Homeopathy Remedy Gelsemium

Sharp drawing pain through I. hypochondrium. Pain in I. hypochondrium; pulsative, at 3.30 P.M. Rumbling in umbilical region. Sticking around umbilicus. Pain in U. region in morning till rising: Pain in U. region in morning till rising; P. in two spots on r. side of U., extending into bowels, (<) pressure; P. below U. in evening, extending to testes (>) expulsion of flatus; R. inguinal gland swollen and tender to touch. Movement of flatus in hypogastrium at 11.30 P.M. Gnawing in region of transverse colon all afternoon. Pain in I. iliac region; P. in transverse colon; with yellow face; moving P. in hypogastrium (after chills, headache, feverish and prolonged sweat) waking him, then a large natural stool without relief, soon (>) bilious stool, nine hours afterwards an other bilious stool without pain.

Clinical Gastro-intestinal catarrh, with jaundiced hue, persistent nausea, dizziness and diarrhoea. Passive congestions of the liver, with vertigo, blurred vision. etc.

Rectum and Stool

      Piles returned with raw smarting. Urging to stool caused by exciting news, stool papescent, dark yellow. Stool bilious and soft, preceded by threatening of diarrhoea, the latter renewed at noon by exciting news and afterwards when walking. Loose at difficulty S., great strength in sphincter muscles. S. at first consistent, then papescent, bilious, homogenous, preceded by flatulence. A second, consistent. S. after upper. Tea-colored; and semi-solid. Insufficient. Slow (having been put off), leaving a sensation of more to be passed and abdominal repletion. Attempt to pass stool, but only wind passed.

Clinical Diarrhoea, both acute and chronic, resulting from depressing emotions, such as fright of grief; stools generally painless of even involuntary, without much thirst (compare with Argentum nit., which is also indicated in diarrhoea from emotional excitement0. Paralysis, more or less complete, of sphincter ani, and in some cases partial prolapsus of the rectum.

Urinary Organs

      Paralysis of bladder so that there was constant dribbling of urine, with muscular weakness, (<) r. side, in arm and leg. frequent micturition of clear limpid urine, relieving Dullness and heaviness of head (Ignatia) frequent M. Urine copious at night; C., clear and watery (Ignatia); C., watery, with chill, trembling and alleviation of heaviness of head, Dullness of mind and dimness of vision. Urine at times clear and limpid, urethra. Feeling as if something remained behind when urinating, stream intermittent (Nux-v.). Agreeable sensation in urethra during micturition.

Clinical Loss of power of the bladder, especially in old people, or following diphtheria. Fundus of bladder paralyzed and the bladder enormously distended. In incomplete paralysis of the bladder the flow is intermittent and the patient seems not to empty the bladder (Nux-v). Dysuria from stricture.

Sexual Organs

      Irritation in spots on mucous membrane of prepuce at night with surrounding congestion; I. of r. testes in afternoon and evening, then dragging pain extending into groins and hypogastrium, (>) discharge of flatus. Emission at night without erection. Sharp labor-like pains in uterine region, extending to back and hips (Cimicif.) Discharge of blood from vagina from 4 to 5 P.N., next day after 6 P.M.

Clinical Great weakness of the sexual organs, so that men have emissions without erections. It has been prescribed for inflammation of varies. Congestions of ovaries,. Congestion of uterus and inflammations of ovaries, heaviness in uterine region, with melancholia. Dysmenorrhoea, with sick headache, vertigo, faintness, pains shooting up back and into legs. Suppression of menses, congestion of the head, pain extending upward and downward from the uterine region. It is sometimes valuable during labor when the os is rigid, with cutting pain in back extending upward. Inefficient labor pains, which do not force downward, but shoot upward. Threatening puerperal convulsions with stupidity, twitching of muscles, albuminuria, sharp cutting pain from the neck of the uterus upward.

Respiratory Organs

      Glottis spasmodically closed. Paralysis of glottis and difficulty in swallowing. Burning from larynx into chest under sternum. Voice weak; v. thick as if tongue were too large. Paroxysmal hoarseness, with dryness of throat. Food drops into trachea when eating causing strangling. Cough from tickling and dry roughness of fauces; hacking C., with feeling as if a drop of liquid were in wind pipe and with frequent clearing of throat. Expectoration of thick yellow pus. Inability to expectorate.

