Homeopathy Remedy Glonoine

Vision dim; suddenly; with tingling in nerves of whole body. Weak in afternoon, letters seem blended and small. Confused, dancing of objects. He thinks he sees, with every beat of pulse, the blood-globules passing in eyes. Visionary objects pass before eyes. Of sparks. Lightnings so that he cannot see. Black floating spots, (<) on attempting to stoop, (>) driving, with vertigo so that he could not stand. Blindness; on attempting to read when standing, with faintness and nausea.

Clinical Supraorbital neuralgia, pulsating. Retinal congestions the result of exposure to a bright light.


      Sticking in r.; alternately in r. and l.; S alternating with pressure in forehead. Piercing pain from region of r. towards r. eye. Throbbing pain piercing outward in r. Pain in r. as if swollen. Pain below l. mastoid process at 9 A.M. on pressure. Tensive pain behind r.; (<) pressure; in a spot in region of mastoid process. Stopped feeling in middle. Throbbing above E. Fulness; (<) r.; about E. Ringing and audible pulse. Rushing noise like escaping steam. Cracking in l. Buzzing. Humming. Deafness, with heaviness and stopped sensation; partial.


      Twitching in wings and pricking twitching in face. Twitching pain in r. side of root; darting T. pain in r. side of root and r. side of forehead. Pain in root. Stoppage at root. Fulness. Schneiderian membrane thick as in dry coryza. Sneezing, with running from nose; late in evening.


      Red; during headache; (<) upper part of cheeks, lower lids and ears, but not forehead. Blue, then red and swollen. Pale; after sweat; and agitated; with nausea and congestion to chest; alternately P. and red; or at times flushed at times livid Twitching in l. malar-bone; T pain in l. malar bone and temples. Pain in l. malar bone, extending over forehead to vertex. Bloated feeling and heat. Sensation as if chin were elongated to knees, chin had been injured twenty years previously. Masseter muscles contracted; tight as if lockjaw were coming on. Gnawing in masseter muscles. Pain in joint of jaw; P. in r. lower jaw, (<) about joint, with stiffness in both sides of lower jaw. Movement of jaw. Movement of jaw impeded by twitching of temporal and masseter muscles. Cyanosis of lips. with involuntary diarrhoea. Sensation as if lower lip were swollen and pendant, but it was not. Burning in lips and tip of tongue; in various places in lips; in lips and fauces, with smarting. Itching of lips and after rubbing swollen sensation. Numbness of lower lip, with swollen sensation.

Clinical Neuralgia of the face extending through the head, pulsating.


      Throbbing pain in all teeth (Sul.). Drawing pain in all r. teeth as after taking cold, alternating with same in ear and lower jaw. Pain in lower molars, (<) r., then l. Tongue white, enlarged, indented by incisors; coated white; red specks, papillae sore; stinging near centre and tip of T.; pricking, and in fauces; pricking, a chilling burning; pricking-biting; biting in a spot on l. side, with pricking and burning; pricking on l. side near tip; feeling swelled, raw, with twitchings; burnt feeling, and in mouth; numbness. Difficulty in conversing from diminished power of tongue and confusion of ideas.

Pimples on r. inner cheek. Soreness. Sensitiveness of hard palate. Swollen sensation in hard palate, with throbbing. Burning in hard palate. Dryness; at night, with thirst; of M. and throat at night, with choking and frequent inclination to swallow; and clamminess, and throat dry and painful during empty swallowing. Filled with thick offensive saliva in morning, during the day slimy saliva which had to be ejected as if was too disagreeable to swallow. Offensive breath. Taste fatty; and like cinnamon; T, oily; bitter; sharp and tenacious; aromatic; like pine wood; like pine roots; sweet, burning and acrid; sweet, sharp, aromatic.


      Fulness of jugular veins. Pulsation in arteries. Thick mucus. Sticking in l. tonsil. Sensation as if swelling, with fear, causing her to feel it constantly; swollen sensation in fauces. Choking sensation in soft palate. Dryness of soft palate, (<) towards back and downward. Heat; in pharynx. Fulness. Tingling, with increased saliva. Tickling; waking at 2 A.M., with pain as if a rough feather were drawn up his throat, causing cough, (>) drinking water, had the same once before. Itching, and in soft palate. Constant inclination to swallow. Swallowing difficult.


