Homeopathy Remedy Glonoine


      Sound loud, strong and irregular. Sticking on stooping. Lancinations from regions to between shoulders. Shocks, with pricking in hands and arms. Sharp pains. Pain, then heat; P., with contracted sensation; P through to suprascapularis. Tension in cardiac region. Oppression, with heat in forehead. Anxiety in praecordial region; about H. evenings when lying, (<) lying on l. side, (>) lying on r. side. ceases after walking, with throbbing, a purring noise and intermittent pulse, necessity to lie with head high; A. after dinner when leaning back in chair. Heaviness and disagreeable feeling. Fulness, it seems as if it would rise to throat, and pulse decreased from 72 to 64. Heat. Weakness in praecordic. Action rapid; pulsations over whole body; with nausea; labored A., with oppression and frequent pulse. Palpitation; with heat in face and pulsations in tips of all fingers; with fulness in hypochondrium. Contractions of H. and diaphragm slow.

Clinical Angina pectoris, with fluttering of the heart, and violent bearing as if it would burst the chest open, with labored breathing, pains radiating in all directions, even into the arms, with loss of power in the arm.


      Rapid; on shaking head; on walking; during headache; after dinner and wine, and full; and hard; and full, throbbing; and intermittent; evening after lying down, and intermittent; and irregular, full; and full hard, then slow; and small, compressed; and soft, small; then slow, then suddenly slow, then quick. Full; and jerking and soft. Bounding. Irregular; and full. Intermittent. Double. Slow; suddenly; and full; weak; then rapid, then slow again. Soft. Small and weak. Scarcely perceptible; then rapid, then small.


      Cramp in nape, in l. side in region of sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae, on throwing head back. Pain in nape; at night; on moving head; rising to occiput and then spreading upward; in cords of neck; tensive, extending deep into sides of neck; indescribable sensation in nape, verging on pain. Constriction. Tightness. Congestion. Sensation as if something moved from nape to head. Throbbing; extending to nape. Fulness in nape; in sides. Muscles weary from headache. Stiffness in nape; in l. side, with pain.


      Acute pains afternoon and evenings, (<) region of lumbar vertebrae. Pain down spine; P. between shoulders; in sacrum in evening; in sacrum, with headache; in sacrum, (>) returning home, after supper, (<) going to bed, with nausea and thin stool.


      Twitching. Pricking pains in arms and legs and cramp in r. leg. Pain (>) walking. Bloated feeling. Uneasiness, impelling him to rise as often as he sat down. Weariness, (>) towards night; W., with trembling; with heaviness; with pains in arms and tingling in fingers; in middle of arms and thighs. Falling asleep of those on which he lay at night. The feeling passed off with a whirling sensation. The first sensations went upward, then downward into arms and thence into knees.

Upper Extremities

      Stitch from l. shoulder to cardiac (?) orifice, then pain in stomach and nausea, (>) after eructation. Pain in l. shoulder; across shoulders, soon extending to arms, (<) on back of r. hand at finger-end of third metacarpus. Drawing through shoulders. Arms drooping, could not be raised. Pain in bones of arms. Heaviness of A., with numbness; H. as if circulation were checked or as if going to sleep. Uneasiness of A. and hands. Weakness of A. and hands; l. arm, with numbness and with stiffness in middle joints of fingers. Pain in elbows, (<) r., in hollow between inner condyle of humerus and olecranon, where cubital nerve descends, l., then (<) r., similar pain in elbow but on exterior margin; P. in l. elbow with weakness. Contracted sensation in r. elbow. Feeling in r. wrist as if tied up, causing lame feeling along arm. Trembling of hands, (<) r.; r. (<) l., with coolness; and of wrists. Prickling pain in hands and arms. Pain on inside of r. third finger, drawing to the bone, from metacarpus to first joint. Pulsation in finger-tips, causing trembling of hands and electrified sensation on taking hold of anything; P. in l. finger tips.

Lower Extremities

      Twitching. Weariness after walking a few steps. Cracking in r. hip-joint when walking, then in r. knee; C. in r. hip and knee, then l. Thigh feels as if it would give way. Weakness of l. thigh and pain from buttocks to heel along ischiatic nerve, (<) calf; W of l., thigh and leg, with numbness, which began to lessen from above downward, remained longest in foot, on lower half and outer side of tibia, at ankles and in toes. L. thigh asleep. Crackling in r. knee when walking. Sharp pain in l. knee. Pain under patella, not in tendon, but on both sides; P. under l. patella; in l. knee, with weakness; below knee; in calf; deep in l. calf. Legs go to sleep when sitting. Burning itching pain externally on r.. heel, especially downward and inwardly.


      Dark blue. Rash on face after washing. Crawling on forehead; from head to tips of fingers, with sensations as from magneto- galvanic currents, then through whole body to soles. Itching on face; on back; on hands.


      Yawning; with inclination to deep inspiration; with inclination to stretch backward; frequent; Sleepiness; at 2 P.M.; with hot face and pallor. Heavy sleep; in afternoon, but restless and Unrefreshing. Sleep till 9 A.M. Difficult waking; and lids heavy. Early waking. Sleeplessness, waking with fear of apoplexy; S., with restlessness, thirst, heat and nausea. Restless sleep on account of pains. Dreams in morning; D. of people mowing grain and clover; D. of homesickness, moving him to tears, during the early sleep; wild, confused and unpleasant; of innumerable heads, with comical expression to the features, waking unrefreshed at 3 A.M., then after two hours sleep till morning.


      Cold sensation caused by congestion to head. Feeling as if a cold cloth were spread over brain. Feeling as if ice-water were poured over forehead near brows. Feeling as if there were cold sweat on forehead and temples, but there was not. Shuddering down back after stooping, then after continued walking flushes of heat. Cold limbs; feet.

Heat; in flushes; internal, with the headache. Weakly, warm sensation over whole body, (<) standing, (>) sitting, with flushes of heat to face and vertigo in forehead. In head and face; with headache; on top and in front, with fulness. In head, (<) walking, with pain in forehead and throbbing in temples; in head, with throbbing; in H. in flushes, with pulsation in head; rising towards H.; from above downward in H.; stinging burning in spots on head and (<) on neck, less on body, as from a caterpillar’s hairs. In forehead; over F., with sweat; feeling as if warm water were trickling down inside of F. Of face; during palpitation; in flushes, with vertigo in forehead; (<) about eyes; in malar bone and eye; r. cheek; itching, on l. cheek. From nape down back. Between shoulders. Warmth and fulness down arms, as if in cutaneous nerves and in sciatic nerve, with warm aching in loins. Sudden glow in hands.

Sweat after sleep; S. after headache; from anxiety during headache; (<) face and chest, ameliorating symptoms; on forehead; on forehead during headache; on face; hands; palms; running in streams from head and limbs clammy.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.