Homeopathy Remedy Gelsemium

Gelsemium homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Gelsemium…

      A tincture is made of the fresh root of Gelsemium sempervirens, Ait.

General Action

      It produces spinal convulsions and paralysis, lowering the the force and rate of the heart, and finally paralyzing respiration. The paralysis of the oculo-motor nerve is noticeable, with double vision, ptosis, squint and vertigo. Consciousness is preserved to the last stage of life.

Allies- Arg-nit., Cimicif., Nux-vom,., Ignatia, Conium, Gran.


      Lying on I. side. Trembling at noon. with general chill; T. in afternoon, with weakness; general, in afternoon, with tingling in legs; with profuse Micturition (Argentum nit); with anxiety. sudden acute darting pains along single nerve branches in almost every part, at one time in quick succession down outside and front of tibia, leaving tenderness in its track. Pain fugitive or fixed, here and there; P. of a shifting character all day; erratic rheumatic (Cimicifuga) drawing and aching, with seem to come from bones. Running in all nerves at noon, (<) fingers and jumping as from ant-bites in finger-ends nails blue half way to root. Unpleasant sensation at 10 A.M. when in a hospital;, with weakness, pallor, nausea and trembling of lower limbs, (>) open air. Feeling as after a fit of sickness;” ion forenoon; feeling of general illness, as in fever.

Restlessness, with chill after breakfast. feeling of lightness and sense of instability in whole body. Feeling of danger of stumbling or falling. Inclination to lie down. Weakness and trembling through whole lie down. Weakness and trembling through whole system (Argentum nitricum, Cimicif.( :W. in morning, with vertigo; in afternoon; mental and physical in afternoon; in afternoon when reclining for the purpose of study, after sleeping an hour was unwilling to move, (>) stirring around; when reclining before a heavy shower, with drowsiness; (<)elevators of lower jaw and lids and muscles of arms; with emaciation;; with muscular relaxation, convulsions, staggering, want of coordination through system; with diuresis and flaccidity and coldness of genitals; with irregular and slow breathing. Easy fatigue; (<) lower limbs. Sensations as if blood did not circulate. Relaxed muscles and motor paralysis. Paralysis; paralytic symptoms through muscular system, first in knee, then in inferior tibial head or application of any fluid to lips, the dread of which nearly equalled that in hydrophobia.

Clinical General prostration and loss of muscular power, fear of making any effort, desire to be alone. Paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eye, throat, larynx, chest sphincters, extremities, etc. Paralysis following diphtheria. Locomotor ataxia Paraplegia. In general, hysterical spasms, a kind of hystero-epilepsy. Puerperal convulsions. Convulsions from suppression of menses. Catarrhal affections of various nerves, with loss of control over the part, pain in the muscles of the back, hips and lower extremities; the pains are mostly deep- seated


      Uncontrollable mirth. Vivacity in morning after rising. Cheerful, careless, then depressed. Irritable, impatient. Anxious Melancholy; all day, and stupid; in afternoon, with headache. inability to think or fix the attention Listlessness an languor Dullness.; profuse micturition (Nux vomica) listless and incapable of reflection, was after ague, with headache all day and digging in r. ear all the afternoon. Mistiness of brain, not affecting lucidity of thought, but confusing the perception. Stupid, intoxicated feeling; S. and averse to study; S. and disinclined to conversation aroused with difficulty. Semi-comatose. Unconsciousness.

Clinical The patient has lost control of his mental faculties, his ideas flow on in a disconnected fashion the attempt to think connected, causes a painful feeling in the head, dizziness, heat of the face, cold feet, etc., on falling asleep the patient is apt to be delirious. On low types of fever the patient is generally stupid, desiring to be let alone; the mental faculties are either dull or there is great depression, with fear of death. This drug is frequently indicated in bodily ailments, especially diarrhoea, uterine symptoms, etc., resulting from emotional excitement, such as sudden bad news, fright, grief, etc. It has rarely been indicated in acute mania during the progress of melancholia, if so there is wild talking or singing.


