on every eructation as if air were forced through Eustachian tube.

Screaming tone in evening in bed, shooting through all limbs. Hissing all day. Ringing in l., then roaring. Humming. Roaring; at night (at the full moon), with stoppage in ears at times; and rushing; then crackling, then more acute hearing. Thundering rolling. Rushing noise during coition. Creaking; on moving jaws, but only in morning in bed; in evening on heating; in r. on moving head; in l. on swallowing. Hardness of hearing, (>) riding in a wagon.

Clinical Eczema of the outer ear, purulent discharge; deafness, consequent upon catarrh of the middle ear, with feeling as if a membrane covered the ear, or with a sensation of valves opening and shutting, and cracking on swallowing, especially with eruptions behind the ears, which crack and ooze. Deafness after scarlet fever, with thin offensive discharge from the ears and moist eczema on the face around the ear. Eczema behind the ears, the skin cracks and bleeds.


      Redness. Black comedones. Papules in l. nostril, itching, then burning. Soreness on blowing (Silicea, Aurum). Pain internally; ulcerative P. in r. nostril. Tension within. Stuffed and contracted sensation. Stoppage, yet discharge of clear water., Itching inside. Burning suddenly in a spot on l. side.

Catarrh; with headache and alternations of chill and heat; with tickling rawness, causing cough, with weakness and headache; stopped, with nausea, headache and necessity to lie down; stopped, with confusion of head, oppression of chest, heat of forehead and face, (<) about nose, and loss of smell. Fluent catarrh; with frequent sneezing; with nosebleed; with frequent sneezing, pain in submaxillary gland and sensitiveness of uncovered parts to open air; with headache, chill, internal dry heat thirst; and profuse, with oppression of chest, head confused and hot, little air in nose. Scurf in nose, with pain. Offensive, purulent discharge (Hepar, Puls). Offensive mucus. Profuse mucus, at one time thin, at another thick and yellowish. Tough white mucus in l. nostril, difficult to discharge. Blowing out of bloody mucus. blowing out of blood (Carbo-v., Carb. an.). Sneezing, with dry nose. Bleeding; in morning (Carbo-v); at 10 P.M., after rush of blood to head and heat of face; evenings, with palpitation, heat and pain in back; at night. Urinous odor and exhalations from nose and mouth. Smell acute, she cannot tolerate flowers. Smell in nose as in old catarrh; S. in morning as from burning soot; at night as from burning hair mingled with sulphur fumes.

Clinical Nasal catarrh, frequently with dryness of the nose, but great soreness, with formation of scabs, kind of ozaena, with bad odor, the nostrils externally are ulcerated, cracked in the corners and bleeding. Eczema about the nose and mouth, with cracks in the corners of the lips and wings of the nose.


      Pallor; with blue rings around eyes; sudden, after moderate excitement, as for example, reading. Yellow, and eyes weak, as if exhausted. Swelling of cheek; S. of glands beneath chin. Twitching of masseter muscles. Tearing in zygoma in evening in bed. Sensation of a cobweb (Bar-ac.) Pain alternatively in all bones. Pain in masseter muscles as if paralyzed, so that she cannot close jaws when eating. Incipient paralysis of l. side after swelling of it, and toothache, r., muscles of face suddenly distorted, mouth drawn to r. side, its motion and speech impaired, l. eye often closed involuntarily, while the r. could not be completely closed. Sticking tearing in l. lower jaw. Drawing pain in l. upper jaw.

Lips.– Eruption; eruption in corners (Lycopodium, Sepia, Sul.). Lips and nostrils sore and cracked, as from cold (Natrum mur., Pulsatilla). Crackling of lower (Nat-c.). Pimples on upper, itching, then burning; white P. on upper; hard, white P. on a red base, in corners of mouth, under lips, with itching. L. corner ulcerated; scaly, painless ulcer in each corner. Vesicles on upper, with cutting; V. on vermilion border of l. lower, which rub off on washing, but form anew. Twitching of upper. Sticking through upper in evening. Sore pain in l. corner. Burning in lower, with heaviness. Dryness.

Clinical Erysipelas of the face, with ulcers about the nose and mouth. Moist eczema of the face.


      Teeth. Erosion in cavities. Black, acrid blood from hollow. Sticking;l jerking; jerking in a hollow molar on walking in open air;l burning, in a l. upper molar after eating. Tearing in a root; T. in all, (<) warmth, renewed on lying down in bed, so that there was no rest till midnight. Aching all night; A. in all and in jaws at night, renewed during the day by chewing or biting; A. in r. molars on biting them tightly together; night, with heat in face, or in evening, with sore pain on palate and swelling of cheek;, touch. Drawing pain, in a hollow T.; in molars when walking in wind. Sore pain on eating, (<) after eating. Crawling pain, and on taking cold water, sticking. Pain in lower on chewing, as from looseness. Burning pain as from looseness, now in one, now in another,(<) night in bed, or in evening when sitting leaning backward, with salivation, the pain (<) chewing.

Gum.– Offensive odor, and from mouth. swelling; in evening; with dryness of mouth; painful, with swelling of cheek and general weakness; painful, over upper teeth, as if sore even when touched by cheek, with pain corresponding back teeth, as if cheek would swell. Bleeding easily on rubbing. Pain, with sore sensation on palate and running of water from mouth. Sore pain on inner side, as after eating hot things; S. pain on upper incisors on touch of tongue. Ulcerative pain. Rush of blood. Itching gnawing.

Tongue.– Burning blisters on lower side and tip (Natrum mur., N. ac., Lycopodium). Whitish, painful ulcer on under side. Painful pimples and blisters on back, (<) eating and on spitting, also at times bleeding. White. Sore pain on l. side on moving or extending it. Feeling rough, raw and scraped after eating, and papillae sensitive, as if rubbed against teeth.

Sticky mucus in morning; salt, burning mucus in morning on waking. Saliva runs from mouth in morning on stooping. Spitting much saliva. Running of S. from mouth, with swelling of upper lip and painful pimples upon it, with painful gum and sore palate. Green bitter S. coming from mouth mornings after drinking or after eating. M. and throat dry at night. Offensive smell; sourish.

Taste.– Bitter, with sour eructations (Pulsatilla, Sepia); B. in afternoon; B., with coated tongue; B. to food. As of bad eggs in morning after rising. Salt. Sour, (<) eating and drinking; S. after breakfast; S., with no desire to drink. Difficult to describe, causing shuddering.


      Glands in side down to shoulder are swollen and painful on bending neck to one side or lying upon it, as if tense of stiff (Baryta carb., Calc-c.); submaxillary glands swollen and painful on touch, and neck stiff; r. submaxillary, gland inflamed and swollen, afterwards indurated and desquamating. Pain in submaxillary glands. Swelling of tonsils, with pain on swallowing. Much mucus low down; much M., which he must expectorate by hawking. Hawking of mucus, with dryness of palate from talking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.