Homeopathy Remedy Gelsemium


      Suffused. Bloodshot. Inflamed and weak, with lachrymation at intervals. Yellow. Distended. String; with inability to raise lids. Strabismus. Dullness in forenoon. Pains extending deep downward in I. Sore at night, s sensitive to light, and lachrymation; S. in evening as if a foreign body were irritating conjunctiva. burning, with weak vision and heaviness in forehead; B. in forenoon as if too dry. Dryness., heaviness and after night-watching. Pupils dilated; and insensible; and muscles of accommodation paralyzed and vision weak. Sclerotic congested Continual twitching of balls (Zinc) Sticking outward through I. ball. Aching in balls, (<) moving eyes, now and then shooting, sometimes (<) in one ball. Pain in orbits; with fulness.

Lids-Drooping (Con); (<) 1.; with pain on attempting to open eyes widely, (>) closing them. Closed; in spite of him on looking steadily at anything partially closed and motionless; half closed and apparent inability to move them. Swollen. A stitch traversing r. vertically. Difficult to open or to keep open. heaviness and congestion. Paralysis of upper lid and lower jaw, overflow of saliva from corners of mouth. Burning around r. inner canthus.

Vision-Smoky, with pain above eyes. Dim with vertigo; (>) by profuse watery micturition; for distant objects or glimmering. Confused; after the morning stool, (>) by holding finger vertically before nose, or by closing either eye, with heavy-looking eyes; after a dessertspoonful of red wine; (>)(<) evening;(>) evening. Blindness, with vertigo; almost B., and control over upper lid almost lost. Double; on raising head from stooping or on looking sideways; inclining head to either side; controlled by effort of will; the images sometimes above each other, sometimes on a level, in one case preceded by weight under upper lid, the constant from of diplopia occurs only in upper half of field of vision, first with objects at extreme r. or I., then nearer the middle, and at last only in a median vertical plane, then D. disappeared in the inverse order, the outer lateral image was higher and the farther the object was carried to the r or I. the greater the horizontal vertical distances between the images when a colored glass was placed before either eye the outer and higher image was seen by the covered eye, when the object was high above the head the images gradually coalesced and the object looked like a thread, with well-marked D., there is impaired movement of ball, affecting the rectus, (<) external, the ball oscillates when carried as far as the muscles are capable, the D. often change rapidly, thus while on one side the outer image is higher, if the object is carried to the other side the inner image is higher, or first the outer, then the inner is higher.

Clinical Serous inflammation within the eyeball. Iritis, with serous exudation descemetitis) choroiditis; detachment of the retina retinitis, with heavy vitreous or extravasations of blood; retinitis in Bright’s disease; in all these interocular inflammations there are generally dull aching pain in the eyeball and neuralgia about the eye. Paralysis of the muscles of the eye; of the upper lid and of the proper muscles of the eyeball. Asthenopia from muscular weakness. Double vision from paralysis of muscles of the eye.


      Sticking in external meatus near noon when siting. Often affected by the pain which ascends from back to occiput. Heaviness. Rush of blood. Humming. sudden and temporary loss of hearing.

Clinical Deafness, the result of catarrh of the middle ear and Eustachian tube several brilliant cures have been made by it. Deafness resulting from quining has been cured.


      Pain extending from bridge to eye. Tingling in nares. Lively action in region at 6 P.M., when sewing, as of a worm or fish. Watery discharge. Bloody mucus mucus in nose and upper part of trachea, it slips into the trachea with talking and keeps up a hacking cough. Sneezing at 9.30 P.M., with headache; S. at 11.30 P.M., then tingling and full sensation in nose.

Clinical Nasal catarrhs, with excoriating discharge sore throat, associated with physical weakness. Acute nasal catarrhs, especially in the summer, with inflammations of throat and pain extending in to the ear, and deafness. Disposition to take cold at the slightest change in the weather. Hay ever, with the peculiar head symptoms of the drug.


      Flushed and hot to touch. Congested then pale and deathlike. heavy, besotted appearance. Swollen and dark. yellow, Livid pallor. F. and lips blue and livid. Looked strange, staggered and fell. Countenance miserable, sunken, grayish-yellow, with dull dusky eyes, Contraction of muscles, (<) orbicularis oris, impeding respiration. Numbness. Lips livid; lips pale in forenoon; dry L. at 11.30 P.M. and heated. Jaw dropping.; wagging sideways, no control over it.; rigid; stiffness of muscles.