      Appetite lost. Thirst. Increased desire to smoke, and the smoking regulates the bowels. Eructations; before headache; empty; empty, with pressure at pit of stomach; heavy, long, but easy; of food. Nausea; from fulness and heat in head; (>) sweat oysters and stout; (>) open air; open air, with headache, congestion to head and chest, face pale; with pain in stomach and rumbling in abdomen; with pain at epigastrium; with sinking at epigastrium as from vertigo; with congestion of brain and lungs; with faintness and thirst for cold water; but inability to vomit; then headache, then repeated forcible vomiting of yellow mucus, then several thin stools (>) brandy in attacks till midnight, with congestion to chest and head. Retching. Vomiting of frothy saliva caused by coffee; repeated violent V.

Gastric catarrh. Cutting in S. and chest, (>) morning, with sickness, griping in abdomen and inclination to stool. Gnawing in pit and yawning. Pain in pit; P. (>) eructation. Soreness in pit on touch, (>) stooping. Faintness in pit; in epigastrium, with sensation of incarcerated flatus. Emptiness. Sinking in paroxysms. Uneasiness, with heat in throat; U. emanating from S. Heat in pit; in waves through bloodvessels to head, there changing to pain. Supper did not digest well.

Clinical Seasickness.


      Rumbling, with feeling as before diarrhoea; R. mornings, with diarrhoea. Flatulence all the evening. Emission of flatus; frequent, noisy during stool; offensive, giving relief. Pinching before and after stool, still falling asleep, with rumbling. Pain before stool; (<) motion, especially walking; walking early in morning, then at 6 A.M. copious liquid stool, similar stools at 10 P.M. Sensation as before diarrhoea. Burning. Peristaltic motion retarded. Shooting under r. ribs (region of gall-bladder), when standing, causing bending forward. Piercing pain in l. hypochondrium in morning. Pain in a spot in l. hypochondrium; half way between pit of stomach and side. Sensation as if blood rushed from l. hypochondrium through chest to head, also from r., with throbbing. Cutting under umbilicus. Pinching around U. Rumbling in transverse colon; in middle and lower A., and bursting of flatus; R. (<) lower A., during stool after 10 P.M., (<) in bed still worse when lying on l. side. lasted till sleep.

Rectum and Anus

      (Haemorrhoids.) Anus seems contracted during stool. The urging can easily be suppressed. Sudden urging, stool, normal, full, then relief of whole condition.


      Several thin. Diarrhoea in morning; at night after eating peaches in evening; with sharp burning; D., with rumbling and emission of flatus; D., with sudden cessation of menses; copious, blackish lumpy. Soft copious. Copious, loose, after lunch at 2 P.M., later when driving griping in rectum and urging, resisted till 6 P.M., then loose stool, not copious, it seemed as if more were to come, but that there were an obstruction high up in rectum, before the stool sickish and faint, the urging less when driving than in warm room, after dinner another loose scanty stool, then all symptoms relieved. Constipation, with haemorrhoids which itched and pained. Hard, at 10 P.M., an unusual time, with pinching in abdomen before and after it till sleep.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Urine copious, yellow, frothy; C., containing much albumen; U. high-colored, with burning in urethra during its passage. Sensation in genitals as after repeated coitus, without, weakness. Prickings in pudenda. Menses ceased immediately till next morning on brisk walking.

Clinical Suppressed menstruation. Puerperal convulsions Cerebral congestions during pregnancy.

Respiratory Organs

      Rattling of mucus in air passages. Prickling in epiglottis. Constriction at top of larynx; C. in larynx, obliging swallowing; spasmodic C. in larynx and upper part of trachea. Undefined sensation in larynx and below it and in articulation of jaw. Cough from tickling in throat. Stertor. Dyspnoea; and loud mucous rales over whole chest. Breathing rapid; and the pause after it longer. Breathing oppressive and slow. Deep heavy B. Breathing superficial; with occasional deeper inspirations. Inclination to sigh; with short breath and oppression of chest. Inclination to deep inspiration.


      Sticking below sternum. Piercing inward above and below r. nipple. Occasional sharp catching pain under l. ribs. “Incipient headache” in l. Tension and frequent inclination to deep respiration. Oppression; causing deep, heavy respiration. Constriction; and oppression, with palpitation, compelling deep breathing. Tightness about lower part. Uneasiness. Sensation as if misfortune were impending. Sudden throbbing in waves from l. breast to head, (<) motion of head and change of position. Fulness; rising to head, throbbing in head and sensation as if skull were too small. Heat rising to face and head; with throbbing in vertex.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.