Homeopathy Remedy Glonoine

Forehead.-Sticking in r. from laughing. Piercing pain outward towards middle, more upward. Tearing near middle line, not very deep. Aching; in morning on waking; on looking long in one direction; on moving head, and in occiput; (<) shaking head also evenings, (>) night’s sleep; (>) when driving; in sinciput sides of sinciput; over eyes; over r. eye; in ” benevolence;” in “wonder,” (<) r. then l.; in l. “wit,” with sensitiveness to pressure, the pain (>) continued pressure; in “wit;” l., then r., r. side of F and l. side of occiput, (<) shaking head; over nose and in r. petrous bone; headache, beginning at root of nose; then in vertex, then n whole head; with sensation as if eyeballs were pressed out in sinciput, with necessity to remove his hat in open air because it was too heavy; headache from backward; extending to middle of brain; extending over vertex to occiput; extending to r. margo- superciliaris; over r. eye and over supraorbital ridges, across from r. to l.; and in eyes, causing winking; and in occiput, as after intoxication.

Throbbing pain; in afternoon and evening, and in temples; extending to vertex; beginning in glabella, spreading upward and backward, (<) first in front of r., then behind l., then (<) occiput, extending to nose and contracting eyelids; and at root of nose and in temples. Undulating pain in r., then l., over whole head compressing burning pain in F. and vertex, in a spot which might be covered with the hand, with heat, shooting and throbbing in temples, burning in malar-bone and eyes, soreness in head all day, gnawing in occiput and inability to think. Bruised sensation where the pain had been; B. sensation in l. organ of ” form,” then on both sides. Soreness, with bruised sensation. Pressure downward toward eyes; P. upward, so that he must support head; upward in F. and vertex in forenoon; as from a liquid upward from root of nose and through sinus longitudinalis, with constantly increasing force, with general sweat, redness of face and anxiety. Pain in middle as if water were trickling down inside. Dullness, (>) open air; D. in l. upper part; in l. and in sides, with heat in face. Drawing extending to eyes and root of nose.

Weariness like a weight over eyes, extending to temples. Heaviness; over eyes; over eyes, towards temples; between brows and across nose. Tension over eyes and nose, extending behind ears, then choky feeling about throat like strangulation; T. over sinus and across nose, with fulness about and in front of ears; with pressure at root of nose. Fulness; all day; in r.; over orbits; upper part, with throbbing; in sinciput; deep in sinciput, with throbbing. Throbbing; in sinciput; over eyes; in ” wonder;” sinciput all afternoon; (<) by every motion of head; (<) rising; under bone, extending to temple; beneath bone, extending across temples. Sensation on moving head as if something were loose. Brain seemed to move and in r. Sensation in F. and occiput as if something rose to vertex. Vertigo.

Temples.- Veins enlarged and face flushed. Sticking in r.; then l., causing vertigo, with sickness; from r. to l., with weakness and inability to stand or walk, without vertigo; intermittent tearing S., extending towards masseter muscles. Piercing pain externally on l.; P., (<) in l., after flushes of rising heat. Cutting, tending to move towards ears. Pain; through T.; in r.; in r., then in both and behind ears; r. on shaking head; on running up-stairs, with throbbing in them, nausea and vertigo; (<) walking, talking or reading; (>) open air, returned; (>) open air, returned at night in bed; and when passing on them haze before eyes; from r. to l.; extending from one to the other; to l. of T., extending inwardly to nose. Twitching pain. Throbbing pain; at each step, obliging pressure on temporal arteries; (<) moving head, (>) application of snow to temples. Pain moving in waves towards middle of brain, with a bursting upward and with a piercing pain on skull over l. temple. Pain undulating and raging through whole head, (<) at last in region of sagittal suture.

Pressure outward; (<) l. and towards eyes. Tightness Tension in r., with occasional prickling in r. eye; T. alternately in temples, occiput and ears; changing to occiput and ears, late falling asleep, waking frequently with the same pain, (>) next morning. Drawing in r. Oppression and in occiput. Throbbing; in arteries which felt like whipcords; in r.; (<) motion; (<) standing or walking in open air; moving from T. to T.; in r., with sharp pain, then in both and behind ears; could count the beats. Sensation as if something were running through them. Rushing sensation as of fulness.