Clinical Neuralgia of the face, pains generally sharp, the face usually congested, of a dusky hue, associated with vertigo occiputal headache and dimness of vision.


      Foaming. Discharge of bloody brown mucus during the fits. Stinging in I. lower hollow back tooth at 6 P.M., through lower jaw to ear and zygoma, with burning. Pain in last r. molar, up towards temple. Tongue so thick that he could hardly speak. tongue coated; yellowish-white; yellow; whitish. Tongue red, inflamed in middle; dry T. and throat; burning, soon extending over mouth and throat, then through oesophagus into stomach and abdomen, then the same burning pain passed around in all intestines. simultaneously with descent of burning pain into oesophagus, burning in chest, then a stitch in I. lower anterior side of chest, extending into I. scapula, with weakness, fluttering and irregular beat of heart; constriction at base; numbness (Conium, Aconite); felt thick and he could not articulate; stiffness an thick, guttural voice; use lost and feeling like a foreign body clogging mouth. Speech muffled; S. difficult; unable to speak or move.

Dryness and of throat, as after salt bacon, with disposition to swallow frequently. Astringent sensation. Paralysis of muscles of M. and throat. Saliva yellowish, as from blood. Fetid breathe. Breath and taste foul the latter part of the day, with frequent need to rinse mouth or spit. Taste bitter; and slimy: T. mawkish; clammy t., feverish feeling.

Clinical Disorders of dentition in children, with fever, frightened feeling, apparent vertigo, or with drowsiness and confusion, sometimes dilated pupils dim vision, etc. Paralysis of the tongue, it feels numb and heavy (Acon)


      Pain in sterno-cleido-mastoideus, back of parotid. Hawking up of blood matter. Soreness about root of tongue and larynx when swallowing, with mucus in upper part of trachea, causing frequent clearing of throat. Dryness, with burning,; D. in fauces. Burning, with painful swallowing, the suffering (<) food and drink, especially warm; B. from mouth to stomach. Spasmodic sensations in gullet, with cramplike pains. Inability to swallow; from paralysis of muscles of T.; difficult swallowing

Clinical Various forms of sore throat, mostly catarrhal., rarely ulcerative, sometimes with difficulty in swallowing from the soreness, when the pain extending to the ears, or at other times the difficulty in swallowing may be due to paralysis of the pharyngeal muscles. A very valuable remedy for paralysis of the throat following diphtheria, a feeling as if there were a lump in the throat which could not be swallowed.


      Hunger; appetite alternately increased and lost; want of A. in afternoon; sudden satiety after a moderate meal. Thirst during sweat. Eructations; sour; of wind and bland fluid 11.30 P.M.; rising of tasteless semi-solid matter in oesophagus at night when sitting studying, with flatus and sensation of something lodged in oesophagus. Hiccough. Nausea; with headache. Retching. Vomiting.

Rumbling in epigastrium, (>) emission of flatus, with pain. Pain, with nausea an dim vision, then ineffectual retching, restlessness an general sweat; p. from pyloric end to axilla and under scapula and down r. arm to outer side of forearm, a hand’s breadth from, elbow (>) biscuit and coffee; cramplike P. in epigastrium, leaving constriction, then burning in stomach. Gastralgia in afternoon, with colic and intoxicated feeling. Cardialgia at 11 A.M. when driving; in evening when sitting, with eructations. heartburn at noon breakfast, necessity to loosen waistband, then colic to I. of navel, a s before stool. Sensation of something wanting in epigastric region. empty and weak feeling in s. and bowels.

Clinical As a rule the Gel cases have no thirst, and there is generally a sensation of emptiness and weakness in the stomach, or of oppression, a feeling of a heavy load. numerous cases of hiccough, some chronic case, s (<) evening.


      Emission of flatus above and below, with rumbling. Lancinations disturbing sleep, (>) discharge of flatus. Griping through a., after supper, (<) umbilical region. Sharp pains, with pappy, cream colored stools. Pain; in evening; at night, (<) towards morning. Burning towards 12 O’clock, the pain going around in intestines. Palpitation of muscles. Heaviness. Weak nauseated feeling. Tenderness of parietes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.