      Dropped forward with chin resting on breast from paralysis of parts. He cannot hold it erect. Bruised sensation (Nux-vom.). Pain; after dinner, lasting till evening; after breakfast, (<) as the day advanced, in occiput, head (>) dinner, but (<) 4 P.M. and till evening, with nausea, head (>) shaking it; (>) sitting; in head and eyes, (<) moving eyes, generally in forehead, (<) just over eyes, some call it Dullness over eyes, others a heavy pain, others a giddy pain; tendency to P. during the day, (<) ascending stairs; band like, around head with shooting in jaws and parietal bones; stupefying (<) forehead and temples. Sensitiveness of brain, with sensation as if every stop or sudden movement of head would cause pain, but it did not.

Dullness at 11 A.M.; D., with stupor, dry mouth, coated tongue, bitter taste, full and strong pulse, intoxication, vertigo to falling. Tightness of brain. Fulness; with throbbing and uneasiness of occiput; and exited or feverish feeling. Heaviness, (>) profuse Micturition; H. in afternoon; or brain; with fulness,; with throbbing and uneasiness of occiput; and excited or feverish feeling. Heaviness, (>) profuse micturition; H. in afternoon; of brain; with fulness, increasing to pain, (>) copious micturition, then pleasant languor of system. discomfort. Lightness Intoxicated feeling, with painless diarrhoea. Vertigo; after breakfast; (<) sudden movement of head and waking, with light- headedness; (<) standing; with blurred vision. Symptoms (<) smoking.

Forehead-Stinging with pressing in eyes as if too large and with external coldness of F. shooting in sinuses, extending to eyes and jaws, with pricking from middle of eyes to canthi (<) r. eye, where the pain rolled about; S. in middle in afternoon, extending as far as half the brain; S. inward in middle at noon; S. inward in middle in afternoon. Pain in F. and vertex; after sleep both in forenoon and evening; with dim vision roaring in ears, sensation of enlargement of head confusion, almost amounting to delirium, the headache was heavy and alternated with sharp laborlike pain in uterine region extending to back and hips; in I. frontal region, waking at 2.30.A.M., extending to r. occipital region and occasionally over whole had. Pressure as if too narrow, with pressing upon eyes as if too large; P. in sinciput as if too narrow in morning on waking, (>) pressure of hand, necessity to close eyes., Bruised pain above and back of orbits. Fulness of sinciput. Weight over f. Drawing over eyes; r. Vertigo in bows. Contacted feeling on centre of scalp.

Pain in r. temple with vertigo. blurred vision and nausea; P. in T., at time sin occiput, at times all over head Pain on r. side of head; at breakfast; periodical P extending from., parietal protuberance of mastoid process. Pain inverts, extending to occiput, with general vertigo and headache; P. in V. in afternoon when writing, then in I. occiput, on both sides and in upper cervical region, again on vertex, then in I. side, then dragging pain, (<) occiput, in mastoid and upper cervical region, extending to shoulder, (>) sitting, resting head and shoulders on a high pillow. Drawing on r. side of vertex towards occiput.

Occiput-Pain; at 11 A.M.; during the day, (<) movement, especially stooping, (<) towards evening; at night, occasionally extending into os frontis (to vertex, (Cimicif);l in r side on rising, with tendency to throbbing, previously at breakfast cutting on I. side. with sensation as if the crown were lifted off in two pieces; heavy, at night. Numbness.

Clinical A large proportion of the conditions indicating Gel. have more or less vertigo, which is sometimes intense and associated with loss of sight and lack of muscular steadiness, so that the patient staggers when walking (Conium). Headache as from a band around head The pain is mostly seated in the posterior part of head, associated with muscular soreness of the neck, pain extending to the shoulders and spine, with dizziness. Blind headache, the head feels large, confused and dizzy. Headaches at the base of the brain extending through the head to the eyes, (<) heat. General nervous headache, with soreness and pain extending into face and teeth or to shoulders, with attacks of blindness and dizziness. in. In cerebro-spinal meningitis, with extreme tenderness of the occiputal region, intolerance of slightest motion, etc. Headaches generally (>) discharge of profuse watery urine (Ignatia, Nux-v.). Menstrual headache, with blurred vision, nausea and vomiting which relieved the headache. Headaches at the climacteric period., with drowsiness, vertigo, blurred vision, (>) profuse menstruation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.