Vertex.-Pain; at night on waking; in evening; after vertigo in occiput, (<) evening; in region of first fontanelle, also with fulness; in region of l. coronal suture; extending to nape; intermittent in intensity, with confusion of mind. Throbbing pain; in forenoon; in region of l. coronal suture; under V., with heat and redness of face, sinking beating in aorta behind umbilicus, beating in l. parietal region, all pains (<) shaking head, stooping, first motion after rising, on walking, standing and turning around. Confusing pain, with languor. Burning pain. Bruised sensation in brain in V. and region of first fontanelle, (<) moving head; in “firmness,” r., then pulsation there Soreness just under V., (<) stooping or stepping, (>) quiet and lying down. Pain in V. and temples as if pressed together; in V. and sides of head as if pressed together. Sudden pressure inward on V., with rush of blood; P upward as if there were not room enough. (<) motion, especially of head, (>) during rest and in open air, also across eyes. Throbbing; upward; with pain extending to nape; paroxysmal, and in temples and occiput. Fulness.

Parietals.- Twitching in r, side of head and in r. orbit at noon, then in l. side and ringing in l. ear. Pain in l., then r. side of head; l. half of head, (<) vertex; r. side in front and l. side behind; behind ear and up in forehead; behind ears on shaking head; in sides, extending to over eyes; intermittent, in l. P. region. Throbbing on each side near vertex and across in region of coronal suture, (<) motion and looking up. Fulness forward from P. protuberance, including the whole of the anterior parts, on attempting to read, increasing to pain.

Occiput.- Cataleptic state of occipito frontalis muscle during the day, with obtuseness of brain. Sticking. Gnawing. Pain; in forenoon, gradually extending forward and upward; from congestion; (>) night’s sleep; in lower protuberance, (<) r., turning head; r and towards ears; and in region of ears and in nape, as if in medulla oblongata, (<) moving head, with stiffness of neck, with fulness, heat and thumping; then in vertex; extending to vertex; extending to eyes and temples; headache from back to front and from below upward; extending towards vertex, (<) shaking head sideways and only a little on shaking it backward or forward; extending to nape. Twitching pain; in l. and in l. orbit Drawing pain towards O. Sore pain. Tensive pain extending upward and downward and towards both ears, with intermittent tension above r. eye. Oppression. Dullness. Beating in head from back to front as if it would crowd everything out at forehead, less frequent than pulse. Fulness; (<) outside; then pain extending to forehead; thumping, when sitting down, (<) shaking it. Congestion. it seems as if he must lose his reason. Vertigo; then pain in vertex. O. and neck more affected than any other part. Relief in open air, but tensive pain in O. returns at times.

Skull feels too small; and as if brain were attempting to burst skull, with violent action of heart and pulsation over whole body. Skull feels empty. Shedding of hair. Pain in wens as if pressed together by a ring. Numbness of scalp.

Clinical An extremely valuable remedy for most violent supraorbital congestions from a great variety of causes, in all of which there is a strong pulsation in the head with every beat of the heart, the head sometimes (<) pressure and cold applications, with thin lips, or sometimes purplish lips, swollen face; the pain is crushing and oppressing; the brain feels as if it surged in waves (Aconite). A most valuable remedy for the effects of sunstroke. With these terrible headaches of Glo. the patient loses all power of recalling the names of objects, become dizzy and loses his way. Attacks of violent hemicrania. Threatening apoplexy. Symptoms of cerebro-spinal meningitis; pains seem to rise from neck through occiput. Terrible headache and sensitiveness of the upper part of the spine, from being thrown from a carriage.


      Staring; and wild, protruding. Injected; l. during headache. Bluish pallor under eyes. Lifeless, much winking, looking strangely about, blue rings under eyes. Dim and tearful. Quivering, with inability to see straight. Prickling in r. Pain at 7 P.M. then drowsiness and heaviness of lids; P. behind l. eye and ear. Pressure across E.; P downward upon E.; p. deep in r. at 7 P.M., when walking home, Soreness when moved. Whirling sensation under r. and in bone, then above eye. Heat; with tension. Sensation as if water were running out. Lachrymation; with heat. Pupils enlarged. Burning in balls; l. with sticking. Pain in balls. Conjunctiva congested. Lids, lower swollen; lower dead, dirty looking, as if sunken, eyes unsteady; lids contracted early in evening, as by sleep; heaviness, in morning, with difficult waking. Heat in r. outer canthus. Orbit, sticking in r.; pressure in r.; twitching pain in l. Pain in supraorbital ridge as if sore.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.