Respiration-Choking, pushing his fingers into his throat as if to tear it open. Struggling for breath. Suffocative sensation, (>) throwing his head back; sudden S. sensation as in hysteria. Difficult, with oppression in praecordial region, then a series of short rapid inspirations, then three or four prolonged gasps. Stertorous and imperfect. Heavy; in morning; in afternoon. Moaning. Sighing; slow, at times sobbing. Slow; and catching; and superficial, with now and then a deep inhalation with rapid pulse; with offensive breath and slow pulse, then rapid breathing and quick, weak pulse; then spasmodic. Scarcely perceptible.

Clinical Paralytic aphonia, with dryness and burning in throat, during menstruation. It has been used for spasms of the glottis in children. Occasionally in laryngitis. Catarrhal affections of the air -passages, with relaxed, debilitated condition of the system. Dyspnoea, with distressing fulness in the chest, cold extremities threatening suffocation, desire for fresh air, etc. Threatening paralysis of the lungs, especially in old people.


      Sticking; in anterior lower I. side in afternoon; through I. lower side into scapula, with irregular action of heart and dyspnoea; in I. lower anterior side through to I. scapula, with irregular action of heart when sitting quietly; (paroxysmal, downward in upper part of r. lung on talking a long breath. Cramp in r. side at last short ribs. Pain as of a thrust with a sharp instrument under I. floating ribs at 2 P.M., when lying, changing immediately to I. temple, causing contraction of brow. Pain; behind fifth rib to I. of sternum at night, (>) eructation; periodical, in pectoral muscles extending from ensiform cartilage along free ends of r. short ribs to lumbar region, as if liver were ends of r. short ribs of lumbar region, as if liver were congested (<) a hand’s breadth from lower end of sternum; shuddering, in r. breast. Soreness when coughing. Constriction around lower.

Heaviness in afternoon. Burning in I. anterior side at 8 A., m., where she had lately had sticking, with ulcerative pain on touch and even on pressure of a loose dress, and with fulness; B. in chest at noon, going into pit of stomach and radiating over the parts covering the intestines like a tree, the stem of which is in pit of stomach, with fulness, sighing and anxiety; B. under lower part of sternum in afternoon, with heaviness of chest, drawing towards I. lower anterior side of chest, Where there had been sticking, which is now repeated ulcerative pain and tenderness to touch, chest (>) when the burning went to I. side. Weakness on speaking.


      Sticking. Shocking. in forenoon at every exertion, with throbbing of pulse through whole body, trembling, weakness and sweat; S. at noon, with heavy breathing. Feeling as if it would stop beating if she did not move about. Palpitation in afternoon. Irregular beating from noon till 5 P.M.; in afternoon with trembling of body. Sounds heard as if far distant.

Clinical Palpitation and oppression about the heart, the effects of grief. Heart’s action feeble, the pulse soft and weak, extremities cold.


      Rapid; and full; and bounding, then feeble and thready; and weak; and weak, small; and small all the afternoon rises during the reaction after the chill as far above the normal as it has been below it. Full. Hardish at noon, and intermittent, during the intermission two quicker double strokes of heat, changing in rhythm but not in time. Irregular in afternoon; I., feeble and sometimes intermittent. Fluttering. slow; but arterial tension increased, then impairment of heart’s action; when the person is quiet, but subject to great variation from exercise; and quiet, but subject to great variation from exercise and full or slow and soft; and weak; 58 at noon, weak, wiry, unequal, when the first stroke is stronger than the receding one th second one is scarcely perceptible or vanishes, irregular double action of heart, intermittent pulse, shaking of heart os that she feels it as far as neck. Weak. Scarcely perceptible; with chilliness, cold feet, heat and pain of head, etc. Pulseless at wrist and carotids.


      Aching in muscles of N. and shoulders with soreness. rheumatic pain in I. side on lying down. Contractive sensation in r. side at 5 P.M.


      Pain as in cold sage of ague. Rheumatic pain in bones and joints of B. and limbs at night. Weakness in B. and limbs, with sleepiness. Pain under I. scapula t 7 P.M.; P. in anterior part of I. trapezius on leaving a warm room. Trapezius muscles sore on motion. Aching in loins; in lower lumbar and sacral region; in sacro-iliac and lumbar regions and lower part of I. thigh at supper time on entering a warm room, (<) eating, with languor and thirst as at beginning of fever.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.